Tornado IDS - Deutsche Marine - MFG2 (1993)
Again excellent Tornado. Nice one. I like your style of presentation very much.
Thank you Paul, Michael and Harald for having a look in the album. This is was an older model from back when I restarted with the hobby in 2019.
I think the German Navy Tornados were the prettiest overall among all Tornado liveries.
Danke Sebastian!
I forgot to mention, here you can find his other brother with an alternative camouflage scheme:
Panavia Tornado IDS - Deutsche Marine - MFG2 | Album by Redicus (1:72)
Album info
After the disband of the Marinefliegergeschwader 1 (MFG1) in 1993, most or some teams of MFG1 have joined the second Tornado unit of the German Navy, the MFG2.
The new group logo was now a combination of both previous MFG1 and MFG2, with the eagle of MFG1 now standing in front of the crosshar symbol of the MFG2.
The painting scheme seen herel is the Norm 87 "Marine WA Version D", which is slightly different than the "Version A". Both of these two camouflage variants of Norm 87 were initially found exclusively only in the MFG2 and in no other unit. In my gallery, there is also a Tornado IDS of MFG2 with the "Version A" of the camouflage norm. Interestingly, the weapon's pylons were often found in the very old Norm 76 scheme, with the white background and bazalt grey leading edge.
The MFG2 was as well completely disolved in 2005, when the last Tornados left for the last time the airbase at Eggebek. Most Tornados of MFG2 and their teams joined different Luftwaffe units, but most of them never got repainted in the camouflage of their new units. Therefore there was quite often an interesting sight in the Luftwaffe units, where the initial Luftwaffe Tornados already had the Norm 95 (see my Tornado ECR in the gallery), while the newly integrated machines have had the old Navy camouflage (Norm 87) with the weapon pylons painted in the even older Norm 76 (like in MFG1).
My model is equiped with two AGM-88 HARM missiles. Although the MFG2 did not receive any Tornado ECRs (dedicated to SEAD missions), the MFG2 was still often seen in reconnaissance and SEAD roles.
P.S.: this is an older model and I have to admit, I am not particularly proud of it, but there it is, part of my Tornado collection.