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Aleksandrs P
bu öğeyi istiyor
Universal Carrier Mk.I
Gecko Models 1:16
16GM0015 2024 Yeni parçalar
13 September, 06:42
Aleksandrs P
bu öğeyi istiyor
Falke Antigravity Armored Raider Pkf.85
Max Factory 1:35
mk-01 2024 Yeni kutu
13 September, 06:41
Aleksandrs P
bu öğeyi istiyor
US B-24J Liberator
HobbyBoss 1:48
81774 2024 Yeni araç
13 September, 06:41
Aleksandrs P
bu öğeyi istiyor
Supermarine Walrus Mk.I
Airfix 1:48
A09183 2024 Yeni kutu
13 September, 06:41
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
59 23 January, 04:48
Gonna shift gears with a more straightforward Tamiya build. I wanted to make the all-black night fighter option, but thought the color scheme was too simple and I also wanted to try some camo painting. So I got decals for a night intruder option, which is the best of both worlds, and the camo with black underneath just looks really cool.
23 January, 05:09
Mossie! I'm in👍🏻
23 January, 05:48
Markus Antonius
There is nothing more complicated, to replicate a all-black aircraft not making it look too dull, in my opinion
23 January, 08:14
Ludvík Kružík
Interesting choice. Both when choosing a machine and when choosing a kit manufacturer. Compared to the Crusader, we go back in time by choosing the aircraft, but it's a big step forward in kit quality.
I wish you a lot of fun and as little trouble as possible building this kit. And of course I will be happy to follow it 👀
23 January, 12:08
Jennifer Franklin
Following 👀, 'm excited to see how this turns out.
23 January, 12:14
Welcome friends! Yes Ludvik this is a "palate cleanser," I wanted to see how a nice Tamiya goes together, it's also the second kit I got so it's been sitting in my stash awhile. I'm already messing with ejector pin marks, we'll see how much trouble I create for myself 🙂 and Markus--yeah I figured the topside camo would add a lot more visual interest.
23 January, 13:47
Desert Marlin
And so it begins!!! You have earned the right for a break from raised panel lines!!!
25 January, 22:07
🤣 I guess I have! The Monogram Voodoo lurks around the corner. The Mosquito's fit sure is mostly nice so far
26 January, 00:19
Wings and nacelles are glued together and been painting the many cockpit components. Drilled out the gun barrels on the .303 Brownings too, I like the look
30 January, 05:11
Markus Antonius
Is that Tom Servo in you profile picture, btw? 😄
30 January, 08:37
Oh yeah! Been an MST nerd since forever
30 January, 13:30
Did some detail painting, and been pounding the instrument panel decal with micro sol. It's slowly conforming to the raised dials, but I have solvaset and mark softer on order since Tamiya decals are apparently known for this…
1 February, 04:30
22 February, 04:43
I improved the cartoony decal seatbelts by applying them to foil, cutting them out, and painting the black edges a similar color. Idea thanks to an old IPMS Stockholm article.
23 February, 18:52
Desert Marlin
I have the FB and NF versions… I need to finish my P-8 and get started on a Mossy…
25 February, 04:03
Desert Marlin
The belts look great!!!
25 February, 04:03
Thanks Marlin! Definitely my favorite part of the build so far. Actually just threw the whole thing together today, now that the cockpit has been all worked out. It's not exactly intentional, but because this NF version I chose doesn't have the radar features, I've been breezing through construction since it also doesn't use the FB rockets/bombs/bomb bay. Next I need to get the canopy on ASAP since I keep breaking off gunsight 🤬 the only construction left is the landing gear, props, and the crew hatch and boarding ladder. Looking forward to painting
25 February, 04:40
Guy Rump
Looking good, following. 👍
25 February, 08:44
Ludvík Kružík
Excellent work on the model. Looks great. 👍

I'm sure you're not the only one who breaks off small parts of the model. I have the same problem. All it takes is one very brief moment of inattention and one careless move and that's it. Although I try to handle the model as carefully as possible, for example, I have broken off the antenna on the bottom of the Gripen four times. 😭
25 February, 11:09
Aman S.
Following...looks great
26 February, 03:31
Thank you all, and glad to have you here Guy and Aman! No more breaking off the gunsight for me now Ludvik, the green strip decals are on the inside of the canopy and masks are on. Just gotta mask off the guns and then it's time for surfacer
29 February, 04:03
Desert Marlin
Nice! I just finished the cockpit on the P-8 so, I really appreciate this step you have accomplished!!! Cheers!
29 February, 04:41
Guess I'm onto the painting phase! I already painted the propeller caps ocean grey, then decided to hit the bottom side with matte black. Also getting the undercarriage painted and assembled too.
10 March, 04:48
Desert Marlin
Love this stage! Looks great!!!
11 March, 00:04
Thanks Marlin! I got it ready to paint the dark green. IDK what others do for camo like this, but to make a "hard edge" camo I used Tamiya curved tape to make the lines, and then used regular masking tape and paper towels to mask off the rest. Excited to see the finished paint job
18 March, 02:37
It's looking good Rando! 👍
19 March, 00:45
Thank you Neil! At first I was thinking the ocean grey looked too dark, but with the dark green I find it contrasts well. Just got to fix some overspray and touch up some areas and it's on to decals
19 March, 11:48
Desert Marlin
Excellent work! The scheme is coming along nicely!!!
19 March, 22:36
Decals are on with a gloss coat over them…maybe some weathering today?!
23 March, 13:42
Desert Marlin
Oh yes!!! Great Saturdays provide the opportunity to focus on all those little details seen in the mind's eye!
23 March, 14:02
Hell yes Marlin especially a rainy one like this! Working on the landing gear while giving the gloss time to cure
23 March, 15:26
Jos Jansen
Iam in Rando.
23 March, 15:42
Hell yeah bro! Finish line is near!
23 March, 15:51
Desert Marlin
The MLG look great! Where are you that it is raining?
23 March, 21:49
Ludvík Kružík
Marlin, it looks like Rando was visiting the Czech Republic today. It's been raining here all afternoon 😄

Rando, that chassis looks fantastic. Didn't you put pictures of the real chassis here by any chance 🙂
23 March, 22:28
Desert Marlin
23 March, 22:31
If only Ludvik, I'd love to come out that way. Would have come by to say hello and see your workbench! Been a pretty nasty day here in eastern Massachusetts too. Was also a good day to bring the kids to a model train show, fun look at an adjacent hobby.

Here's hoping the chassis fit into the nacelles without too many swear words 😉
24 March, 00:01
Desert Marlin
I spent the day painting here in Nevada.
24 March, 04:02
Ludvík Kružík
Rando, I believe it would be a pleasant meeting. I'm sure we'd have a lot to talk about. And of course I would love to show you my desk 🙂
26 March, 00:03
Indeed Ludvik we sure would, I'd be thrilled to meet you Marlin and all my modeling friends on here someday.

Mosquito is like 99% done! Landing gear went in surprisingly easy and now just some wingtip lights to install, finish painting the crew hatch, and attempt to rig the antenna mast. Pics soon!

Definitely looking forward to seeing painted the P-8 Marlin!
26 March, 00:45
Desert Marlin
I'm starting gloss for markings…
26 March, 03:16
So I have to say I'm disappointed with how the canopy looks. I used Eduard masks and they were a struggle to get on as they didn't fit great. In hindsight I should probably de-tacked them too, like I do with Tamiya tape, since it seems like they left adhesive residue. They left some rough paint edges. Not sure how to improve it, I've done some careful scraping with toothpicks and Leveling Thinner, which improved it some, but considering popping the whole thing off and repainting it.
26 March, 17:55
Desert Marlin
Using a 000 brush, put a couple of coats of thinned out black along the bottom of the canopy glass then a similar thinned coat of color over the black. That would firm up the window frames. The rest of the frames look pretty good to me!
26 March, 20:53
Thanks Marlin, so would that help with that weird splotchy white color, especially noticeable on the frames in back?
26 March, 21:57
Desert Marlin
Those should be dressed with a thinner brushed on in very small quantities until the streaks relent. I had thought those were aluminum chipping which would also be valid!
26 March, 22:58
Desert Marlin
The Mr. Color Leveling thinner with a stiff hobby swab would help clean the edges. The Mr. Color thinner doesn't seem to harm clear plastic…
26 March, 23:01
LOL, amazing that my mistake looked like something good! Shoulda just rolled with it. I do have a stiff kind of swab, I'll give it a try
26 March, 23:12
I actually got Leveling Thinner after you recommended it on my Crusader build and it's all I've been using lately. Good stuff, I like that it can leave a smoother finish
26 March, 23:12
Ludvík Kružík
I can confirm. I have the same experience, Mr. Color Leveling thinner will not damage clear plastic.
26 March, 23:24
I think I've improved the framing a good deal already, both with paint and the thinner. Now just gotta glue on some nylon thread for the mast rigging, which I've never done before. So far I managed to attach it to the mast with some gel super glue.
27 March, 01:18
Get some EZ Line, you won't regret it. Nice Mossie too! 👍
27 March, 01:24
Hey cool, how do you attach it John? And thanks getting close to final pics!
27 March, 01:27
You use super glue, it just stretches nicely without putting a lot of pressure (i.e. bending) on antenna masts. So you can anchor one point and then stretch it easily so there is no sag when you attach the other end.
27 March, 01:43
Got it! I'll order some. I've already had trouble with the mast popping off once.
27 March, 01:48
The antenna on my Buffalo build is EZ Line, it's also handy for those annoying multi-wire antennas.
27 March, 01:50
I see did you use thick or fine?
27 March, 02:12
Definitely get the fine size. 👍
27 March, 02:32
Basically done! Aside from the rigging wire, which I will attach when it gets in. After that I'll upload the beauty shots. Now to clean up my very messy workbench and get the next project going!
28 March, 00:00
Desert Marlin
Bravo! 👏
28 March, 14:14
So I decided to finally upload the glamor shots for this Mosquito. These were taken months ago but I was dissatisfied with how the photos looked at the time since it was difficult getting the plane to fit in the frame without ugly background. Looking closer though, I thought they actually turned out fine, and pretty nice actually with some cropping and brightening adjustments. So belatedly, here she is completed, the Mosquito night intruder. Great kit, most difficulties I had were my own doing. Eduard masks are not their best. Eagle Strike decals are great. If you have this one in your stash, pick out a cool scheme and build it!
10 September, 13:47
Your Mossie turned out great! Congrats!👍🏻
10 September, 13:57
Hey Rando, I can only repeat previous comment, nice Mossie! I think the canopy looks fine. I'd probably do a masking like this myself for the reasons you ran into. I don't like the "put the tape on the canopy then carefully trim the frames" technique because a mistake can be disastrous, but in this case since most of the frames are straight and well defined, I think I'll do that for this one instead of my usual cutting and taping dozens of little pieces of Tamiya tape to the canopy, which also works, but is time consuming. I did get this kit after seeing your build and I plan to do the NE D bird, I just like the scheme. Looks like the EZ line worked out really well for your antennas. 👍
10 September, 14:12
Thanks John and Draken! Yeah I kind of gravitate towards cutting directly on the canopy for some reason, even though it's soooo risky. One thing that might be a good alternative to the Tamiya tape is scotch tape (suggested by Marlin), since I found you can more clearly see the actual place you're cutting into. I did that for some windows on my P-51 build and it worked out pretty nice. And also yes--the EZ line was a breeze, thanks for that! For some reason it fought me hard on the aforementioned P-51.

Shameless plug for my F-8 double build, putting the decals on tonight. So excited!
10 September, 16:02
Wow, you really like your Crusaders! (I mean, who wouldn't?)
10 September, 16:30
yeah it's ridiculous LOL. I'll be building other planes, I promise! At least after I try CAT4's new early nose conversion.
10 September, 17:14
Desert Marlin
That looks perfect Rando!!!
10 September, 20:17
Ludvík Kružík
Mosquito turned out very well. You did a really good job. 👍 👍 👍
10 September, 20:28
Thank you Marlin and Ludvik! Who doesn't love a Mosquito? I sure do like the look of it on my desk at work.
10 September, 20:33
Pretty skeeter
10 September, 21:59
Jennifer Franklin
Mosquito is very nice. I can imagine that it looks good on your desk at work.
11 September, 03:02
Guy Rump
Great job! 👍
11 September, 07:53
Clean and careful work! 👍
11 September, 08:15
Thank you all!
12 September, 11:44
Jennifer Franklin
She is a beauty. You attention to detail is exceptional.
12 September, 23:44
Gary Victory
Really nice build and finish Rando.
13 September, 06:41
Aleksandrs P
bu öğeyi istiyor
Andy's Hobby Headquarters 1:16
AHHQ009 2024* Yeni araç
13 September, 06:41
Aleksandrs P
bu öğeyi istiyor
Sd.Kfz. 167 StuG.IV Late Production
Rye Field Model (RFM) 1:35
RM-5111 (RM5111) 2024* Yeni parçalar
13 September, 06:40
Aleksandrs P
bu öğeyi istiyor
R-11 USAF/NATO Fuel Truck With Missile Loading Cart
Kinetic 1:48
K48116 2024 Yeni kutu
13 September, 06:40
Aleksandrs P
bu öğeyi istiyor
M1A1/M1A2 Full Interior Set
Rye Field Model (RFM) 1:35
RM-5121 (RM5121) 2024* Yeni araç
13 September, 06:40
bu öğenin sahibi
Academy 1:72
13430 2024 Yeni çıkartmalar
13 September, 06:40
Aleksandrs P
bu öğeyi istiyor
Autoblindo 41
LANMO Model 1:35
MM35005 2024* Yeni araç
13 September, 06:40
Ferry Lotterman
bu öğeyi takas edilebilir / satılabilir olarak işaretlendi
Sikorsky S-55 Sabena
Revell 1:48
4410 1993 Yeni çıkartmalar
13 September, 06:40
Aleksandrs P
bu öğeyi istiyor
Tiger I (2) Box Early + Late/Late Command/Michael Wittmann + 1/16 Michael Wittmann
Takom 1:35
2201W 2024 Model seti
13 September, 06:40
Ferry Lotterman
bu ürünü siparişe göre işaretledi
Sikorsky S-55 Sabena
Revell 1:48
4410 1993 Yeni çıkartmalar
13 September, 06:40
Aleksandrs P
bu öğeyi istiyor
UA MiniArt 1:35
35450 2024 Yeni araç
13 September, 06:40
bu öğenin sahibi
Rockwell B-1B Lancer
Academy 1:144
12620 2019 Yeni araç
13 September, 06:40
A short unbox review and notes:

Box has the wrong EAN code printed on it (5903852020354).

Included instructions manual is a mess:
- lots of typos and errors
- wrong color codes
- erroneous color/markings illustration with wrong decal numbers

Sprues are the same as (similar to) Italeri models 840, 841 and 848 (see sprue names).

This model can be made into single or twin seater version (although there's only one pilot name and one crew name decal). These name decals are in the older design (see decal image).

The clear sprues are included twice for some reason. And the D sprue seems to include only parts (pylons, fuel tanks and weapons) that are not installed on the Thunderbirds' F-16s during shows.

- bad instructions manual (especially the color and decal references)
- light grey sprues (instead of white)
- no pilot figure (even though the Thunderbirds helmet decal is included twice on the sheet)

- full kit for single or twin seat build (maybe unintentional)
- spare set of transparent canopy sprues

There seems to be a another version with the same EAN, but very little information is given on the official website (mistercraft.eu/en/st..underbirds-1-48.html). This could be its predecessor or a rebox. Either way, the boxart is slightly different.
F-16 'Thunderbirds' F-16 A or C
MisterCraft 1:48
G-35 (G35) 199x Yeni çıkartmalar
12 September, 16:33
So, a typical MisterCraft kit then? Wouldn't be surprised if the decals also fall apart as soon as they come close to water.
12 September, 18:13
Haven't tried it yet.. haha
Will update my comment after the build.
Any tips or suggestions to minimize mistakes/frustrations.? I read quite some negative opinions on Mistercraft kits, but since I'm still a beginner and the price was ok, I figured it would be fine.
12 September, 18:18
I haven't built this specific kit from them but I have built the 1:72 version as well as a few others from them (Caravelle, MiG-15, F-22). Be sure to clean the sprues before starting, there tends to be mold release agent residue that will affect painting. Make sure to do plenty of dry fitting and have putty nearby for the inevitable gap filling, as well as tools to sand down/cut/shape parts to the right size. Some parts may be bent: Use warm water to bend them back into shape. Don't bother too much about it looking accurate as it'll be very difficult to achieve. There may also be parts listed in the instructions that are not present on any sprues. For the decals I can't really recommend anything other than trying to be very gentle and hoping they survive. On the plus side, I got low quality and incomplete decals with the Caravelle but reaching out to their support got me a hand-written envelope with a new better sheet a few weeks later.

Their kits may be cheap, but they're still not really worth it.
13 September, 06:40
David Cook
bu öğeyi başlattı
Lockheed P-38 F/G Lightning
Tamiya 1:48
61120 (120) 2019 Yeni araç
13 September, 06:39
Aleksandrs P
bu öğeyi istiyor
Panzer I Ausf. B & Zundapp K750
Academy 1:35
13556 2024 Yeni araç Çok konu (2)
13 September, 06:39
Aleksandrs P
bu öğeyi istiyor
Personenwagen Cid-27 „Donnerbüchse“
Das Werk 1:35
DW35033 2024* Yeni araç
13 September, 06:39
Aleksandrs P
bu öğeyi istiyor
Bristol Bulldog Mk.ll
Airfix 1:48
A05141 2024 Yeni araç
13 September, 06:39
bu öğeyi istiyor
13 September, 06:39
Aleksandrs P
bu öğeyi istiyor
German Tank
Panzerkampfwagen I Ausf.B
Tamiya 1:35
35388 2024 Yeni araç
13 September, 06:39
Aleksandrs P
bu öğeyi istiyor
Sd.Kfz.181 Pz.Kfw.VI.Ausf.E Tiger I Experimental Project 3 in 1
Takom 1:35
2192 2024* Yeni parçalar
13 September, 06:39
Aleš Štika
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
23 31 January 2023, 15:50
Gorgeous build. 👍
31 January 2023, 16:16
Aleš Štika
Thank you John 🙂
31 January 2023, 18:04
Paul Moore
Very nice looking Tempest! Congratulations.
4 September, 11:55
I forgot to say, the figures are excellent too. Aleš, did they come with the kit and also, was the riveting present or did you add that? I do not need anything more in my stash, but a big-scale Tempest surely is tempting...
4 September, 13:50
Ray Loch
Love the rivet detail and Awesome job on the figures!
4 September, 14:31
Rui S
Great work allround 👍
9 September, 23:38
Aleš Štika
Thank you very much for the praise. The rivets on the model are this nice already in the kit. I sprayed the markings using masks. The decals were used only for squadron markings.
12 September, 18:24
Excellent work!👍🏻
13 September, 05:28
Gary Victory
Really nice build Aleš . Top job Sir.
13 September, 06:38
David Cook
bu öğenin sahibi
Bf 110G-2 Weekend Edition
Eduard 1:48
84140 2011 Yeni çıkartmalar
13 September, 06:38
Frank Spahr
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
8 Görüntüler
HMS Cleopatra completedView album, image #1
The vessel is shown in a moderate sea state, but without a really dramatic effect. To me, it´s more pleasing and effecti...
1:350 HMS Cleopatra (Atlantic Models ATK 35006)
15 22 May 2021, 13:12
Thomas Wirsching
Ein wahrer Augenschmaus - Super!
22 May 2021, 13:20
Ben M
Remarkable build. The base is great too.
22 May 2021, 13:23
I am sure I looked at the wip photos some time earlier, but I am wondering: How do you shape the bigger wave frequencies, and how do you shape the smaller wave frequencies?
22 May 2021, 13:24
Frank Spahr
Thanks a lot to you all, much appreciated! I produce the wave patterns of my bases by heat application only. I use a gas burner (only with proper ventilation and very carefully!) to shape the troughs of the waves, after marking the approximate shape of the hull on the foam board. Having done the wave pattern, I only then cut the base to size and only then make the cutout for the hull.
22 May 2021, 13:37
Sven Schönyan
Very nice!
22 May 2021, 13:40
Frank Spahr
Thank you, Sven!
22 May 2021, 13:41
Thomas Wirsching
Frank benutzt Du Styrodur als Grundplatte?
22 May 2021, 13:46
Ralf Topeters
Wunderschöner Wellengang. Sieht richtig nach Fahrt aus. Klasse!!! 👍
22 May 2021, 15:10
Frank Spahr
Danke Euch! Ja, Styrodur aus dem Baumarkt, so dünn wie es zu kriegen ist. Habe seit letztem Jahr ein Schneidegerät dafür, das hilft sehr.
22 May 2021, 15:24
Frank Spahr
Making Waves 3 | Album by Frank Spahr (1:350-700)

Habe gerade Bilder vom Schneidegerät in das Album "Making waves pt. 3" eingefügt.
22 May 2021, 15:39
James C
Stunning work Frank, it looks fantastic on that sea base! 👍
22 May 2021, 18:13
Rui S
Beautiful 👍
22 May 2021, 21:09
23 May 2021, 04:03
Frank Spahr
Thanks a lot for the kind comments!
23 May 2021, 05:01
Zbynek Honzik
12 September, 17:44
Roland Sachsenhofer
Fantastic work!! I feel impressed and inspired looking at your wonderful pictures, marvellous work!
12 September, 17:49
Frank Spahr
Thank you very much, Zbynek and Roland!
13 September, 05:38
Gary Victory
Lovely work Frank. Top job Sir.
13 September, 06:37
TH SCALE MODELS (Thomas Haberl)
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
66 21 February, 19:34
TH SCALE MODELS (Thomas Haberl)
First "batch" of components ready for primer
25 February, 12:42
Alec K
Cool! Very promising start, taking a seat 👍
25 February, 14:14
TH SCALE MODELS (Thomas Haberl)
Welcome and thanks for your motivating words @Alec . First time I use something 3D printed and until now I enjoy it ☺️
25 February, 16:41
Looks great so far.
25 February, 19:40
I'm in 👍
26 February, 06:59
Promising start, watching!
26 February, 07:19
TH SCALE MODELS (Thomas Haberl)
Welcome @Nicolas, @ Rui and @DerMattes - thanks for your interest in this build 😊
26 February, 14:59
TH SCALE MODELS (Thomas Haberl)
A small update here ... engine took my a while to get fitted in the fuselage. Didn´t work precisely enough so I got paid off when I tried to put the engine in. Anyway I solved it somehow without any major visible impact.
11 March, 20:42
11 March, 22:52
I gotta. say that I really appreciated there build posts that people share; its a real treat to see a bunch of plastic and such come together into a masterpiece! I learn so much from watchings.
11 March, 23:46
TH SCALE MODELS (Thomas Haberl)
Welcome @Skyhiker - thanks for your interest on this build @Rui thanks for your kind words, even if I don´t think that anybody can learn much from my work .... but this is exactly what this stunning community is for ... I learned so much from people´s builds here ...
12 March, 08:09
How can you handle these tiny parts .... amazing
12 March, 09:59
Alec K
Glad you solved the hurdle. Any ideas why the engine did not fit, or what the issue was?
12 March, 12:37
Bruce Huxtable
1:72? I would have trouble with those tiny PE part of it were 1:32!! Well done on your precise work.
12 March, 13:04
Great work Thomas!
Really impressed of your clean build and how you apply thiny amount of glue on all delicate small PE parts without creating a mess.
12 March, 13:16
TH SCALE MODELS (Thomas Haberl)
thank you all for your kind words - I really appreciate that and this motivates me to constantly push myself out of the comfort zone .... thanks thanks thanks!!!! @Neuling: I know your skills so I´m really glad you came around my build: the answer is patience and a glass of good wine 😆 @Alec: as you can see the engine comes in a lot of tine parts and I didn´t pay enough attention when removing the print support and grinding the parts down properly. This resulted in a too long engine assembly. Lucky my I always spend a lot of time on dry-fits so I recognized it before starting to glue it in. Almost complete front end is made of printed parts and slightest deviations result that engine cowlings won´t fit together. Not a must to have them completely align when you show them open but I want to paint the all in one and then open the cowlings once done ...
12 March, 17:59
Thomas, will a glass of beer do ? 🙂
12 March, 19:26
TH SCALE MODELS (Thomas Haberl)
@Neuling … who drinks beer in glasses? 😂 but I guess it will work
12 March, 21:02
12 March, 23:12
Alec K
Thanks Thomas 👍. Ehm, I need glasses to find the beer… 😄
13 March, 02:05
Trez Mackenzie
What was the cause of engine fitting? I have just got the engine pack. Any advice?

Ah, I read your previous post. It seems that most folk seem to buy these things as an aesthetic object so hats off for taking this on!
4 April, 15:39
TH SCALE MODELS (Thomas Haberl)
@Trez: as you may have seen in previous comments, the most important thing is to really carefully sand all components down. Tend to say do a little more. There are many components coming together (assembled engine itself, manually modified fuselage, printed cowlings, ... ) and should fit properly in the end to avoid any gaps or twists in the final assembly. I think it would be tricky even in bigger scale. 1/72 scale has no mercy in this complex assembly of the plane front end. I managed it, but didn´t upload any pictures here so stay tuned 😊
5 April, 06:28
Sergej I
Following! 👍, great job with cockpit and engine so far.
I have the exact same setup for an F-8 Würger in the shelf 🙂
5 April, 06:38
Trez Mackenzie
Thanks Thomas, I look forward to the fots
5 April, 11:45
TH SCALE MODELS (Thomas Haberl)
@Trez: I will share some when I´m back - currently traveling and far away from my bench. @Sergej: thanks for your positive feedback, I hope my experiences on this build help to make yours a little bit more straight forward 😆
5 April, 17:28
TH SCALE MODELS (Thomas Haberl)
After a longer break on this I was finally able to restart on this build. Main engine components placed in fuselage, rivets added (as much as possible on this scale) and hydraulic tubes adde to landing gear. Now a bit of tedious work ... sanding and preparation for primer. Not much but in tricky places.
25 June, 19:39
Frank Brzobohaty
Great job, not the easiest in 1:72 scale is it Thomas? but it is rewarding when completed!
26 June, 16:21
TH SCALE MODELS (Thomas Haberl)
Thanks @Frank!! Indeed it was a challange, especially when working with these resin parts for the first time. But as you say, I hope it will be rewarding once the Würger is done 🤷‍♂️
26 June, 18:03
Juergen Klinglhuber
Looking good - realy looking forward to see the finished bird.
13 July, 20:19
TH SCALE MODELS (Thomas Haberl)
Thanks @Jürgen. Working on the main paints already … German camouflage in 1/72 is a challenge 🤣
14 July, 07:03
Shar Dipree
Looks fantastic so far. 👍👍👍
What did you use to prime the plane?
14 July, 07:15
TH SCALE MODELS (Thomas Haberl)
Many thanks @Shar! Appreciate it. I used the one and only (for me) Mr. Surfacer 1500.
14 July, 08:09
Shar Dipree
Yes, I like to use that too (Mr. Surfacer ). What gun, nozzle size and pressure do you spray with?
14 July, 08:18
TH SCALE MODELS (Thomas Haberl)
Good choice 👍 I apply the primer with a H&S Evolution, 0.4mm nozzle and about 1-1.2bar pressure. Thinning ratio about 40/60
14 July, 13:38
TH SCALE MODELS (Thomas Haberl)
Last weeks I was fighting ... fighting with myself to keep this model from trashing it. Almost by accident I learned that I planned to build it not historically correct. This plane didn't have cowling MG's, but everything was planned to display them. So I had to make a decision and decided to go historical correct and change parts on an almost completely painted model.
It was a fight in 1/72 ... some imperfections I successfully ignored in earlier building stages now payd off and made it really hard for me. It's not perfect yet and it won't be perfect ever, but I have some ideas to improve the remaining imperfections.
Definitely not a competition model anymore...
22 August, 07:22
Trez Mackenzie
The one thing that is always gained is experience. That will come in handy for the next build and so on!
I would encourage you to get this bird over the finish line! 🫡
22 August, 08:19
TH SCALE MODELS (Thomas Haberl)
@Trez: fully agree - and from this build I learned A LOT … I will finish this build for sure … some small corrections on misleading edges to be done and then I can go on with touch ups and clear coat to let the fun begin - decals and weathering 💪
22 August, 13:56
This kit looks pretty decent. It seems a lot better than the Revell kit. Were there any problem areas?
22 August, 14:30
TH SCALE MODELS (Thomas Haberl)
The eduard kit is close to perfection - all issues I had were selfmade. The only concern, but a really small one is the orientation of the langing gear bay components. You have to be careful and put the parts together carefully almost by eye. If you dont put them in exact position it will lead to gaps between upper wing and fuselage (at least on one side). There could be better positioning. But nothing to worry ir you work precisely
22 August, 16:44
Juergen Klinglhuber
Go for it. We all are exited to see it passing the finish line despite all issues. 👍
6 September, 19:24
Looks great
7 September, 19:44
TH SCALE MODELS (Thomas Haberl)
Thanks @Jürgen and @Skyhiker! Appreciate it. Decals are applied and final (or maybe not final, we will see) matt varnish also. She is ready for the oil party 🙂
12 September, 18:08
Frank Brzobohaty
Looking better each update way to go Thomas!
12 September, 18:17
Fantastic progress 👍
12 September, 18:52
TH SCALE MODELS (Thomas Haberl)
Many thanks @Frank and @DerMattes - I really appreciate it and to be honest I did not expect this result when I think back to the times where she was close to land in the trash … happy that I didn't 💪
13 September, 06:32
chris patten
bu öğeyi istiyor
OH-23 Raven Military Service
LF Models 1:48
PE4816 2024 Yeni çıkartmalar
13 September, 06:31
Jiande Zhou
changed his profile picture.
13 September, 06:31
Jiande Zhou
changed his profile picture.
13 September, 06:30
Jiande Zhou
changed his profile picture.
13 September, 06:30







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