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Thomas Kolb (Mimoid)

Yak-12 - Amodel

Album image #1
So, what's in this tiny box? 

Album image #2
Fret 1 - The main fuselage parts. 

Album image #3
Fret 2 - The wings. The fabric effect looks quite nice and realistic. 

Album image #4
The side doors and that triangular cargo door should be easy to open up if one is inclined to display the cockpit fully open (and why not indeed). 

Album image #5
Fret 3 - Pretty much everything else. 

Album image #6
Obvious signs of a low pressure molding process, with the expected softness, clumsy mold gates and sink marks here and there. But it's not too bad at all - not the usual Amodel collection of plastic blobs. 

Album image #7
The molds seem to be originating from some (to me unknown) Ukranian manufacturer. Master 44? 

Album image #8
The transparent fret. 

Album image #9
Quite a lot of distortion is present on the windscreen, but it looks worse in this photo than in real life. 

Album image #10
All the side and roof windows are to be cemented inside the fuselage openings without any edge framing whatsoever - I have never seen anything like this on a model kit before. It will be very challenging to get a decent bond without getting any cement on the window panes. Also all the mold gates end up on the glass pane itself, so every glass surface needs to be sanded smooth and then repolished back to transparency 

Album image #11
Two versions can be built from the decals: a standard Soviet military version and a Polish civilian ambulance aircraft. The printing of the decal sheet looks okay, but my experience with Amodel decals is not the best, so I would try to avoid them. Also, I would definitely not be tempted to use that blue stripe decal, as you would still need to paint the rest of the blue areas (the nose and the fin) and finding the exactly matching blue color may be quite difficult. 

Album image #12
A slight print misalignment can be seen if you look carefully, but not too bad. 

Album image #13
The usual Amodel leaflet instruction sheet - I think I can manage even without it. Color callouts for the Humbrol range is provided. 

Album image #14
I also purchased a PE sheet while I was at it. A lot of interesting stuff can be added if one is not afraid of some plastic surgery. 

Album image #15
Let's start with the cockpit floors! The rather basic details, including the rear seat bench, are all carefully sanded off, to be replaced with more accurate PE details.  

Album image #16
The new floor is in place, minus the seats and pedals. The foldable rear seats will be in the folded position to allow room for some generous cargo space. I might add some stuff in there, I am not yet sure what. 

Album image #17
There is little point in detailing the cockpit if it cannot be seen, so the doors and the cargo bay door were cut open using a new modeling knife blade, to be replaced with the PE doors later. Be warned, the plastic is quite brittle and breaks easily, so it is important to work slowly and carefully. 

Album image #18
I didn't expect the cockpit floor to fit perfectly without a lot of sanding and fettling, and I wasn't wrong. It can be done, it just takes some work and a lot of subsequent dry-fitting. 

Album image #19
The two seats are pretty crude, but have the right basic shape and can be improved with the help of the PE set. There are however some deep sink marks in the middle of each seat that needs to be filled with some putty. 

Album image #20
The king’s throne. The seat framing is improved by using some heat-stretched sprue bent into shape, and the PE parts. It should all look less ”golden” once painted accordingly. There are some tiny holes in the floor for the seat legs, I needed to widen them a bit by drilling into them so the seat legs have something to hold on to. 

Album image #21
Cockpit floor superglued to the left fuselage half and primed gray. Seats and dashboard still missing as you can see. 

Album image #22
Some additional detail added to the cargo area using pieces of styrene and lead wire - basically just the missing rear bulkhead and a small shelf containing battery, power converter and radio equipment. All primed gray with Badger Stynylrez primer, waiting for the detail paintjob. 

Album image #23
The side windows have their molding gates protruding onto the glass pane. This needs to be removed, so the glass itself needs to be sanded and then polished back to transparency and shine. A bit annoying, but no big deal. 

Album image #24
Several sanding and polishing sessions later, the offending gate is gone and the transparency is restored. I used mainly Mr Hobby polishing cloths and then finished off with Tamiya Polishing Compounds (Fine and Finish). 

Album image #25
Side windows installed, by painstakingly sanding the edges of the transparent part to fit precisely into the aperture and then letting microscopic amounts of Tamiya Extra Thin Cement flow into the join between the window and the fuselage while trying to avoid fogging of the glass. Acrylic cement would have been better but it proved too weak to hold the windows in place. This is definitely not a great design as it is really easy to accidentally push in the windows into the cockpit during handling. 

Album image #26
The seats were hand painted using Tamiya acrylics and superglued onto the floor. The slightly oversized seat belts are from the Parts photo etched set. The contact points between the legs of the seats and the floor are literally microscopic, so the seats are dislodged by the slightest touch. If I would build this model again, I would use the kit's own seat frames instead of the flimsy PE frames - they would have been far more sturdy and wouldn't look too bad either. 

Album image #27
Cockpit floor weathered with various brown pastels before the fuselage halves are joined using a mix of Revell Contacta cement and Tamiya Extra Thin cement. The fuselage parts are slightly warped, so I can see a few upcoming sessions with filling and sanding, but nothing out of the ordinary with an Amodel kit. I deliberately left out the two roof windows - I figured that they are easier to insert with the fuselage assembled.  

Album image #28
Quite a lot of putty needs to be applied for an invisible centerline seam, and more will follow. Good thing that this model is so small that it goes quite fast! 

Album image #29
Wing top and bottom halves joined. The join lines are a bit rugged so some filling and sanding is required, but the fabric detail is excellent. 

Album image #30
Wing assembly added to the fuselage.  

Album image #31
Unfortunately, the wing assembly creates an ugly jagged seam on the inside of the cockpit ceiling, very visible through the open windows. To remedy this I padded the cockpit ceiling with a thin piece of styrene cut in shape and painted accordingly. It is an easy job, but since the seats are in the way, they first needed to be removed. Again. 

Album image #32
New inner ceiling liner in place - much better! I also added the flaps and ailerons actuator rods from aluminium tubes and some internal bracing from stretched sprue, but I didn't feel like overdoing it. 

Album image #33
The left and right stabilizers are molded as one piece to be cemented onto the fuselage, and the vertical fin is then added on top of it. Be warned, if you cement on the fin first, you will not be able to add the stabilizers later! There is a gap between the stabilizers and the fin, which while not being too far from how the real aircraft looks, is much too big on the model and is therefore soon filled with dissolved Tamiya White Putty. 

Album image #34
The typical Yakovlev hinged cooling louvers (that allow the pilot to control the air flow to cool the engine) are presented as molded detail. While it is all acceptably looking in this small scale, the photo etched set provides a slightly better option to represent the shutter flaps. 

Album image #35
The molded ring of shutter flaps is removed using a new modeling knife blade, followed up by sanding with a semi-circular file until the PE ring can fit in perfectly. Cemented in place using cyano acrylate. Ideally the individual shutter flaps should be twisted slightly to represent open or closed mode, but I am afraid to damage the blades, so I just decided to leave them as they are. The ring of shutter flaps should actually be a bit closer to the front, but the superglue got its death-grip on it before I had a chance to wiggle it in place, so now it is permanently stuck where it is. Mea culpa. 

Album image #36
Engine cowling assembled. The parts fit together rather poorly so some filling and sanding is required for everything to sit flush, but it is a lovely subassembly that works much better than having the cowling being molded onto the front of the fuselage halves.  

Album image #37
A bulkhead was created of scrap styrene painted black to prevent see through. Since this aircraft is a tail-dragger, there is no need to add any nose weight - quite a relief! On the real aircraft, there is an incredibly loud Ivchenko AI-14R air cooled radial piston engine with 9 cylinders in there, providing 256 horse power. 

Album image #38
The wing struts were added without problems. The larger main struts are the kit's own parts, but the smaller ones are made of heat-stretched sprue as the kit parts simply had too much flash on them to be usable. 

Album image #39
Engine cowling cemented onto the fuselage. The fit turned out to be a bit wonky so some putty was used to create a smooth surface on the top of the cowling. I also fabricated a sun visor of a piece of transparent green acetate to give the model a bit of interest. 

Album image #40
The windscreen was added without too much problems, but its edges needed to be sanded quite heavily to shape to fit to the fuselage without gaps. I purchased precut masks from KV Models, but they didn't fit at all, so instead I masked the windows with Tamiya masking tape. The large door openings were blocked off using sponge packing material - I hope that it will be sufficient to avoid the paint to find its way inside the cockpit!  

Album image #41
Model primed with Badger Stynylrez primer, using the H&S Infinity 0.4 mm needle at 25 psi. The primer revealed a few bad fillings around the engine cowling, so I needed to sand and fill these areas and then reprime them again. When dry, the primer coat is slightly polished with Mr Color polishing cloths to provide as smooth a surface for the final paint coat as possible.  

Album image #42
Top surfaces sprayed with Tamiya XF-89 Dark Green, which seems like a reasonable equivalent of the old Soviet green color. After the main paintwork was done, I mixed in a small amount Tamiya XF-76 Gray Green into the XF-89 and sprayed in the middle of the panels and inside the wing spars with the 0.2 mm nozzle to break up the uniform color. Along the fuselage sides around the driver's office, a filter of diluted blue was finally applied to further add some variation. 

Album image #43
Top sides masked off. 

Album image #44
Bottom side sprayed with my own mix of light duck egg shell blue - basically just Tamiya XF-2 white with 15 drops of X-23 Clear Blue and one drop of X-25 Clear Green. 

Album image #45
Masking tape removed - a few overspray errors here and there, but these should be easy to fix. It's starting to look like a Yak! 

Album image #46
Model gloss coated with Alclad II Aqua Gloss to seal the paintwork and prepare for a bit of weathering and the few decals to be used. I used a regular paintbrush for this - for me it gives the best result. 

Album image #47
The doors are built from three PE pieces each with a thin acetate film sandwiched inbetween. I painted the doors before sandwiching the glass so I wouldn’t have to try to mask the flimsy acetate. The doors will be attached to the fuselage with superglue as the very last build step. By the way, the light gray square on the door is a pocket for lightning flares. 

Album image #48
Weathering applied with Tamiya Weathering Master pastel powders and some brown oil wash to make the model appear a bit dusty and scuffed. The national insignia decals are sourced from my spares. Then only the wheels, antennas, propeller and the open doors remain before I can call this project finished! 

Album image #49
A light dusting with a semi-flat varnish, antennas, propeller and pitot tube added and finally she is finished! 

Album image #50
The finished model. 

Album image #51
The finished model. 

Album image #52
The finished model. 

Album image #53
The finished model. 

Album image #54
The finished model. 

Album image #55
The finished model. 

Album image #56
The finished model. 

Album image #57
The finished model. 

Album image #58
The finished model. 

Album image #59
The finished model. 

Album image #60
The finished model. 

Album image #61
The finished model. 

Album image #62
The finished model. 

Album image #63
The finished model. 

Album image #64
The finished model. 

Album image #65
The finished model. 


67 5 July, 07:59
Patryk S.
Following! Good luck!
5 July, 08:34
Taking a chair!👍🏻
26 July, 18:45
Łukasz Gliński
Me 3, I have to see that! Still procrastinating mine 😄
Thomas, are you considering getting rid of the decal with my support perhaps? 😉
26 July, 20:14
Thomas Kolb
Łukasz, I am not going to use the provided decal sheet, so if you want it, just PM me with your address and I can post it.
26 July, 21:48
Thomas Kolb
(And for everybody else with knowledge about the different versions of the Yak-12, yes, I am aware of the differences between the A-version in the kit and the R-version used by the Hungarian People's Army. But since I am not able to scratch build the entire wing and empennage structure, let's just call it artistic license.)
28 July, 11:08
Looking good so far, Thomas 👍
Feel free to take artistic license 😉
28 July, 17:54
Robert Podkoński
Watching for sure!
29 July, 13:01
Alec K
Taking a seat, looks great 👍
29 July, 16:58
Thomas Kolb
Thank you very much, dear gentlemen for your attention and encouraging words!
31 July, 14:48
Michael Kohl
Following too
31 July, 15:10
I'm joining in as well. Great build so far. 👍
4 August, 11:47
Bruce Huxtable
Admiring your skills, and learning from your problem-solving, Thomas. Transforming an A-Model kit adds to the challenges 😉
4 August, 15:36
Thomas Kolb
Thank you Michael, Nicolas & Bruce for your interest and compliments! This kit is actually not quite as bad as some other Amodel kits I have built - the designers have created some pretty nifty solutions here! If anything, it is a bit unforgiving - make one small mistake and you can be sure that it will keep coming back to kick you.
5 August, 20:35
Łukasz Gliński
What a cool visor 👍
7 August, 21:02
Great progress! 👍
8 August, 18:36
Bernhard Pethe
Wunderbarer Modellbau. Ich hab das Modell auch noch liegen und genauso wollte ich es auch machen. Mal sehen, wenn ich groß bin. 😉
9 August, 16:24
Thomas Kolb
Bernhard, danke schön! 🙂 Ja, es ist ein ziemlich kniffliges Modell, aber es macht großen Spaß, es zu bauen!
9 August, 17:17
Looks great so far, Thomas 👍
9 August, 17:25
Yes Thomas, I don't think you get any easy builds from Amodel. But with some work you get a nice and rare model. I realy like your progress. 👍
9 August, 19:22
Thomas Kolb
Bruce, Lukasz, Cuajete, Nicolas, thank you! Yes, Amodel is actually cool in that they take a chance to make models outside the ordinary. Who else would design a model kit of a strange and ugly little high-winged Soviet aircraft instead of another Stuka, Tomcat or a Spitfire?
10 August, 08:01
Danumurthi Mahendra
Lovely topic that I dont see alot. Nice progress!
10 August, 08:43
Roland Sachsenhofer
Wow, what a beautiful an clean build! Inspiring and masterly!
10 August, 17:39
That Alclad gloss coated looks great with the brush, Thomas 👍
10 August, 18:42
Thomas Kolb
Roland thank you mate! Cuajete, yes, this is the best gloss coat I have ever tried. It levels out to an absolute mirror shine (at least if it is applied to a perfectly smooth paint layer). This model ended up with a bit of orange peel effect at some places, so it is not absolutely perfect, but I can get away with it.
10 August, 18:54
Guy Rump
Looking great, following. 👍
11 August, 12:47
Juergen Klinglhuber
Great result Thomas - 👍
11 August, 15:14
Thomas Kolb
Hereby I declare the project finished! Quite a fast progress for me, only three weeks from start to finish. It may not be the best model I have ever built - there are too many silly or clumsy mistakes here and there - but it was great fun! More photos will come!
12 August, 07:50
Łukasz Gliński
That escalated quickly and nicely 👍
Where did you get the snow from in August? I know it's up north, but still... 😉
12 August, 08:13
Roland Sachsenhofer
Wonderful and inspiring! Great work!!
12 August, 08:26
Top result! Beautiful photos!
12 August, 11:35
Robert Podkoński
Great job, Thomas! Fantastic photos.
12 August, 11:36
Alec K
Well done Thomas 👍
12 August, 12:01
Lovely result, very clean build. 👍
12 August, 12:51
Guy Rump
Great result, congrats! 👍
12 August, 14:25
A lovely little bird. 👍
12 August, 17:23
Excellent work!
12 August, 20:43
Exquisite model! Very good work.
13 August, 08:04
The short-run-kit looks really difficult to work with, but you have mastered it. Top model!
13 August, 08:14
Bruce Huxtable
Top results for sure. All your care paid dividends 🙂
13 August, 14:20
Thomas Kolb
Dear modeler mates, thank you for your compliments! I sure appreciate your kindness!
13 August, 14:25
Wow...!!! Very nice job. Fantastic result... Great!
Congrats, Thomas 👌
13 August, 19:04
Bernhard Pethe
Wer braucht den andere Hersteller, wenn es Amodel gibt! Einfach das Beste aus dem Bausatz gemacht, was möglich ist. 🙂
23 August, 15:10
Thomas Kolb
Bernhard, es ist eine Herausforderung, aber genau das macht den Spaß aus!
23 August, 15:21

Album info

A bit of a "what-if" project: a Yak-12A dressed up pretending to be a Yak-12R.

65 Görüntüler
1:72 Yakovlev Yak-12A (Amodel 72188)1:72 Yak-12A Amodel (Part S72-256)1:72 Yak-12A (KV Models 72030)

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