"le Studio" WIP
9 5 November 2021, 17:03

It looks very realistic, I particularly like the wooden effect in the ceiling beams. 😉 Anyway, I guess you are busy with this stuff and not going to do plastic for a while. Good luck!
7 November 2021, 07:48

That looks like a lot af work, but you made a good start 😋 wish you lots of work fun 👍
7 November 2021, 08:08

@Thomas: yes this is an addition to a kitchen refit that has grown and grown and consumes money. The beams have disappeared under insulation and plaster board so it will be quite a clean interior. Hopefully done by Christmas holidays
7 November 2021, 09:07

@Lex: thanks I was hoping to be able to finished by now, but work gets in the way! 🙁
7 November 2021, 09:10

Thanks Spanjaard!, we're edging onwards and I really hope to do some modelling over the Christmas break!
22 December 2021, 12:12

Ah!!, cheers Maciej! We'll open for beers and modelling soon! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year when it comes!
22 December 2021, 23:06

Soon as I saw the name Lerxst on your profile Andy I thought of Rush. I saw them on the Moving Pictures Tour and still have the programme. Youtube tells me Geddy and Alex have now begun selling Rush brand beer. And the Rush beer glasses just went onto my wishlist!
29 December 2021, 23:11

@Neil: "When I get home at 5 o'clock, I'm gonna dig myself out an ice cold beer". Sadly no Rush beers this side of the pond, yet. Glad to see you're acquainted with them! Will put up some of my memorabilia- including Peart's drum sticks given to my son post-solo.
30 December 2021, 08:43

So how old is that house in People years ? (reference pic 10). Also I notice in pic 7 the back wall looks like it was repaired. Damage from the Blitz 😛
30 December 2021, 19:17

@Robbie: haha!! That makes the house several centuries old!, and yes, I'm going for the 'bunker look'!
13 January 2022, 22:55

@Guillaume: it's where the wife may banish me into exile….(or my escape capsule?!)
13 January 2022, 22:56

Wow that old. Dang. I guess they don't build them like they used to now a days.... Hope you don't find skeletons in the basement.
14 January 2022, 00:31

"Moving Pictures"....fabulous album , a great tour ..glad I saw the show R.I.P Neil ....hope you find some Extra Stock to drink Andy
14 January 2022, 05:28

@Robbie: it'll be my fossilised remains in there complete with scalpel in hand in a few million years! @Mona: want to import the "Rush Beer" but sadly not UK-bound for the time being....
14 January 2022, 16:07

@Neil. Oh, thanks for that!! Now you have brought forward that extension idea I had…. 🙂
14 January 2022, 20:02
Album info
To give me extended range in the building department- over winter's colder weather