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Andy Ball (Lerxst)

"Rock You Like a Hurricane" (or possibly just build you)


39 4 May 2020, 12:14
playtime 222
Box art has an interesting feature - the armourers used to dope cloth patches over the gun holes to stop crap getting in between arming and getting to the fight - and these ones are covered.
4 May 2020, 12:35
Andy Ball
absolutely!, and I guess you either model them closed or opened depending on whether they've been out on a sortie or not?
4 May 2020, 12:37
My first Airfix kit was the 1:72 Hurricane.. I remember I used Humbrol 'duck egg blue' paint for the underside of the plane.
I always preferred the Hurricane above the Spit.
4 May 2020, 13:44
Andy Ball
@Dick: the big myth about 'our finest hour'...more Hurricanes took down the Luftwaffe than ever did a Spit. I'm guessing a few Free-Dutch flew 'em too!?
4 May 2020, 15:55
playtime 222
Spits on the fighters, Hurris on the bombers - lots more Hurris than Spits too - both good planes and did a job. As for the patches, I'm covering them up with tissue paper soaked in white glue on my 1/24.
4 May 2020, 22:53
Łukasz Gliński
So you have started it after all Andy😉
6 May 2020, 14:15
Andy Ball
not yet matey!!, waiting for the camo-masks....gonna start the MiG-17
6 May 2020, 14:27
Łukasz Gliński
A Fresco? I want to watch it! What camo? New Airifix?
6 May 2020, 15:52
Andy Ball
camo-masks for Hurricane.....not sure on Fresco scheme yet...Airfix Vietnam one too common...CCCP one maybe boring, but easier to try.
6 May 2020, 16:10
Łukasz Gliński
What would you say for the top one here?
MiG-17/Lim-5/6 in Polish ser...2 (ModelMaker D72047, 1:72)
Hi-Decal Line has it too 😉

6 May 2020, 16:27
Guy Rump
I've got this in my stash, following with interest 🙂
10 May 2020, 08:48
Andy Ball
Thanks Guy, I'm trying to get a posse together to build...I reckon I'll be a few months away from a start- but would you and @Łucasz fancy a GB?
10 May 2020, 21:08
Łukasz Gliński
We can schedule it once I complete my Hawk
10 May 2020, 21:10
Guy Rump
Sounds good to me Andy, let me know when you & Lukasz are both ready to start. 🙂
10 May 2020, 21:12
Thomas Kolb
Ah, I jump-started a bit with the Airfix Fresco, or we could have planned a GB.
11 May 2020, 06:19
Andy Ball's good to have leadership from your Fresco-construction!, will watch and try and learn something!!, but will give you the heads-up if/when we start our Hurricanes?????
11 May 2020, 11:00
Andy Ball
Well chaps...I am awaiting my Reskit engines for the Tu-128/MiG-17, so can't really finish those projects. I had a nibble at the Hurricane. Unusually, you begin with the main landing gear bays, (see 2 attached photos). Nice PE details and the plastic's good too....happy to stall and await our GB?...
6 June 2020, 15:34
Łukasz Gliński
Ha! So you coulnd't stand waiting, could you?😉 Looking forward to your review 👍
6 June 2020, 16:36
Thomas Kolb
Starting a new project is always fun! I always liked the Hurricane, so I am looking forward to your build report!
6 June 2020, 16:45
Andy Ball
Hey!, I'll wait, I've got the Blenheim to do too!, so let me know if you're ready say in July-August - which would be a fitting Battle of Britain timing?....
6 June 2020, 17:10
Daniel Klink
Count me in for this one ANdy 👍
6 June 2020, 17:17
Count me too.
6 June 2020, 18:01
Andy Ball
Welcome Daniel and Cuajete: I think I may have to progress now!....
6 June 2020, 21:40
Andy Ball
Gone as far as the upper-lower wings and wheel bays, (plus a start on the seat)....
9 June 2020, 12:58
Guy Rump
Hi Andy, if you don't mind, I'm in with the GB, will start tonight 🙂
9 June 2020, 16:22
Andy Ball
Of course you're most welcome Guy!! I wanted some of the Polish heavyweight modellers to join... but it seems they have MiGs and things to finish!????????
9 June 2020, 22:18
Łukasz Gliński
Yeah, they do 😄 And to have the Hurricane delivered 😄
10 June 2020, 08:11
Guy Rump
I've got quite a bit of catching up to do but very useful to see any issues etc you have had 🙂 Looking good 🙂
10 June 2020, 15:28
Andy Ball
you're only a few steps behind Guy, my wheel well was OK with a bit of manipulation, also the top/bottom wings required some clamps to persuade a good fit...I'll post some shots tonight.
11 June 2020, 16:51
Dave Flitton
Nice start! Watching you make another masterpiece
11 June 2020, 22:29
Guy Rump
Looking great Andy, very fiddly PE but also very detailed. 🙂 what colour did you use for the harnesses?
14 June 2020, 21:48
Andy Ball
@Dave: I don't think any of my pieces are anywhere near that level!... "practice" every time and hope to etch closer to something better than the last!, but thank-you anyways!
14 June 2020, 22:41
Andy Ball
@Guy: I believe it was Humbrol enamel 71, linen, diluted with W/spirit.
14 June 2020, 22:43
Andy Ball
I'm now in "heavy-shelling" mode....the cockpit is a mare to assemble together.....I think it's too ambitious in detail at this scale. I'm beginning to see the attraction of '48......
16 June 2020, 20:10
Andy Ball
just a smidge further on....upper sides masked and their added today.....await the results once I give another coat.
2 July 2020, 13:32
Guy Rump
Making great progress Andy, I've only just finished putting on the fiddly PE on the side panels...🙂
2 July 2020, 15:32
Andy Ball
@Guy, you've got through your personal bit of Hell then?!
2 July 2020, 18:44
Guy Rump
@ Andy No, not yet, I'll post the pics when I get ready to fit it all together.......
2 July 2020, 18:45
Andy Ball
@Guy: looking forward to them!
4 July 2020, 21:30
Carlos Martin
Following. I have just finished putting the PE in my Hurricane, I know your pain.
22 July 2020, 15:02
Andy Ball
Hi Carlos, I'll take a look at yours....once you're through the fuselage coming together it all falls nicely into shape. I've not posted many pics of late as I wanted others to catch up! 😉
22 July 2020, 21:51
Andy Ball
a few extra pics, pre-shading/post decals....
23 July 2020, 09:40
Łukasz Gliński
That's quick, I'll have to catch up once I'm back😉
Are you sure the top wing roundels shouldn't be the darker ones?
23 July 2020, 09:43
Daniel Klink
Looking very Good Andy👍
Great progress mate
23 July 2020, 09:46
Andy Ball
@Łukasz, no- checked them and decal 17 are the roundels- it may be the register's a little brighter than one would like. But the others provided for other options aren't right either- so there's no mix up on the labelling. See photo
23 July 2020, 11:55
Andy Ball
Cheers Daniel, I'm not quite as productive as you at the moment! I've got 5 that are nearly 'done'....soon...!
23 July 2020, 11:59
Łukasz Gliński
I see, none of them matches the fin flash 🙁
I might consider using the Techmod roundels which I planned to avoid, but I still have some time for thinking it over😉
23 July 2020, 12:03
Andy Ball
Yes, I'd agree- although maybe the light in the photos has played a little on their actual tone in real life. Techmod are usually pretty good- (do you mean use another sheet?, as it's theirs with this kit).
23 July 2020, 12:09
Łukasz Gliński
Yup, I had to buy another one as I want to build the UZ-V example, which is not provided by Arma.
Didn't spot the included sheet is Techmod's too, so anyway I'll have to cut the decals to reveal the panel lines😉
23 July 2020, 12:35
Thomas Kolb
That's a sweet looking Hurricane! Nice!
23 July 2020, 12:48
Carlos Martin
Excellent! I really like it.
23 July 2020, 14:03
Guy Rump
Great progress Andy, really impressed 🙂
23 July 2020, 15:22
Andy Ball
Thanks @Carlos Martin and @Guy Rump- I've done more on her today myself....PE and delicate plastics - I work in the morning before putting my contact lenses in (I'm very short sighted so close up work is so much easier). Just got to insert the landing lights and try to attached those PE handles to the canopy, followed by weathering and final matt varnish.....
25 July 2020, 21:14
Peter Mollenhauer
Excellent job on your Hurricane, Andy!
28 July 2020, 07:33
Andy Ball
@Peter: many thanks...I'm nearly there with it and can recommend this is the best, I reckon, in 72nd
28 July 2020, 12:48
Very nice, Andy... Arma kit is definitely better than Airfix?
28 July 2020, 20:21
Peter Mollenhauer
@Cuajete - Yes, I think so,too. I had a look into the box recently, very nice molded parts indeed!
28 July 2020, 20:25
Thx, Peter! 👍
28 July 2020, 20:27
Andy Ball
@Cuajete: in fairness I have never built the new A/fix, and I believe it's good...but Arma is so well thought through, (perhaps too ambitious as I've stated in the build). However their attention to scale detail is super...take the landing lights...really distinct and engineered in this scale. I'm a couple of hours off saying "done"...
28 July 2020, 21:42
Andy Ball
@Peter: build one!: you'll have the references of at least a couple of us on here to guide you along....
28 July 2020, 21:44
Alec K
Great build Andy 👍
29 July 2020, 09:50
Thanks, Andy! 👍
29 July 2020, 18:28
Daniel Klink
Very cool Built Andy..Great job Mate 👍
29 July 2020, 20:13
Andy Ball
We are saying...."ROCKED".....
31 July 2020, 19:37
Thomas Kolb
Andy, you are very productive! 🙂 Photo 39 looks definitely menacing - I wouldn't want to be sitting in a Ju-88 having those gun ports facing my direction!
31 July 2020, 20:38
Guy Rump
Great job Andy. Really like your weathering and chipping 🙂
31 July 2020, 20:48
Łukasz Gliński
Grand job, Rocky 👍
(The "Eye of the Tiger" playing in the background)😉
1 August 2020, 08:02
Andy Ball
@Thomas: yes, the 4 guns collected together in each wing were more efficient at dispatching Do-17/He-111 and others than the Spitfire's which of course were spread over the wing.
3 August 2020, 14:59
Andy Ball
@Guy: thanks, there's always more I could've done...and probably will should I ever display it to the public!....
3 August 2020, 15:03
Andy Ball
@Łukasz: that song is "Survivor's" pension plan!
3 August 2020, 15:05
Carlos Martin
That looks amazing! Congratulations.
3 August 2020, 18:06
playtime 222
Credited with being a more stable gun platform on top of the convergence issues which they both had. Agree worse on spit in theory
3 August 2020, 20:50
Daniel Klink
Completely Convincing Result Andy :
Bravo 👍
3 August 2020, 21:14
Andy Ball
@Carlos: yours is shaping up really well too!, thanks!
4 August 2020, 16:11
Andy Ball
@playtime 222 thanks for the technical check!
4 August 2020, 16:11
Andy Ball
@Daniel: if it's convinced you- I am all happy, Sir!
4 August 2020, 16:11
Oleg Smilyk
Excellent Hurry, Andy, like weathering and detailing!
4 August 2020, 16:37
Andy Ball
Thanks Oleg! Enjoying your builds too!
4 August 2020, 22:16
Nice work Andy!
14 October 2021, 13:36
Very nice job, Andy... Congrats!
14 October 2021, 18:21
Andy Ball
@Micky and @Cuajete: I'm honoured you took a's a lovely kit, if a little over-complicated in this scale, but I don't think you'll find a finer specimen in 72nd.
15 October 2021, 10:32
Andy Ball
Thank-you Gábor! 👍
7 March 2023, 22:59
Andy Ball
Thanks Shar, and others for appreciating the work!
13 March 2023, 09:13
Guy Rump
Remember this one from our group build and the days before likes. 👍
13 March 2023, 15:06
Andy Ball
Thanks Guy, it seems to have surfaced again! And yours too was a cracker!!
13 March 2023, 15:53
Mirko Römer
Best hook lines on scalemates! 🙂 Great model by the way.
13 March 2023, 20:54
Patryk S.
Great result Andy - as always by the way!
13 March 2023, 21:18
Andy Ball
@Mirko- gotta add some humour into this forum 😉 and thanks so much for your discerning eye...
@Patryk: you're always a great boost on days of flagging modelling commitment!
@Carlos: cheers my SM friend
Et aussi, Noël
14 March 2023, 17:45

Project info

43 bilder
1:72 Hurricane Mk I (Arma Hobby 70019)1:72 Hurricane camo scheme A (Eduard CX422)
Hawker Hurricane Mk.I
GB Royal Air Force (1918-now)
No. 501 (City of Gloucester) Sqn. V7234 / SD-A (Sgt. Antoni Glowacki)
Augusti 1940
BS381C:241 BS381C:350 BS381C:210

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