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Mark (aeroplanegripper )

Hobby Boss - Grumman F8F-1 Bearcat


3 18 November, 20:38
Max Otten
How is the fit of the wing fold? I tried it on an Academy Bearcat (because I already had that built and didn't want another build) but the Academy wing is too thin and now the top surface of the port wing has split and I'm stuck.
19 November, 13:19
Ben M
19 November, 13:43

Project info

10 Görüntüler
Devam etmekte
1:48 F8F Bearcat Wing Folded Set (Wolfpack WW48011)1:48 F8F-1 Bearcat (HobbyBoss 80356)1:48 F8F-1 Bearcat Mainwheels (Barracuda Studios BR48242)

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