Hurricane Mk. I 1/48
10 11 September 2020, 08:38

Don't know what I've done to upset this kit but it's fighting me every way.
Not a lot seams to be fitting, hence a lot of filling sanding etc
3 October 2020, 21:56

It probably isn't you mate, I had no end of problems with it.
Your's is look good so far.
8 October 2020, 14:11

Cheers 'gorbygould' it's always nice to hear others have had similar issue, does restore a little faith in ones- self
8 October 2020, 15:18

Right it's me , must be as decals normally work great but having issue with the roundels, they go fine for 90% but some of the edges curl bunch leaving ridges once dry. Can't smooth out when wet as v v thin with the micro sol. Gues I know where chipping going to be, just hope the side roundels work better as can't chip canvas 🙂
12 October 2020, 21:47

Yep confirmed it's me messing the decals up. In the past I've got away flooding decals with micro sol but not this time as can be seen on wing. Use a little on the sides and decals worked fine. You live n learn
14 October 2020, 14:53

G'day SB, That's an outstanding build and diorama. If it fought you; then it's plain to see you fought back just as hard. A tremendous outcome. I've just received the 'latest' Airfix Hurricane Mk 1. I hope it's not from a tooling that's been churning them out since the 80s... Cheers, to your hard work! raafbloke
20 October 2020, 06:13

Excellent job. It looks like you won in the end. It certainly turned out better than mine.
20 October 2020, 06:47

Thanks @Bill Halliwell, @gorbygould appreciate your comments and @gorbygould you flatter me as your version and dio are great
20 October 2020, 09:48