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Ali Yulianto (JollyRogers)

1/48 F-22A Raptor

Album image #1
Album image #2
Start working on the cockpit.
Comparing Legend's resin with the kit's, better detail for the bang seat and cockpit rear. 

Album image #3
Cockpit painted and gloss coated in preparation for the decal. 

Album image #4
And some minor surgeries to remove the kit's front cockpit coaming. 

Album image #5
Cockpit installed 

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Opted for a powered up display to add more color and interest. Otherwise this all black modern glass cockpit will look too bland.  

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Started on the main weapons bay.. 

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.. and the side bays. The pinkish parts are Hasegawa's F-22 Idolmaster parts "redirected" to this build 🙂  

Album image #11
Not quite like the real thing but you got the idea.. 

Album image #12
Side weapons bays, painted, decaled and weathered.  

Album image #13
Weapons bays and main wheel wells glued to the lower fuselage. 

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Exhaust painted XF-2 white and weathered with Alclad Jet Exhaust. 

Album image #16
Intakes assembled, painted white and masked for the grey area.  

Album image #17
Fuselage halves glued. There are some gaps on the trailing edge of the wings and around the front area of the fuselage and nose that need to be smoothed out.  

Album image #18
As expected, one trouble area of this kit. I'm going to need a filler on the joint between the intakes and the fuselage.  

Album image #19
Intake gaps filled with milliput and Tamiya white putty and then smoothed out to blend in with the fuselage.  

Album image #20
Comparison of the nose with Hasegawa Raptor (the pink one of course...). Academy's nose is too short and blunt compared with Hasegawa. I read that Academy has now fixed this issue but can't really confirm. My kit is one of the earlier batch when they first released this kit.
Note also the fuselage's surface. Hasegawa's surface texture is too pronounced with panels that probably 1 inch deep in real scale. Academy is better in this regard, albeit with less details and some inconsistent panel lines. 

Album image #21
Comparison with the real one. Academy's nose is too short and blunt compared with the real thing. Hasegawa shape is better overall, although again, the raised surface is too prominent with some details that actually non-existent in the real Raptor, such as the diamond shape on the front top-left panel (or maybe it's there, but Hase magnified this 10 times on their kit..).
But looks like both kits are missing the panel where the pitot attached to in the real jet. Hase's cockpit coaming also got a different fairing shape.  

Album image #22
Another issue of the Academy kit is the short tail fin. Here it is compared with Hasegawa's, which is probably about 20cm taller in real scale. the detail is also better in Hasegawa. The trailing edge of the Academy's fin is also too thick and overscale.  

Album image #23
However, when the tail fin is attached to the fuselage, the difference is not that obvious. I didn't bother doing an exact measurement, but looks like the tail area of Academy's fuselage is thicker than Hasegawa. So perhaps Academy compensate this thicker tail area by shortening the tail fin to ends up with the correct height. 

Album image #24
Painted the trailing edges with a mix of 60% Gunze C314 (FS35622) and 40% C317 (FS36231). The missing panel line is circled red. There are some other inconsistent panel lines of this kit that need to be re-scribed. 

Album image #25
Alclad gloss black primer 

Album image #26
There are several ways to paint a Raptor, but for my Raptor sheen I use a 50:50 mix of SMS US Medium Grey (FS36375) and Mr Color SM204 Super Stainless 2. 

Album image #27
And Mr Color 305 (FS36118), 307 (FS36320) and SM203 (Super Iron 2) with 50:25:25 ratio for the dark grey. 

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Album image #33
Being a Cartograf decal, this is a bit disappointing.. I used Mr. Mark Softer for the right one which probably a bit too strong for the decal. The left one is just with Mr. Mark Setter, but the silvering is worse. Next time I will cut and trim the letters, regardless of Cartograf or not..  

Album image #34
The moment when your model can stand on it's own feet ❤️️ 

Album image #35
It's quite a sizeable model. Almost 40cm in length in quarter scale. 

Album image #36
When the missile has more decals than the fighter 

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46 9 January 2021, 11:56
9 January 2021, 12:06
Konrad -
Cool have this one too! Looking forward to yours!
9 January 2021, 12:07
Maciej Bellos
9 January 2021, 12:11
Ali Yulianto
Thanks guys. Hi Konrad, hope this can help your build 🙂
10 January 2021, 05:41
Sergej I
Checking in 🙂
10 January 2021, 14:48
Sergej I
Nice cockpit
13 January 2021, 12:37
Slavo Hazucha
Checking in!
13 January 2021, 14:57
Ali Yulianto
Thanks Slavo for checking in. Looking forward for your comments and input on the build
Thanks Sergej, hopefully no slip ups when it's finally installed 🙂
13 January 2021, 23:08
Nathan Dempsey
14 January 2021, 00:32
great start with that cockpit 👍
14 January 2021, 19:50
Slavo Hazucha
Oh, rest assured I am following with interest - I got the Hasegawa 48-scale Raptor in reserve, originally wanted to build it together with the ´23, but I´ll keep it for later.

Decided on presentation yet - on the ground/in flight?
14 January 2021, 22:17
Michael Phillips
Count me in too! I built the Hasegawa Raptor last year, so if you want any ideas for how to tackle Raptor specific features I will be glad to share!

Looking good so far!
15 January 2021, 00:28
Ali Yulianto
Thanks Daniel and welcome Michael! Much appreciated, I'll have a look at your Raptor and see if I can 'steal' something from your fantastic built😉

Hi Slavo, this will be on the ground with all weapon bays open. I have the Hase Raptor as well, but it's the Idolmaster version. I use this one as a test build for the Hase one.
16 January 2021, 08:58
Jos Jansen
Checking in..!
16 January 2021, 09:19
Ali Yulianto
Welcome Jos! Just finished the weapons bays and glued them along with the main wheel wells to the lower fuselage. Painted the exhaust with XF-2 and some Alclad Jet Exhaust. Now on to the tricky area of the kit, the intakes.
23 January 2021, 10:50
Palo M
Any free seats left? Taking a spot with a good view.
23 January 2021, 11:57
Robin (WhiteGlint)
Kinda missed out on your updates. Cockpit and weapons bay look great 👍
25 January 2021, 19:13
Maciej Bellos
Good looking cockpit and a cool weapons bay!
25 January 2021, 21:03
Nice work on the weapons bays 👍
25 January 2021, 22:26
Ali Yulianto
Welcome Palo! I'll save a front row seat for you 🙂

Thanks @WhiteGlint, @Maciej and @Tobi! Appreciate the kind word 👍

The fuselage halves are glued now. This kit put quite a bit of fight, especially around the intakes area and with a slight warp on the lower fuselage. But nothing that some clamps and Revell Contacta can't fix. Next is working on the gaps on the intakes and the wing edges.
26 January 2021, 10:55
Count me in in the crowd. Have the Hasegawa one but I am still interested in how you tackle the Academy kit. Nice progress yo far! 👍
6 February 2021, 19:37
Eric Thornton
And.... following
6 February 2021, 20:49
Ali Yulianto
Thanks Alexander, Roland and Eric for watching 🙂
Updated the progress and added some comparisons with Hasegawa's Raptor. I'm thinking to do a double built now, with all weapons bays closed up in the Hase. But let's see how it goes..
7 February 2021, 11:53
Those formulas worked out fantastico! Looks spot on 👍
13 February 2021, 11:01
Ali Yulianto
@Daniel Yup, I'm quite happy with the result. I just modified the greys from Haseegawa's instruction which by itself already a good start for a Raptor sheen.
13 February 2021, 11:32
Maciej Bellos
Looks shiny!
13 February 2021, 12:13
Ali Yulianto
@Maciej It sure does when it catches the light! @Roland Be my guest and glad you like it
Just shared some progress on the build. Decals applied and did some initial weathering on the fuselage. Next will be finishing the small parts and armaments.
5 March 2021, 01:02
Looks nice. I like that on some pictures there are places which look matte, while others are a bit glossy/metallic - just like on the real thing. 👍
5 March 2021, 11:04
Konrad -
Agree with Alexander! Looking very nice.
5 March 2021, 12:27
James C
Love that paintwork Ali, looking awesome👍
5 March 2021, 16:08
Slavo Hazucha
Very nice solution and result for the sheen indeed! 👍
5 March 2021, 16:22
Ali Yulianto
Thank you guys, appreciate the kind words🙂
6 March 2021, 09:07
Ali Yulianto
The Academy Raptor is now completed. I have saved the completed pictures as a new album in the project.

Looking at the picture, I just realized that missed a glue spot on the main weapons bay door that I need to touch up. Will do this later when I start the upcoming Hase Raptor build.
31 March 2021, 04:59
Jos Jansen
Nice one!
31 March 2021, 06:30
Ali Yulianto
Thanks Jos!
31 March 2021, 10:12
Robin (WhiteGlint)
Really beautiful Raptor, Ali.
7 April 2021, 15:09
Ali Yulianto
Many thanks WhiteGlint!
8 April 2021, 05:10
Slavo Hazucha
Great finish 👍
20 April 2021, 17:28
Ali Yulianto
Build upon my previous Academy build experience, I've now started the Hasegawa Raptor. All weapons bays will be closed on this one to show the Raptor's clean and elegant line.
27 April 2021, 05:15
Robin (WhiteGlint)
I really like these tinted cockpits but how exactly are these done?
Dipping it in or spraying it with a mix of a clear colour and gloss varnish?
27 April 2021, 11:20
Ali Yulianto
@WhiteGlint I airbrushed the canopy with SMS Crystal Topaz paint and Tamiya Clear Yellow + Clear Orange (ratio 3:2:1). Once it dries then I dipped the canopy in Future to improve the clarity. It's not as 'gold' as I wanted to, but at least there's a slight golden sheen if viewed from a certain angle.

I find that this is still a better method to control than another method using Jacquard Pearl Ex Interference Gold + Future that I've tried. My test canopy always ended up too cloudy using that method.
27 April 2021, 13:37
Robin (WhiteGlint)
Doesn't sound that hard, in theory at least. 😄
Luckily, I've got some spare canopies lying around I can test this on. In most cases it doesn't work the first time I am trying something new.

Thanks, Ali! Looking forward to your second Raptor. 👍
27 April 2021, 15:53
Ali Yulianto
It's not that hard really 🙂 Just dip the canopy in Future first before you paint it. So in case the result didn't end up to your liking, you can use a Windex or any windows cleaner to strip it back clean.
I did this like, 3 times, before I get the result that I like.
27 April 2021, 23:23
Congrats on this top notch 1 of 2, absolute beauty, very convincing sheen 👍
8 May 2021, 18:11
Ali Yulianto
Thanks a lot Daniel.
Just uploaded some updates on the Hasegawa progress.. Took a lot of time to do the masking to recreate the patch work finish of a weathered Raptor. And that's just the top part!
10 May 2021, 11:59
Wow, that weathered paintwork with differently coloured/discoloured panels looks really great so far - the effort certainly paid off! 👍
10 May 2021, 12:52
Ali Yulianto
Thanks Alexander and Roland!
10 May 2021, 23:33
Ali Yulianto
Has been completed a few months back, but just got the mood to upload the finished pictures of this bird, before the end of the group build 🙂
5 December 2021, 10:23
Robin (WhiteGlint)
Impressive result, Ali! 👍
5 December 2021, 10:33
Ali Yulianto
Thanks WhiteGlint!
5 December 2021, 10:44
I like those shades of gray ..... 👍
5 December 2021, 10:57
James C
Fabulous looking finish 👍
5 December 2021, 16:27
Nathan Dempsey
Great finish Ali 🙂
5 December 2021, 16:27
Arif Saeed
That paint looks excellent 👏👏
5 December 2021, 16:38
Fantastic looking Raptor Ali, I can only agree with the others about the awesome camo paintjob! Definitely a looker on your shelf!
5 December 2021, 17:19
Ludwig Micallef
Fantastic finish Ali! Well done!
5 December 2021, 18:08
Ali Yulianto
Thank you for the kind words guys, much appreciated. Now I have both factory fresh and dirty versions of the Raptor 😄
5 December 2021, 23:46
Top notch raptor, that surface is spot on 👍
6 December 2021, 16:55

Album info

Academy and Hasegawa 1/48 F-22A Raptor

69 bilder
1:48 F-22 Raptor (Hasegawa 51971)1:48 F-22 (A) Raptor Wheels Set (ResKit RS48-0091)1:48 F-22A Raptor Nozzle Set (Wolfpack WP48087)2+

Group Build

Scalemates 5th Generation, UAV, and Stealth Groupbuild 2021 in
Scalemates 5th Generation, UAV, and Stealth Groupbuild 2021

1. Januari fram tills 31. December 2021

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