Amodel | No. 7231 | 1:72
İlgili ürünler
Detail and Conversion sets
İçin tasarlandı: Same Product family
İçin tasarlandı: Generic
I-16 Rubber Wheels
Elf Production of Model Accessories 1:72
7213 Polikarpov I-16 cowl shutters (jalousie)
GoNzA 1:72
72022 İçin tasarlandı: Unknown
Russian Radial Engine
M62/M63/M25 I-16 type 18 to 29, I-152, I-153, Li-2, An-2 Vector 1:72
72007 200x Yeni araç Çok konu (6)Wheels set for soviet fighter Polikarpov I-16 No mask series
North Star Models 1:72
NS72141-a Polikarpov I-16, Po-2 type 6...29 wheel set
Avia Equipage Auto (AEA) 1:72
72199 Polikarpov I-16 type 5,6, 10
Moskit 1:72
72-25 Decals
İçin tasarlandı: This specific kit
İçin tasarlandı: Generic
İçin tasarlandı: Unknown
Polikarpov I-16 UTI-4
Bestfong 1:72