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Géza Szekér
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
7 Görüntüler
Humber Mk. IV.View album, image #5
Under construction
1:72 Humber Armoured Car Mk.IV (FOREART 2007)1:72 British Armoured Car Crew (Mirage Hobby 720009)
14 16 October 2024, 20:06
Łukasz Gliński
Interesting topic
 17 October 2024, 11:17
Rui S
Looking good 👍
 20 January, 23:55
Dave Flitton
 21 January, 00:44
Jeremias H
Looks good so far 🙂
 31 March, 22:50
Oleg Bogolei
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
13 Görüntüler
T-64BV ATOView album, image #1Yeni: 31 March, 07:17
proje: T-64BV ATO
13 31 March, 07:16
Top small scale build!
 31 March, 08:21
Marc .
Great looking Tank!
 31 March, 14:11
Guy Rump
Great job! 👍
 31 March, 14:40
Robert Podkoński
Fantastic work!
 31 March, 14:47
Oleg Smilyk
Great job with amazing detailing! Both look fantastic!
 31 March, 15:52
WOW, fantastic work!
 31 March, 16:29
Amazing, well done!
 31 March, 20:46
Rui S
Great work, again 👍 SLAVA UKRAINE 👍
 31 March, 21:21
Jeremias H
Looking good!
 31 March, 22:48
Simon Nagorsnik
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
1 31 March, 18:14
Will follow
 31 March, 20:45
Rui S
Looking great alreaady 👍
 31 March, 21:22
Jeremias H
is this a teaser? Following 🙂
 31 March, 22:45
Jeremias H
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
75 6 February, 16:11
Rui S
Looking great 👍
1  6 February, 23:01
Jeremias H Yazar
Thanks, Rui!

The tank didn't look abandoned so I opened the hatch and added details all around and inside the tank with mostly wire, metal sheets and a bit of plasticcard. I wasn't satisfied with the leaves, a lot of them were all over the place and I decided to redo them all.
Now I think everything is ready for painting.
 6 February, 23:03
Paul Shearer
Great details. Well done!
1  6 February, 23:17
Tom B.
Great looking scenery so far 👍 Can´t wait to see what some paint will turn this into!
1  17 February, 15:32
Jeremias H Yazar
Thanks, Paul and Tom!

I finished the airbrushing and some details. Weathering is up next.
 17 February, 15:34
Jeremias H Yazar
Finished for now! Sorry for being too lazy in making more wip photos. As always it took way longer and much more work than I expected.
 21 February, 16:04
WOW, fantastic diorama!
1  21 February, 16:12
Rui S
I agree, beautiful done Dio 👍
1  21 February, 16:15
Very nice, gorgeous done in this scale!
1  21 February, 16:23
Jeremias H Yazar
Thanks, guys, much appreciated!
 21 February, 16:29
1/72 for ever.
Marvelous result at this scale.
Figures, tank and diorama, all are very convincing.
2  21 February, 17:02
Tom B.
Absolutely fabulous result in the best scale 👍 The textures and natural vegetation elements look splendid!

Now I´m somewhat drawn to build some sort of small vignette as well 🙂 No better motivation than some great inspiration I´d say
1  21 February, 18:39
Jeremias H Yazar
Thanks Bozo and Tom 🙂
I highly recommend it. I love these small vignettes, you can fill them with details rather quick in 1/72.
 21 February, 19:54
Rui S
Wow 😮 I thought it was a best scale diorama. That really looks like a 1/35 dio 🤔
1  21 February, 20:34
Stefan Schacht
well done 👍
1  21 February, 20:47
Alec K
Excellent 👍
1  21 February, 23:00
Paul Shearer
Amazing work. Your details in 1:72 blow my mind 🤯 well done 👍👍
1  22 February, 02:25
I'm with Paul - mind-blowing, especially at 1:72!
1  22 February, 02:48
Gary Curling
Outstanding,well done
1  14 March, 17:46
Pietro De Angelis
1/72, WOW!
1  14 March, 18:11
1  14 March, 19:24
Jeremias H Yazar
Thanks for all your kind comments guys! ❤️
 14 March, 20:04
fully agree with Rui, it could pass as 1/35, what a fantastic job . did you do the pslm try from scratch? it is really good
1  14 March, 21:50
Jeremias H Yazar
@Spanjaard thanks! Yes, the trunk is wire around a cocktailstick and magic sculpt for texture. The leaves are also made with a wire in the middle, folded crep tape around it, cut the rough leave shape and lastly cut inside the individual "strands". Earlier wip photos might give you the idea.
 14 March, 22:49
it looks really realistic, thanks a lot for the details!
1  14 March, 23:02
Simon SW
Wow! Looks just like a Francois Verlinden dio I would have seen in a magazine when I was a kid. But his were 1/35!
1  27 March, 21:40
Awesome, your figure painting is a true inspiration
1  28 March, 20:25
Jeremias H Yazar
@Spanjaard no problem and thx 🙂
@Simon Thanks. It means a lot to me to be compared to that! I was always amazed by the models in magazines when I was a kid and thought it would be impossible to do it 😉
@Finn thx! I was out of the hobby for a long time but painted wargaming figures occasionally.
1  28 March, 20:46
Tom B.
Had the chance to view this one "in the flesh" at Euro Model Expo 👍 Did take a whole bunch of pictures as reference for some future ideas of my own 🙂
 31 March, 10:54
Jeremias H Yazar
@Tom B I'm happy you liked it! I also saw your works (I remember the Ka-Mi), but you weren't there when I went by. Great models!
 31 March, 11:21
Simon Nagorsnik
1  31 March, 16:32
Christian Bruer
Excellent work and finish and a well deserved Gold in Master at EME 2025 👍
1  31 March, 17:52
congratulations, well deserved
1  31 March, 20:07
Jeremias H Yazar
Thanks, Christian and Spanjaard. It is much appreciated! 🙂
 31 March, 22:43
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
21 Görüntüler
The Goblin as it might look in a museumView album, image #21Yeni: 31 March, 17:08
The little Goblin won the gold medal for 1:48 aircraft in the Master class in the Euro Model Expo 2025 contest.
1:48 McDonnell XF-85 Goblin (Halberd Models Unknown)
115 11 March, 09:32
WOW, WOW and a couple of extra WOW's!
Amazing result Frank. Without doubt the best Golblin model I've ever seen.
I bet Halberd Models would love to use your photos for their marketing.
1  11 March, 09:44
Mojo DeVirus
1  11 March, 09:56
Really well done 🙂 superb work.
1  11 March, 10:12
Thomas Haberl - TH SCALE MODELS
It looks so weird but very nicely done - superb craftmanship 😆
1  11 March, 10:21
Ben M
Very well built and finished. I wonder how they ever thought this would be a viable fighter.
1  11 March, 11:42
Lorraine Lin
1  11 March, 11:58
Marcel Klemmer
Well done👍
1  11 March, 12:59
Excellent build & paint work!👍🏻
1  11 March, 14:03
beautiful goblin
1  11 March, 14:34
Great looking Goblin. Your work and detailing are outstanding.
1  11 March, 15:03
in quite a few museums, it would not look that good 😉
1  11 March, 15:28
Hans-Jürgen Haag
Excelent work, the original egg plane🥰
1  11 March, 15:58
Perfekt 👍👍👍
1  11 March, 17:23
Jan Peters
Beautiful finish 👍🏻👍🏻
1  11 March, 17:31
Petr Kreps
Love it😉
1  11 March, 17:42
bughunter Yazar
Thank you very much mates!
I added two new pictures with the protection bow and securing fabric belt. I added also dust pigments to the wheels what I forgot before.
 11 March, 18:26
Alec K
Outstanding work in traditional Bughunter style! And done, in what I find, an unbelievable time frame 👍
2  11 March, 18:31
Fantastic work!
1  11 March, 18:36
Zbynek Honzik
Alec K said it for me. There's nothing to add. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Actually I have something to add - great photos! 👍
1  11 March, 19:04
Robert Podkoński
Beautiful! I can only echo Alec K as well.
1  11 March, 19:08
Christoph Kunz
Oh yeah, just to cool. 👍
1  11 March, 19:14
bughunter Yazar
What a wonderful feedback - Thank you very much to each of you 👍
gorby - your guess was right! It will appear on the Facebook page of Halberd Models 🙂
Yes Alec, I've been working on it all day - 24 hours a day! And because there wasn't enough time, I added the night. 😎 Joking aside, yes I spend a lot of time. And this winter was very warm here without snow/ice, so my airbrush sessions was not blocked by the iced roof window.
2  11 March, 21:43
Kyle DeHart
Of course I had to come over and check out the glamour photos. Beautiful build and wonderful photography, as always. Such a cool build of a really unique subject
1  12 March, 01:15
Jennifer Franklin
The photos are well done to show off this stunning and unique build.
1  12 March, 01:38
Ludvík Kružík
Frank, you did a great job! I have no choice but to agree with the previous posts. And frankly, when your name appears on a project, we know in advance what kind of result we can expect 😉

Congratulations on the successful completion of this interesting model!
1  12 March, 10:47
Martin Weinpold
1  12 March, 11:07
Bart Goesaert
Oh boy... I hope I can get my special hobby somewhere near this... a real stunner
1  12 March, 11:34
Excellent work as usual. I still think this is an ugly plane though. Whoever designed it must have been on a bad trip.
2  12 March, 13:34
bughunter Yazar
Another big Thank you all for your kind words!

@Skyhiker The design was made under strict requirements: it had to fit into the bomb bay of the B-36! Therefore folded wings were a must, the multiple control surfaces at the tail as well and of course the hook is the visible area of the pilot. It also needs actuators for the wing and hook, four guns with ammunition and fuel, all of which need space in the short fuselage - so there was no other way than this egg design. The design was good enough to achieve good performance figures - the "only" problem was the strong turbulence from the mother plane, so it was assumed that a normal pilot would not be able to hook on back.
4  12 March, 14:05
That's one of the reasons it's one of my favourite aircraft. It's remarkable they managed to fit so much into such a small aircraft. I think it's an amazing design.
1  12 March, 15:08
bughunter Yazar
gorby, the unique design and the look (together with the carrier) invited me to buy and tackle this kit.

If anyone would like to see this model live - this weekend is your chance! I will be showing it, along with others, at my club's exhibition in Ergolding here:
11. Bayerische Modellbautage (15. and 16. March, Ergolding DE)
It would be nice to see you there!
1  13 March, 17:53
David Taylor
Exellent job Bughunter.
1  13 March, 18:42
bughunter Yazar
Thank you David!
 14 March, 17:49
Bernhard Schrock
Very remarkable model! Very realistic finish.
1  14 March, 19:48
bughunter Yazar
Thank you Bernhard! Coming from a master like you this means a lot!
Do you want to see it on the EME in Lingen?
 14 March, 21:50
Jennifer Franklin
I absolutely love it. It is such an odd subject but you certainly did it justice.
1  14 March, 22:48
Bernhard Schrock
I would love to see your flying egg in Lingen. 🙂🙂
1  15 March, 06:51
Stefan Fraundorfer
Incredibly great work Frank, as always.
1  15 March, 08:58
Same as Stefan!
1  15 March, 09:31
Stunning! And unusual 👏
1  15 March, 10:40
Juergen Klinglhuber
super 👍
1  15 March, 17:34
bughunter Yazar
Thank you very much mates!
The little Goblin aroused a certain amount of interest at the exhibition today so it will travel with me to the EME 😉
1  15 March, 19:42
Desert Marlin
Beautiful work!
1  15 March, 19:58
Tom Spiegelberg
Echt toll geworden! Bringst du die auch nach Lingen mit?
1  15 March, 21:30
bughunter Yazar
Thanks mates!
Yes Tom, this little jet will be there!
After coming home from our exhibition this evening, I decided to leave my models packed up for the EME in Lingen.
2  16 March, 19:40
bughunter Yazar
It looks like I was the first one who finished the 1:48 version of the kit, so this model is now also on the Facebook page of Halberd Models, together with link to Scalemates 👍 And I got a very very kind feedback. Thanks to the folks at Halberd Models for creating this kit!
3  17 March, 21:37
Kyle DeHart
That is very cool Frank!! First one. And you've set the bar extremely high!!
1  18 March, 09:14
bughunter Yazar
Kyle, I hope, it will generate more interest and I'm sure some more will follow, may be more in 1:32.
1  18 March, 18:08
Kyle DeHart
I am following along with a 1/32 build on our forum at the moment!! Also very neat to follow along with.
1  18 March, 20:48
Guy Rump
Wow!!! 👍
1  18 March, 21:39
bughunter Yazar
Thank you Guy!
 19 March, 18:33
Hans-Jürgen Haag
I love it!😍
1  20 March, 08:45
Michael Kohl
Excellent result. All that detail work shines
1  20 March, 10:03
Sebastian Meyner
Excellent work mate 👍
1  20 March, 10:04
bughunter Yazar
Thank you very much for your lovely comments!
Michael, perhaps you weren't expecting such a topic from my bench, but I have broadened my interests a little 🙂
1  21 March, 18:33
How did I miss this one before? Amazing result bughunter! Your work with intricate tiny details always makes me green with envy. I get fumble fingers trying to put things like tiny PE buckles on and you make it look easy.
1  21 March, 20:26
bughunter Yazar
Thank you John four your comment!
It's clear that you can easily overlook a jet project if you only expect biplanes from me 😉
 21 March, 21:21
Robert Podkoński
1  31 March, 17:10
bughunter Yazar
After a great weekend at the Euro Model Expo in Lingen, I'm now back home after a long trip.
The little Goblin won the gold medal for 1:48 aircraft in the Master class in the Euro Model Expo 2025 contest. 🙂
1  31 March, 17:15
A well deserved award. Congratulations!
1  31 March, 17:26
Congrats! Well deserved!
1  31 March, 18:04
Hat's off! Congrats!👏🏼
1  31 March, 18:31
Very well deserved award Frank. Well done.
1  31 March, 18:54
Herzlichen Glückwunsch and congratulations, very well deserved 👍🍾👍🍾
1  31 March, 19:05
Zbynek Honzik
Well deserved award for this masterpiece! Congratulations!
1  31 March, 19:23
what a beauty!
1  31 March, 19:40
Desert Marlin
Congratulations!!! This is is absolutely deserved!!!
1  31 March, 19:46
Congrats on your award and a beautiful build.
1  31 March, 19:56
bughunter Yazar
Many thanks to you all for these kind words!
@Tim Many thanks for the visit to my booth, the discussions and the opportunity to explain my models. It was a pleasure!
1  31 March, 19:59
1  31 March, 20:06
Kyle DeHart
Many congratulations!
 31 March, 22:17
Derek Rothfus
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
3 30 March, 21:54
Rui S
Nice work 👍
1  31 March, 21:21
Derek Rothfus Yazar
Thanks Rui
 31 March, 22:17
Mid Franconian
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
35 18 August 2024, 18:48
Desert Marlin
Looking good!
1  16 February, 21:07
Rui S
I agree 👍
1  19 February, 22:37
Mid Franconian Yazar
I call this one done. Last part of my Luftwaffe Sabre collection is completed.
1  21 February, 22:13
Juergen Klinglhuber
Good one too !! Nice collection btw.
 24 February, 19:15
Mid Franconian Yazar
Thanks Jürgen!! In fact the BMF BB+293 is the oldest one… built in 2006! Time flies! That was my first kit with Alclad paints.
1  24 February, 22:05
Desert Marlin
you made the AlClad look great!
1  24 February, 22:07
Thomas Kolb
Oboy, I missed this setup. This Sabre collection looks so nice together, a true pleasure for the eyes. You have a good eye for the right amount of semi-gloss coat - may I ask what varnish you are using for it?
 31 March, 19:36
Mid Franconian Yazar
Hi Thomas, currently I use:
Tamiya X-22 thinned with Mr Leveling Thinner for gloss surface.
Vallejo Satin coat on top of X-22 when a satin finish is needed (like on the most recent built BB+133 Mk.5 Sabre - they were painted with more glossy Canadian paint).
And for a matte finish I use Vallejo matte coat. For the Vallejos I use their airbrush thinner.
 31 March, 22:14
Rodrigo José Barbosa Francisco
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
5 11 March, 00:54
Guy Rump
Following. 👍
1  18 March, 21:46
Rodrigo José Barbosa Francisco Yazar
thank you very much
 18 March, 22:30
Hello, my name is Mike and I recently purchased a 21 foot tag-along trailer. I have put it together and one minor problem is that it is warped, not bad, but I can deal with it. The major issue is the axles slot on the trailer frame does not line up with the axles. My triple axle trailer was perfect, but this 21 footer needs some attention. Any help would be greatly appreciated, and like I said I have already glued it together and it is ready for paint.
31 March, 22:08
German Armanazqui
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
1 31 March, 21:41
Cristian A
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
2 31 March, 15:16
I'm in
 31 March, 20:45
Cristian A Yazar
Thanks Finn, welcome 👍
 31 March, 21:44
Ed Froix
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
7 31 March, 09:36
Guy Rump
Very nice build! 👍
 31 March, 14:44
Ed Froix Yazar
Thank you
 31 March, 14:49
Cristian A
Wonderful result so far and superb painting, well done! 👍
 31 March, 21:43
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
32 23 March, 11:26
Tibor Szilvai
 23 March, 12:23
Jan Janssen
#me too
 23 March, 12:50
Following 👍
 23 March, 13:25
Zsolt Czegle
I take a seat! Following!
 23 March, 19:13
Cristian A
👀 I'm in
 23 March, 22:18
Łukasz Gliński
Following of course 👍
 25 March, 13:57
Prieur Gaël
Chouette tu nous refais un bel hélico !
 25 March, 14:51
Harry Eder
Following of course!
 25 March, 16:04
Ronan Yazar
Welcome everybody 😉
2  25 March, 18:09
Great! I can't miss this 👍
 25 March, 19:10
Tom Spiegelberg
Following 😃
 28 March, 12:02
Adam Gudynowski
 28 March, 12:04
Shar Dipree
Following. 👍
 28 March, 12:09
Juergen Klinglhuber
need to watch,....
 30 March, 11:06
Alec K
Taking a seat.
 31 March, 03:30
Bernd Kehm
Following with great pleasure. From where do You get the ideas or plans for all this changes, corrections and improvements you make (mostly with sheet) at your models?
 31 March, 08:28
Great and inspirational work as always Ronan. Watching with great interest as I have one in my stash. Will definitely use your build log as instruction for my future build.
 31 March, 10:17
Michael Kohl
Ahhh, Ronan and his Styrenomania. That will be fun to watch.
1  31 March, 10:23
Ronan Yazar
Many thanks for your comments and interest for this build ,
@Bernd : i don't have plans, i just look at detail pix of each aircraft , part by part. When i was in the air force, i have shot every aircraft i could with my camera, so i have a little stock of pix 😉
4  31 March, 12:48
Guy Rump
Looking good, following. 👍
 31 March, 14:48
Fantastic detailing, I'm in!
 31 March, 20:47
 31 March, 21:39
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
12 Görüntüler
i-4View album, image #12
proje: i-4
1:72 ANT-5 (I-4, I-4Z) (Zvezda 7271)
2 16 April 2020, 08:35
Air no
Qu'il est mignon cet avion !!
Bravo, ce doit-être une maquette rare ?
 31 March, 21:27
Paul Moore
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
18 Görüntüler
USS LangleyView album, image #1
1:350 USS Langley CV-1 (Trumpeter 05631)
16 15 June 2024, 13:35
Nice work!
 15 June 2024, 14:34
David Taylor
 15 June 2024, 17:25
Zbynek Honzik
 15 June 2024, 22:16
Perfect - down to the wood grain on the deck!
 15 June 2024, 22:38
Nick Dragone
Fabulous job. The planes really make this pop.
 31 March, 19:55
Rui S
I like it 👍
 31 March, 21:23
David Griffiths
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
28 Görüntüler
My 2021 BuildsView album, image #1
Zvezda kit with Drawdecal decals, Authentic Airliners windows and detail decals from Revaro and other sources
17 5 May 2021, 10:26
looks great!
 5 May 2021, 10:38
Łukasz Gliński
What a beauty 👍
 5 May 2021, 19:18
Nathan Dempsey
Great work! I've got to get those AA decals for my build.
 6 May 2021, 13:25
Robert Podkoński
Lovely couple, congrats!
 21 June 2021, 12:17
A great group. Well done during 2021. 😉
 7 December 2021, 21:05
love the Brussels Airlines one! 👍
 21 December 2021, 10:52
Zbynek Honzik
This collection is also worth a reminder! Beautiful!
 31 March, 20:18
Rui S
Beautiful collection 👍
 31 March, 21:22
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
22 29 March, 18:02
Neat, well done
1  29 March, 20:25
Dave Flitton
How was the build?
 30 March, 01:24
BAT21 Yazar
The build left mixed feelings – for a modern kit, the fit was disappointing in places.
The built-in 3D-printed accessories also put me in a bad mood due to poorly placed supports...
 30 March, 07:32
Very well done! 👍
1  30 March, 09:37
BAT21 Yazar
Thank you.
 30 March, 19:43
Alec K
Nice one 👍
 31 March, 03:26
Mark K
Looks great!
 31 March, 21:16
Piotr Puchowski
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
1 30 March, 19:24
David Wolff
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
92 Görüntüler
Kenworth SARView album, image #73Yeni: 31 March, 20:50
C1 Models LED spotlights test fitted.
1:25 T900 "Australia" (Revell 07549)
12 3 June 2022, 09:08
I'll stick around for this, if that's ok? Keen to pick up some ideas and tips.
 14 May 2023, 21:47
David Wolff Yazar
Let me know what tips you're looking for - happy to help.
 15 May 2023, 21:57
Well I've got a few resin transkits now, so I'm interested in how you modify everything to fit, and obviously the prep work that's needed to be done, before you hit the paint booth? I'm aware that resin doesn't like certain substances, so what are you going to use?
 16 May 2023, 03:23
David Wolff Yazar
It's mostly a lot of test fitting. I was able to get drawings of the original including dimensions which helped. I made the mistake of accepting the trans kit instructions for some of the build steps and discovered that the front axle was 2.4mm too far forward. This was why I ended up scratch building the front springs. I use a lot of reference material (mostly from the internet) and draw to scale any parts I need to make. To take measurements I use a selection of steel rulers, compass and a micrometer as well as Tamiya tape for curved sections. I'll try and include some examples. I always wash the resin in warm soapy water and air dry. To paint I use Mr Surfacer as a primer - this helps show up any imperfections or bubbles in the resin and is also a filler. Larger holes I use either cyanoacrylate and accelerant, sanding straight away as it is much harder than the resin when fully cured. I also use Green Stuff and Mr White Putty. As the Mr Surfacer is a filler as well it dries quite evenly and only needs a light rub over with 2000 grade wet and dry sandpaper. I usually use Zero Paints over the primer as although they smell they airbrush well and are rapid drying.
 16 May 2023, 14:51
Excellent information! I look forward to seeing this come together! I have a Mack F type, Diamond T, Mack R 700 and a few others, that escape my memory. I'll try not to chip in, and give everyone else a chance to comment. Thanks again buddy 👍
 16 May 2023, 20:25
Looking smart mate! 🙂
1  23 February, 09:59
Ricardo Reis
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
50 Görüntüler
Sukhoi Su-27UBM (WIP)View album, image #50Yeni: 31 March, 15:44
Painting the irregular blue lines
1:48 Su-27UB Seatbelts, STEEL (Eduard FE1155)1:48 Su-27UB ladder (late ver.) + chocks set (LP Models LP48039)1:48 Su-27/Su-30 Flanker - Pitot Tube (Master AM-48-066)6+
47 20 October 2024, 20:49
Jorge Ferreira
Ó Ricardo achas mesmo que essas decals 3d têm bom aspecto ? Na foto não acho.
 20 October 2024, 20:56
those 3D decals look good, but the details in the original cockpit look just amazing!
 20 October 2024, 21:19
Desert Marlin
The 3D decals seem like a mixed bag...
 20 October 2024, 22:41
Ricardo Reis Yazar
@Jorge, têm sim... o problema é que o cockpit tem o detalhes ainda mais definido, é mesmo lindo, o sacana...

@Spanjaard, the details in the cockpit are more crisp than the details on the decals... it breaks my heart! 🙁

@Desert Marlin, yup, quite. :\
 21 October 2024, 13:21
Ben M
You might leave a comment on the 3d decal page so people know what they're getting in to.
 21 October 2024, 22:47
Ricardo Reis Yazar
@Ben, with GWH this is always the case, I had to do the same thing with my F-15 some years ago; Eduard has done it better, because they always have parts with details and parts that are flat, for this purpose
 21 October 2024, 22:51
Cristian A
Grabbing a seat!
 11 November 2024, 21:10
Ricardo Reis Yazar
Welcome @Cristian
 12 November 2024, 01:04
Ben M
Nice work on the line. I've never done that but definitely will give it a try sometime now that I see how well it works. I wonder if I dare use my non imbedding polishing compound or if I should get the hobby stuff.
1  12 January, 02:22
Ricardo Reis Yazar
Thanks; I only use the traditional Tamiya compounds, they work for me, so I'm not changing 🙂
1  12 January, 02:23
Nathan Dempsey
I'm a bit late. Nice work so far Ricardo.
 18 January, 00:28
Ricardo Reis Yazar
Hello Nathan; thank you, I delayed these builds a little during Christmas time and New Year, I hope I can pick up the pace now, again 🙂
 18 January, 01:34
Desert Marlin
Excellent work! Very crisp detail!
 18 January, 05:03
Ricardo Reis Yazar
Hello Desert Marlin, welcome and thank you 🙂
 18 January, 11:03
Guy Rump
Looking good, following. 👍
 19 January, 20:10
Ricardo Reis Yazar
Thanks, and welcome Guy
 19 January, 20:53
Jorge Ferreira
Ricardo. Esses grampos todos para colar o avião ? Isso é da Revell ou quê ? Mais essa carlinga com riscos por limpar........mais uma boa bo......sta de kit sim senhor. Louvo-te o trabalho mas por 20 paus compro o da revell 😁😁😁
 21 January, 19:46
Desert Marlin
That really is a lot of clamps! The canopy came out great! This mold line they put in the top of the glass seems to be pretty common for all the 4th generation fighter aircraft. You make it look great!
1  21 January, 20:08
Ricardo Reis Yazar
Caro @Jorge, the clamp is to hold the temporary canopy in place while the white glue sets, no biggie; the glass seam is a pain, but solved in 5 minutes of careful sanding and polish 🙂
1  21 January, 23:14
Jorge Ferreira
Oh Ricardo não são esses grampos são os outros..... Ou montaste isso mal ou o kit é mau 😁😁😁😁
 23 January, 15:16
Ricardo Reis Yazar
@Jorge, os outros foram para assegurar que encaixava tudo bem e apertadinho: os encaixes não são maus, mas também não são Tamiya!
1  23 January, 16:50
Very nice progress all around, looking forward to the digital camo! 👍
 8 February, 23:29
Desert Marlin
Shading is looking great!!!
 8 February, 23:32
Ricardo Reis Yazar
Thank you mates, these colors are indeed very beautiful 🤩
1  9 February, 01:50
Nice build! now i am eager to start mine!
1  14 March, 12:48
Ricardo Reis Yazar
Thank you @Brontax3000; the plane is really nice, but prepare for a lengthy build
2  14 March, 22:17
 31 March, 20:49
Michael Kohl
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
78 13 October 2021, 18:52
Wow! A wonderful kit assembled to stunning effect. 👍
1  13 October 2021, 19:44
Michael Kohl Yazar
Thanx Mark. Happy to hear. It was no homerun and sat again and again for month until I gathered the motivation to overcome the hurdles I faced. But now I am happy to look at it.
 15 October 2021, 12:24
Robert Podkoński
I am deeply impressed with your perseverance...And the effect is stunning indeed!
1  15 October 2021, 13:12
Michael Kohl Yazar
Thanks Robert for your kind reply. Much appreciated.
 15 October 2021, 14:02
Nicely done! It was a good decision to replace the closed cowling with the engine, luckily Karaya re-released the old ExtraTech sets.
One day I will solder this kit too as addition to the other stripdown kits of this series.
1  26 October 2021, 09:17
Dominik Weitzer
1  26 October 2021, 09:30
Michael Kohl Yazar
Danke Bughunter und Dominik.
I hope that Eduard will re-release those strip down kits with improved styrene or/and resin parts as they did with the Fokker Dr.I.
 31 October 2021, 12:19
Rui S
Filigrana. Incredible work 👍
1  31 October 2021, 12:45
Ralf Topeters
Could it be I saw this one in Lingen yesterday? It is a masterpiece of skill and concentration. You must be a Zen-master! 😉 👍 👍 👍
2  26 March 2023, 12:42
Michael Kohl Yazar
Hi Ralf, thanks for your nice comment. Indeed, this kit tested my skills, patience and perseverance as it is very fragile and some parts, like the leading edge slats, are quite tricky to assemble. But what you have seen in Lingen must have been another Zen-Master as I happen to work this weekend. 🙂
I case you like that Strip Down stuff, you are welcome to visit my Fokker Dr. I- build too. A kit which is much easier to handle.

Fokker Dr.I strip down 1:72 | Album by panorama (1:72)
 26 March 2023, 13:41
Incredible work!
1  26 March 2023, 13:43
Michael Kohl Yazar
Thanks Gorby.
I gotta take some decent pics of this model too. Somehow I always forget.
 26 March 2023, 13:50
1  26 March 2023, 15:16
Dominik Weitzer
Wow, das sieht Klasse aus 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
1  26 March 2023, 17:15
Guy Rump
Great work. 👍
1  26 March 2023, 19:12
Michael Kohl Yazar
Thanks guys for the nice feedback, much appreciated.
 29 March 2023, 07:06
Great achievement. Nice feedback mandatory!
 29 March 2023, 07:59
Michael Kohl Yazar
🙂 Thanks Neuling.
 31 March 2023, 17:11
Michael Kohl Yazar
Finally added some new and better pictures.
 1 April 2023, 17:05
Michael Kohl Yazar
And Thank you guys for your likes.
 1 April 2023, 17:06
Michael Kohl Yazar
Thanks Dean to you too. Appreciated.
 8 April 2023, 19:58
1  8 April 2023, 22:14
Lothar Linke
beautiful aircraft and job
1  8 April 2023, 23:05
Michael Kohl Yazar
Thanks Neuling and Loghar29 for the thumbs up.
 10 April 2023, 19:23
Michael Kohl Yazar
And thanks again for more likes. Am a little proud to have finished this one after the hard times it gave me. 🙂
 11 April 2023, 07:02
Michael Kohl Yazar
Thank you guys for sneeking in and leaving a like. 🙂
 12 April 2023, 13:07
Zbynek Honzik
Great job, Michael! 👏👏👏
1  17 March, 19:42
1/72 scale wow amazing work
1  17 March, 20:07
Wow, Michael! Well done and plated!
1  23 March, 18:01
Michael Kohl Yazar
Thank you guys and welcome to the last meters. 🙂
 23 March, 18:03
Robert Podkoński
Great to see this jewel again!
1  23 March, 18:07
Thomas Kolb
I am at a loss for words. Simply amazing.
1  24 March, 11:37
That looks amazing.
1  24 March, 12:58
How is it possible to build?! Amazing work!
1  27 March, 05:19
Michael Kohl Yazar
Thanks a ton mates for the nice feedback. Makes me happy.
@Andrei: actually it is not that difficult as the layout of the kits is quite smart - most of the time. But I admit that some steps are a tad fumbly and tricky indeed.
1  27 March, 08:18
1  27 March, 08:29
After seeing pic32: looks a bit crazy, because the legs are too long -> in flight position.
I know this only as I built the 1:48 Storch from Tamiya, see how it looks like on ground: Fieseler Fi 156 Storch - A-99 of Switzerland | Album by bughunter (1:48)
Tamiya offers a accessory kit: Fi156C Storch In-Flight Land..lay Set (Tamiya 12620, 1:48) which contains a stand and new parts for a in-flight extended landing gear, so yours looks more like this.


Perhaps an excuse could be that the aircraft is very light because it is only half built and has no fuel and no cargo, so the suspension lifts it up 🙂
1  27 March, 15:09
Michael Kohl Yazar
That was precisely my reasoning:😉
Otherwise I would have modified the hell out of this landing gear.
 27 March, 17:30
Michael Kohl Yazar
Kidding aside, thanks Frank for your input. Always nice to learn.
 27 March, 17:32
Dietmar Bogatzki
Whoow Michael, in dem Maßstab so was zu bauen 👍
1  31 March, 07:58
 31 March, 20:48
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
18 Görüntüler
VPAFView album, image #2Yeni: 31 March, 07:41
proje: VPAF
1:72 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-17F 'Fresco' [Shenyang J-5] (Airfix A03091)1:72 MiG-21PFM (R.V.Aircraft 72041)1:72 MiG-21 PF/PFM Pilot (in High Altitude Pressure Suit) And Ground Crew (2 fig.) (CMK F72366)
22 31 March, 07:40
Dietmar Bogatzki
Great build and paintjob 👍
 31 March, 07:49
So it is.
 31 March, 08:19
Thomas Kolb
Lovely display, and super nice modeling too!
 31 March, 09:25
Excelllent work! 👍🏻
 31 March, 10:09
Arif Saeed
Fantastic work !
 31 March, 12:09
Rui S
Great pair & Dio 👍
 31 March, 12:18
Kirill K.
 31 March, 14:08
Guy Rump
Great builds and dio, congrats! 👍
 31 March, 14:41
 31 March, 20:47
Eddie Bosano-Andrews
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
4 30 March, 10:58
I'll follow this. Looks fun.
1  30 March, 19:32
Eddie Bosano-Andrews Yazar
So far it's proving to be really nice kit to build
 31 March, 00:01
 31 March, 20:42
Przemyslaw Sroczynski
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
19 29 December 2024, 17:19
Casey Beckett
Great Start! Such a beautiful plane, always liked the P-11
 30 December 2024, 02:21
I missed this one so far. Looks good alredy.
1  20 March, 06:00
Łukasz Gliński
Following, that trick with separately painted stabs looks interesting 👍
1  20 March, 09:19
Michael Kohl
I am in as well.
1  20 March, 09:55
Robert Podkoński
Following too!
1  20 March, 10:09
1  20 March, 12:34
That looks like a really nice kit. I've never built an IBG.
 20 March, 13:52
Przemyslaw Sroczynski Yazar
Thx guys
 20 March, 14:29
Thomas Kolb
This looks like a great little model, and nice and clean build too. Watching with interest!
 20 March, 19:31
very nice very net building. I have a question on painting : how many primer you did ? looks like according to the pics you based in grey then in black then again in grey before passing to the color. another question is what color did you use on the model ? thanks a lot in advance (I have one in my stash I picked up in Rzeszow and hope to do it one day !)
 30 March, 13:08
Przemyslaw Sroczynski Yazar
Hi Naram
I put only one - black primer, sprues are grey
Underside of the wing is grey base color
I've used Hataka set
1  31 March, 17:04
thanks !
 31 March, 20:37
Looking good, I'm in
 31 March, 20:42
Roland Sachsenhofer
added a new article to onun personal gallery:
Piaggio-Pegna PC.7 1:48 Modellversium
Piaggio-Pegna PC.7 1:48
Piaggio-Pegna PC.7
AMP 1:48
by Roland Sachsenhofer on Modellversium
4 31 March, 07:45
Was für ein cooles Teil!
 31 March, 08:55
Roland Sachsenhofer Yazar
Danke Acki! 😃
 31 March, 20:29
Живко Джаков
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
10 19 January, 13:49
Cool, will follow
1  28 March, 20:06
Rui S
I'm in 😎
1  28 March, 22:36
Me to! 😎
1  29 March, 01:54
Guy Rump
Following with interest! 👍
1  29 March, 10:19
Villiers de Vos
Beautiful detailed work so far.
1  30 March, 04:39
Живко Джаков Yazar
For some reason I'm putting off painting. I'm working on some little things like the landing gear struts, exhausts, and wheels. I'm also trying to paint before I put all the guns and antennas on. I saw a video of them doing it with white glue. Keep your fingers crossed that it turns out okay.
1  30 March, 09:30
I've got this in my stash. Watching with interest.
1  30 March, 19:11
Живко Джаков Yazar
Welcome to the party, Skyhiker. The model is a pleasure, but check out the transparent parts. Some people complained about them. I'll be waiting to see your compilation.
 30 March, 19:15
Paul Bowers
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
8 31 March, 19:54
Nice Build.
1  31 March, 20:05
Rui S
Beautifully done. An eye catcher 👍
1  31 March, 20:20
David Griffiths
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
44 Görüntüler
My 2020 buildsView album, image #1
Heavily modified Airfix DC-9 with Classic Airlines decals.
8 5 April 2020, 14:33
Ben M
What scale is the DC-9? I like it a lot.
 5 April 2020, 16:42
David Griffiths Yazar
Thanks. The album is work in progress and I'll get round to captions eventually. The DC-9 is 1/144. It's a heavily modified Airfix kit. You can read more on Britmodeller; britmodeller.com/for..-the-airfix-classic/
 7 April 2020, 09:47
Ben M
Cool - I'm thinking of tackling the 1:72 DC-9 soon, but it will be a mostly OOB build.
 7 April 2020, 17:25
Ben M
Also, this may be the most relaxing DC-9 video ever made:
Youtube Video
 7 April 2020, 17:26
Hehe am I actually seeing things inside the cockpit, or is this just an illusion because of decals? 🙂
 25 April 2020, 13:25
Łukasz Gliński
What a lovely collection 👍
@Ben: I want to watch this, thinking of the same project 🙂
 25 April 2020, 13:57
looks great 🙂
 25 April 2020, 15:11
David Griffiths Yazar
The cockpits are all done with decals from Authentic Airliner Decals in Germany. They are the best thing to happen to airliner modelling in the last 20 years
 26 April 2020, 23:37
Nathan Dempsey
You're right about the Authentic Airliner decals David. I bought one set and liked them so much that I'm going to buy a set for all my airliner builds.

Your builds look great! I really like that Westjet 737. Good to see more airliner builds on Scalemates!
 26 April 2020, 23:59
Amazing looking planes 🙂
 27 April 2020, 01:14
Sergej I
Beautiful! 👍
 2 October 2020, 12:54
Derek Huggett
Sorry I almost missed these....simply stunning! 👍
 2 October 2020, 13:48
Zbynek Honzik
Fantastic collection! How could I have missed it!
 31 March, 20:15
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
111 Görüntüler
Hawker Hunter T.68 ProjectView album, image #109
Upper masks removed. Paint flaws need to be corrected.
1:72 Hunter T.Mk.7 / Mk.F.6 (Matchbox PK-117)
86 8 December 2016, 19:16
Looks interesting so far.
 9 December 2016, 15:54
Bart Goesaert
nice... there's more in an old matchbox than one would think...
 9 December 2016, 17:06
Arash Zakeri
Very nice work
 9 December 2016, 17:20
Cuajete Yazar
Thank you very much.

About the model kit:
Matchbox Hunter T.Mk.7/Mk.F.6 kit with scratch pieces and some spare parts from other kits.

Decals will be made with laser printer.
 10 December 2016, 11:31
laser color printer? i been thinking on getting one for some time.... have you done those decals with it before?
 3 December 2017, 09:45
Cuajete Yazar
Hi Spanjaard, I already have them printed. They have been made by a graphic designer who makes them by order in a high quality laser color printer.
 3 December 2017, 19:01
ok, not the kind of printer you expect to have at home, right? 🙁 well, we will need to keep going to print services 🙂
 3 December 2017, 21:09
John Bollig
very interesting job on your matchbox hunter . I have always liked matchbox
 3 December 2017, 22:29
🙂, we two like tigers!!
 8 December 2017, 17:13
Cuajete Yazar
Many thanks, mates!
 8 December 2017, 20:25
John Thomas
Nice paint job
 9 December 2017, 14:01
Cuajete Yazar
Thank you John. Unfortunately I have to repeat the painting, because the yellow part is rough.
 9 December 2017, 19:06
Mike Daniels
Nice scheme!!
 9 December 2017, 21:27
Martin Hooper
Nice work A different Hunter
 10 December 2017, 15:07
Cuajete Yazar
Many thanks, Mike and Martin! 🙂
 15 November 2021, 19:44
Charlie Spitfire
very nice
 3 March 2022, 20:50
Cuajete Yazar
Many thanks, Charlie. I'm glad you like it 👍
 4 March 2022, 19:13
Łukasz Gliński
How come I missed it for so long?
 23 March 2022, 12:46
Guy Rump
Looking great, following with interest. 👍
 26 March 2022, 12:04
Ben M
Oh I love the scheme you are doing!
 26 March 2022, 18:55
Lena Schneider
Cool painting scheme😊
 27 March 2022, 13:14
Daniel Klink
Very interesting scheme and looking ver good!! 👍
 27 March 2022, 18:33
Bart Goesaert
nice progress and detailing work...
 30 March 2022, 09:38
Mirko Römer
Looks like Matchbox still offers a lot of fun to us! Thanks for presenting it!
 30 March 2022, 19:45
Hi Cuajete, this is looking REALLY nice. Admiring the work you're completing on this kit. Following with great interest 🙂 👍
 1 April 2022, 09:13
Cuajete Yazar
Łukasz, Guy, Ben, Lena, Daniel, Bart, Mirko and Neil... Thank you very much. Your words are very much appreciated and motivating. And many thanks too for the likes to all mates.

I have uploaded more photos with comments to show a complete progress of everything I have done from the beginning until now. I invite everyone who has seen the few photos up to now to see the album again.
 1 April 2022, 10:01
and what a pleasure to do. beautiful scratch build skills at play. fantastic.
 1 April 2022, 10:21
Robert Podkoński
Fantastic work and beautiful painting scheme. Great work so far!
 1 April 2022, 11:07
Thomas Kolb
This is turning out to be yet another masterpiece from you.
 1 April 2022, 11:41
Thomas T
Very nice, Cuajete, exactly my prey-pattern. Impressive what you make out of this ancient kit!
 1 April 2022, 15:38
David R. Meizoso
Fantastic job, makes this build log a really enjoyable one! Your comments on pic 23 made my day ;D
 1 April 2022, 17:24
Cuajete Yazar
Spanjaard, Robert, Thomas Kolb, Thomas T, David... Many thanks for your kind comments and nice words.
All mates are being a fantastic audience 🙂
 2 April 2022, 18:16
Alec K
Very nice work on a what looks like a challenging kit mate. Not sure how I missed this so far, and glad it's off the you-know-what shelf 😉
 13 April 2022, 23:03
Patryk S.
Looks very good so far! Great camo scheme. Your build shows that with a little love old kits are always usable and buildable.
 15 April 2022, 12:30
Thomas Bischoff
Impressive work on this old kit and great attention to details 👍
 15 April 2022, 17:49
Cuajete Yazar
I'm impressed by your encouraging and motivating words, Alec, Patryk and Thomas. Thank you very much colleagues!
 16 April 2022, 17:40
Andy Ball
Now that's a worthy entry into the Matchbox Group Build!
 10 August 2022, 19:36
Cuajete Yazar
Oh Andy, you're very kind... Is there a Matchbox GB now?
Thanks for your comment 🙂 👍
 11 August 2022, 17:33
Matchbox 50th anniversary group build (1. April until 31. December, )
 11 August 2022, 17:35
Cuajete Yazar
Thank you, Spanjaard 👍
And many thanks for the likes, mates! 🙂👍
 11 August 2022, 17:58
Simon Nagorsnik
Wow, fantasic camo!
 11 August 2022, 18:16
Andy Ball
I found the GB by mistake, think it's on until December'22
 11 August 2022, 18:24
Julian Herrero aka Yuri
BRAVO !!!!!!
 11 August 2022, 18:32
Cuajete Yazar
It seems so, Andy. I hope he can pick up the project before the GB ends. I have several projects stopped for not being able to attend to them now, such as the DH.88 or the U-2. But they will all come to an end, sooner or later.

The last thing I did was strip the paint to repaint due to the harsh orange peel effect the yellow had when I put on the sand colored base coat. It is not appreciated in the pics, but that was not pleasing to the eye.

Simon, thanks for your comment 🙂
 11 August 2022, 18:33
Andy Ball
I looked through the whole project Cuajete- wow, some scratch building going off there! Masterful.
 11 August 2022, 19:05
Cuajete Yazar
Thank you so much, Andy.
It was going to be a quick OOB build at first, but I started adding a few things until it finally made life difficult for me, 😄
 11 August 2022, 19:56
Andy Ball
"Suffer for your art". All the best do.
 11 August 2022, 20:10
Cuajete Yazar
Thanks again, Andy 👍
 12 August 2022, 18:25
Dean Harpster
A real master class! Thanks for the detail on how to mold a needed part... I intend to try it on at least a couple projects. Striking paint scheme, a real standout!
 22 August 2022, 04:13
Very nice so far 👍
 22 August 2022, 06:50
Cuajete Yazar
Many thanks my friends!
I'm heavily impressed by your responses mates, thank you so much for these really appreciated comments!

Dean: Thank you so much. I'd like to see those projects when you start them 👍
Ronan: it is an honor to receive a comment from a scratch master like you. Thank you! 🙂
 23 August 2022, 18:02
Cuajete Yazar
Thanks again for your likes, mates! 👍
 25 August 2022, 17:59
Almost at the finish. Looking good. 🙂
 2 January 2023, 21:42
Nice to see how you improved the kit. You have some good ideas.
 3 January 2023, 05:43
Though project, only for brave ones!
 3 January 2023, 07:55
Great work with the cockpit, the bays and the paint! Fantastic tutorial! Thanks a lot
 3 January 2023, 08:32
Cuajete Yazar
Wow! Thank you all so much gentlemen for your nice and warm words.
Very much appreciated 👍
 3 January 2023, 20:48
Cuajete Yazar
@Mockingbird, thanks for watching and your like 👍
 3 April 2024, 17:51
Cuajete Yazar
@Roland, thank you so much. You're welcome 🙂
 5 April 2024, 19:15
Cuajete Yazar
@Sergio Ordonez, muchas gracias por tu visita. Un saludo!
 6 April 2024, 19:12
Cuajete Yazar
@Rui Reis, many thanks 👍
 9 April 2024, 18:47
She's a real beaut Cuajete☺️, great scheme and beautiful work on the instrument panel! My compliments!
 9 April 2024, 23:28
Oleg Smilyk
Very interesting project, beautiful!
 10 April 2024, 04:38
Cuajete Yazar
Dick and Oleg, thank you so much. Your words are very motivating. Your projects are so great!

Thanks to the mates for your likes.
 16 April 2024, 19:05
Cuajete Yazar
@Zbynek Honzik, many thanks for your visit and like 👍
 21 April 2024, 18:25
Cuajete Yazar
@Lukas Muller, thank you so much 👍
 23 April 2024, 19:08
Cuajete Yazar
@Graham Nichols, thanks for watching and your like 👍
 25 April 2024, 18:52
Cuajete Yazar
@Hans, thanks a lot 👍
 2 May 2024, 19:28
Cuajete Yazar
@Arif Saeed, thank you very much!
 8 May 2024, 18:48
Cuajete Yazar
@BM and @Marc, thx! 👍
 19 May 2024, 17:57
Cuajete Yazar
@Naram, thank you so much for your like 👍
 31 March, 19:34
That is wild paint pattern.
 31 March, 20:13
Emanuele Matteucci
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
6 Görüntüler
Mitsubishi A6m5 Zero Fighter - 1/48 View album, image #2Yeni: 31 March, 20:11
Back again on an airplane after a couple of years of cars. It's always so relaxing when the kit come togheter easily. S...
1:48 Mitsubishi A6M3 Zero Fighter Type 22 (Hasegawa 09117)
1 31 March, 10:30
David Griffiths
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
4 Görüntüler
My 2025 buildsView album, image #1Yeni: 31 March, 11:16
Mark 1 Models kit with 26 Decals
4 31 March, 11:16
Rui S
A Beauty 👍
 31 March, 13:43
Guy Rump
Very nice build! 👍
 31 March, 14:45
Zbynek Honzik
My God, what a beauty! 👏👏👏
More pictures, please!
 31 March, 20:10
Mark Deliduka
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
23 Görüntüler
My Latest MilestoneView album, image #1
Signage for 900 piece Armor and Vehicle Collection
11 28 March, 18:44
Rui S
Impressive Milestone👍 Congratulations
How long those it take?
 28 March, 18:55
Mark Deliduka Yazar
Thank you Ruis! Well, I started when I was seven years old, so 55 years in total.
1  28 March, 19:06
Rui S
And you managed to keep them all over the years 👍
 28 March, 22:39
Amazing collection
 28 March, 23:49
Certainly an impressive collection. I love the mix of old and new in each country's vehicle park, but what's a M1 Abrams doing I the Canadian vehicle park; are they lost 😆
 29 March, 01:14
Mark Deliduka Yazar
Rui, thank you, yes I did. I'm so glad too. As for the Abrams in the Canadian vehicle park; the Canadians at one point were evaluating the Abrams for their Army and had several with their markings on them. Eventually, they went with the Leopard 2 instead. So, I added an Abrams since they did have a couple with Canadian markings.

Dave, thank you!
 31 March, 18:51
WOW, staggering collection! 😮
 31 March, 19:00
I was under the impression that the lost Abrams in Canada was looking for poutine.
 31 March, 20:00
Gustavo Antonelli
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
2 31 March, 19:33
Ian Doody
yeni bir fotoalbüm ekledi.
7 Görüntüler
MyAlbumView album, image #2Yeni: 31 March, 19:50
Doubt I'll use the stand though. I think I'm going to scratch build a launch pad, with all the wires, ladders and greasy...
1:48 Hawk Mark IX (MPC MPC947)
1 31 March, 19:49
Ian Doody Yazar
Just picked up the 15" 1/48 Space 1999 Hawk Mk IX Interceptor. Looks to be a very nice kit. Pleasantly surprised at the details, nice heavy plastic. I really wanted a big one of these, and this is the largest I could afford, so far it's well worth the money. Plus I bought it straight from the Gerry Anderson site, as it was cheaper than anywhere else. Thinking about scratching a cockpit interior for it, although in the show it didn't have one. Not sure what version I'll do, pre production, from the episode, or a custom version. But it'll be a fun build.
 31 March, 19:55
Thomas Kolb
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95 Görüntüler
SAAB Viggen - "Thor's Hammers" - Special Hobby - Quadruple BuildView album, image #95Yeni: 31 March, 19:44
A week later, four Swedish thunderbolts getting ready for the next steps - namely detail painting of nose cones, leading...
1:72 AJ-37/SK-37 Viggen (Special Hobby SH72411)1:72 Pod KB (Maestro Models MMK7206)1:72 Pod KA / U22 (Maestro Models MMK7207)14+
105 15 January, 18:11
1  15 January, 19:17
Very interesting project to start the year 👍
Good start!
1  15 January, 19:40
1  15 January, 20:05
Harry Eder
Very promising start! 👍
1  15 January, 20:15
Robert Podkoński
Quadruple build? Ambitious! Watching with pleasure!
1  15 January, 20:48
Łukasz Gliński
Oh man, 4*Viggen 😮
1  15 January, 21:21
Patrick Hagelstein
Very cool! I'll join in! 🍿
1  15 January, 21:23
Massive project! I'm in!👍🏻
1  15 January, 22:38
4 Viggens? print row, please!
1  15 January, 22:49
Taking a seat as well. 👍🏻
1  15 January, 23:49
Watching 👍
1  16 January, 07:38
Michael Kohl
Me too. Already learned to better open up the RAT turbine at my Viggen. A step I lazily omitted.
2  16 January, 08:33
Daniel Mysak
Nice start👍! ...will follow your progress.
1  16 January, 14:57
Mid Franconian
😎 Following!
1  16 January, 18:05
Thomas Kolb Yazar
Main assermbly done on all four models, but now I have a few days to spend sanding and filling unwanted seams and crude areas. A bit tedious, but that's what you get when you choose to build four nearly identical models at the same time.
 17 January, 14:23
Łukasz Gliński
That escalates damn quickly! 👍
2  17 January, 16:03
Robert Podkoński
Impressive progress indeed
2  17 January, 17:11
Mirko Römer
Oh my... Good luck, Thomas! 🙂
I own two of them and was thinking of a double build but rejected the idea. Thanks for the encouragement!
1  17 January, 18:26
Very ambitious project and well explained steps! Following indeed! 😄👍
1  17 January, 19:17
Good progress! 👍
2  17 January, 19:27
Mr D
Great project 👍
Was there much difference between the kits ?
1  17 January, 19:29
Patrick Hagelstein
Wow! That's a quick build! 😳 I can only dream to build ONE kit that fast, let alone four at once!
1  17 January, 19:29
Thomas Kolb Yazar
Mr D, no, they are pretty much the same. Most of the parts for all versions are provided in every kit. But there are some subtle differences that need attention, like the extension of the fuselage for the fighter version.
1  17 January, 22:05
Thomas Kolb Yazar
Patrick, haha, I am a pretty fast builder, but I am extremely slow when it comes to painting. That's where my projects usually come to a crawl.
3  17 January, 22:07
Juergen Klinglhuber
watching with interest - I love SAAB aircraft anyhow, but 4 of them in one project --great!!
1  18 January, 10:31
This is more interesting than I thought it would be. The subtle difference between them are pretty cool.
2  20 January, 10:53
Thomas Kolb Yazar
With only a few minutes of modeling here and there this week, it's quite a slow progress, but I am still inching closer to the finished assembly.
 30 January, 20:16
Veryt nice wapons and pods 👍
1  1 February, 19:19
Dave Flitton
Excellent work. Can't wait for the finished product!
2  10 February, 22:16
I agree with Dave 👍
1  11 February, 18:52
★ Starfish ★
Really looking forward to the paint jobs! Great work so far!
2  11 February, 19:59
What a glorious project!
1  11 February, 20:27
Thomas Kolb Yazar
Primer coat applied, a few filling errors need to be fixed. Time is unfortunately very difficult to find because of work, so the project moves very slowly for a while.
 12 February, 08:46
Cristian A
Following along
1  13 February, 14:52
Thomas Kolb Yazar
Undersides sprayed blue-gray with Mr Paint. Now let's wait a day for the paint to dry and then it's time to start working on the splinter camo. With my current speed, I expect to be finished by midsummer.
 14 February, 14:15
Patrick Hagelstein
Oh yes, once you get used to MRP, you'll never want another paint brand anymore! I love their colors, pigmentation and general ease of use. And, as a bonus, their sheen is perfect for adding decals directly on top.
2  14 February, 15:36
Cristian A
Nice work Thomas, keep it going!
1  15 February, 20:16
1  17 February, 07:18
Thomas Kolb Yazar
I am trying to find a way to avoid tiny gaps between the splinter camo color zones. I think I have figured it out - before spraying a color zone, also remove the masks for all adjacent surfaces not yet painted. Thereby a slight spray overlap is created, so even if the mask is then replaced with a tiny bit of offset, it should not be visible. Special Hobby writes something like that in the mask description, but it's written in a very obscure way.
 17 February, 12:11
Martin Weinpold
Wow, looks good!
1  17 February, 12:59
Nicolas Lopez
Thanks for sharing, Thomas. Following.
1  17 February, 13:06
Łukasz Gliński
Ahhh, dat splinter! One&only!
1  17 February, 13:26
Frank Brzobohaty
Looks great just give the corporal in charge of painting a reprimand on his record and send the plane to the flight line......do you know how much it cost to paint aircraft, lol.
1  17 February, 13:55
macro is a bitch for this kind of details... if you place the model in the display cabinet, can you see that microline with wrong color? i think you can not 😉
1  17 February, 14:01
Thomas Kolb Yazar
I have now started to add the masks to the models. It's quite a tricky task because I need to be extremely precise with the application - even the tiniest errors will be magnified as more mask segments are added, until things no longer add up. So it's a matter of constantly realigning the segments, which makes it all rather time consuming. BTW, I noticed that the pattern has a few minor errors, but I definitely won't lose any sleep over it.
1  19 February, 20:26
Thanks for your explain, Thomas. I thinked to would be more easy to apply 👍
1  19 February, 20:33
this camo is one of the most complicated to achieve and the fact that you are doing it 4 models at once... my deepest respect!
2  19 February, 21:20
Łukasz Gliński
Your the master of splinter suspense! Dosing it bit by bit 😄
1  19 February, 21:28
Thomas Kolb Yazar
Cuajete, Spanjaard and Łukasz, thank you for your interest! I am certainly not doing any cliffhanging on purpose - I am actually this glacially slow in reality. I also try to avoid aggravating the wifey by disappearing in my modeling man-cave for hours.
2  19 February, 21:45
Łukasz Gliński
Good and fully understood strategy 😄
As our common colleague (the one, you share initials with 😛) used to say: "Happy wife? Happy life!"
1  19 February, 22:05
Juergen Klinglhuber
Watching with interest. You will master the splinter camo for sure 👍
1  20 February, 17:10
Thomas Kolb Yazar
I am still struggling with the masks, trying to making sure that they are applied exactly identical on all three models, which slows down the process a bit. Not that anybody except me would notice.
3  21 February, 10:59
Daniel Mysak
Nice progress, I'm looking forward to the splinter camouflage. On my AJ-37 I used vinyl masks from DM Models, it looks like the masks you are using are a bit easier to handle.
1  22 February, 12:12
I have always had the conspirational theory that the Danish air force had a secret department dedicated to making life miserable for modellers, with their odd fonts, colours and aircraft modifications. The splinter camouflage is clear evidence of a similar department in the Swedish air force.
4  22 February, 12:19
Thomas Kolb Yazar
Daniel, thank you! I am right now hoping that my end result will be at least in the general vicinity of your beautiful Viggen in flight!
 22 February, 22:31
Thomas Kolb Yazar
Phew, the second color is finally on. Now it's time to cover also the dark green areas and proceed with the black.
 16 March, 20:06
Michael Kohl
Was anxious to see how you handle the masking but see that you struggle with the three tone camo too. Cross my fingers for a satisfactory end result.
1  17 March, 08:57
Thomas Kolb Yazar
Michael, it is really not that difficult, only extremely time-consuming and require a very good eye-sight (or magnifying glasses). Too bad that the masks only partially reflect the actual camo pattern, I was hoping that they would be near perfect.
 17 March, 09:52
Michael Kohl
I was wrecking my brain for a simple elegant technique to apply 3-tone camos without the need for re-covering extensively. So - yes the concept is easy, but the work is plenty. 😉. Keep it up. Looking good.
1  17 March, 10:52
Thomas Kolb Yazar
Actually, the best method is to have two mask sets. I find that it is very difficult to do it all with just one mask set, as the masks will be slightly stretched and distorted when removed and reapplied and will no longer fit perfectly.

1. Spray the model light green.
2. Place all the masks from the first mask set.
3. Remove all masks segments except the light green ones and throw them away.
4. Spray the model dark green.
5. Add the dark green masks from the second mask set.
6. Spray the model black.
7. Add the black masks from the second mask set.
8. Spray the remaining exposed areas tan.

Also, when spraying a color, do not mask areas that you will be painting with a different color later, or you will end up with tiny strips of areas where the previous color shines through.
3  17 March, 11:41
Michael Kohl
Maybe to add that such a camo be best postshaded or oil rendered as the various colors have different amounts of paint layers and so preshading gives an inconsistent result.
2  17 March, 14:12
Great job with the painting masks, Thomas!
Thank you for the explain and the steps for apply 👍
1  17 March, 19:01
Thanks for the detailed explanation Thomas. Is there a particular reason for the order of the colors? I would probably have worked from light to dark.
1  17 March, 19:44
Shar Dipree
1  17 March, 19:45
Admirable stamina, looking forward to the inevitably great result 👍 I have Fujimi 1/72 Boeing Vertol/Hkp 4 in my stash and Swedish decals for it… even the rotor blades have splinter camouflage.. 😳🙄
1  17 March, 20:20
Thomas Kolb Yazar
Thank you all for your interest and encouragement! Nicolas, the tan areas are relatively few and with difficult shapes that are squeezed in between the other colors, so I figured that they would be easiest to leave for last. And for the three other colors, I indeed went from lightest to darkest as you suggested. Kenneth, yes, I would love to do the Hkp 4, it looks awesome in the splinter paintwork! I am however not sure if the Fujimi is available any more.
 17 March, 20:39
Thank you Thomas. I wasn't quite aware how little is actually painted tan.
1  18 March, 06:51
Łukasz Gliński
Thomas, some say HB is equally good, but it lacks the big sponsons.
2  18 March, 08:29
Thomas Kolb Yazar
Łukasz, thank you! Kenneth actually provided me with a link to a German web shop (Modellbau Huber) where the Fujimi was still available, so I placed an order for it. I also ordered the Swedish decal set, so I might as well check if I have some MRP splinter camo paint left. And Valium for the nerves.
2  18 March, 08:44
Wow, Thomas... It will be great to see that Fujimi with splinter camo in your hands 👍. I wanted to do the same too, but unfortunately I got another version instead.
1  18 March, 19:08
Lukasz, I initially bought the 1/72 Hobby Boss CH-46 by mistake and it's useless for a Swedish Hkp 4. You basically need to make completely new rear sponsons yourself, and their shape is relatively complex.
2  18 March, 21:32
Guy Rump
Looking good, following. 👍
2  18 March, 21:37
Juergen Klinglhuber
OMG. A lot of work in this camo scheme - I sure at the very end all the efforts definitively will pay off. I'm really curios for next pictures....
1  22 March, 12:16
I agree with Juergen 👍
1  22 March, 19:30
Michael Kohl
@pic92: ok?! That looks freakin perfect! I cross my fingers for a similar result on all surfaces on all planes.
1  24 March, 20:43
Shar Dipree
Colours looks great and the result is perfect. Continued success! 👍
1  24 March, 21:04
Patrick Hagelstein
Those colors look awesome already! Very tight demarcations as well! 👌🏼
1  25 March, 18:31
Great! Fantastic result.
The great (and hard) masking effort is paying off, Thomas 👍
1  25 March, 18:44
Your paint scheme looks great. Very nice work.
1  26 March, 20:58
looks of work, but you are certainly nailing it!
1  26 March, 21:43
Lots of viggen here, Great paintjob
1  26 March, 22:48
A little late, but watching with interest - especially if you go insane over FOUR viggen camo jobs!
1  27 March, 00:02
Desert Marlin
Nice job on the camouflage!
1  27 March, 00:42
This is genuinely impressive, wow!
1  31 March, 13:15
Mid Franconian
I take my hat off! I just would not have the patience to do every step 4 times - especially the masking (ok, 3 times here…). Great job on the masking Thomas!
1  31 March, 14:17
Martin Weinpold
1  31 March, 14:31
you certainly pulled it off! and 3 times, no least! great result
1  31 March, 15:25
Thomas Kolb Yazar
Thank you all, dear mates for your kind words. They mean a lot to me! But to be fair, at least half the cred goes to MRP for its paints - they are simply incredible to work with. For airbrush work, I cannot see myself going back to anything else again.
2  31 March, 17:53
Wow... Thomas, the patience and work you put in to achieve such a magnificent result is admirable.
1  31 March, 19:20
Desert Marlin
Beautiful work!!!
 31 March, 19:47
Łukasz Gliński
Congratulations on conversion to the lacquer paints 😄 Welcome to the club 😄
Hint: the other lacquers are great too, but might need thinning.
I'm very sorry to state that the grey one looks so incredibly dull now 😉
 31 March, 19:53





