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AMX-50B - Modernized


30 25 July, 22:54
Nice project and looks good. The AMX-50 always reminds me of an AMX-13 on steroids. Very cool camo pattern too.
 25 July, 23:36
Thanks John! The AMX-50 is certainly a unique beast, much bigger than I expected. Appreciate it about the camo. Its my first time doing one that wasn't entirely straight edges and the masking was such a pain, but definitely worth it.
 26 July, 00:26
Marc .
Looking good!
 26 July, 18:05
Rui S
Great paint job & weathering 👍
 29 November, 22:37
Congrats, turned out great 👍 Camo looks really good under that layer of weathering. Lots of masking but worth the effort! Oh,did you add the weld beads? They look good too.
 30 November, 11:12
Thanks everyone! @John, yup added the weld beads too. They are definitely exaggerated and a little messy but I wanted to make them pop a more so had to compromise. I used Tamiya epoxy putty and a homemade tool (toothpick + metal from a pop can) to make them. I also used the basic Tamiya putty to improve the armour texture but forgot the casting marks. Oh well, next time.
 10 December, 05:18

Project info

65 Görüntüler
1:35 AMX-50B (Amusing Hobby 35A049)1:35 AMX-30B2 (Meng Model TS-013)1:35 GCT 155mm AU-F1 SPH (HobbyBoss 83835)3+

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