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Stuart Massey (StuMassey)

North Africa 1942


3 5 February 2021, 06:22

Album info

The year 1942 saw the high water mark for the Axis in North Africa and the reversal of fortunes resulting in the utter defeat and retreat of Rommel from Egypt.
After Crusader, the initiative was in British hands. The front lines were roughly where they were when Rommel first arrived. Once again, events would forestall British offensive operations in North Africa. Britain and her commonwealth Allies were suddenly attacked by the Japanese and forces were once again drawn from this theater to bolster India/Burma and Australia.
Rommel took the initiative and began an advance in early 1942 to the Gazala Line. The Axis attack in May against the Gazala line resulted in a route of British forces and a headlong retreat toward Cairo. Tobruk fell. A defensive line was established at El Alamien, 70 miles west of Cairo. This line held. Rommel's attacks failed to break through and the British regained the initiative. On 23 October, the British launched and massive offensive to destroy the Afrika Korps. After 12 days and heavy losses on both sides, the Axis was broken and put to flight. 4 Days later, American and British forces invaded Morocco and Algeria far to the West but a serious threat to Tripoli (Rommel's main supply port),

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