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Chris T. An (ChrisT.An)

Black Pearl - Pirates Of The Caribbean

Album image #1
Paint interior parts and glue body parts together. The fit is quite good here, I hardly had any problems. 

Album image #2
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Assembling the cannons. They have to be completely finished in the fuselage before you can continue there and close the side walls. That means deburring and sanding, gluing and painting all 7 individual parts (32 times). 

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As the first layer of paint for the gun base, I chose a wood tone (Vallejo Burnt Umber). I then covered this with a black wash and finally painted the fittings in metallic iron. A little dark wash over it. The gun barrels are in gunmetal gray with light dry brushing. I drilled out the mouth a bit beforehand, because the opening in the shape seemed a bit puny to me. 

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After this cannon hurdle was over (I emphasize again, there are weeks in between!), the assembly of the side walls, the after deck, figurehead and transom continued. Here the use of filler and sandpaper and a few adjustments were necessary, otherwise there would be some gaps and joints on the transom. Overall, however, feasible and unproblematic. When I tried to adjust the side planks several times, some guide pins broke off, so you have to be careful. After the adjustment, however, it will fit without these pins and will remain bombproof. Lucky. 

Album image #10
Then I brushed the whole thing with Vallejo Model Air Burnt Umber, and after it had dried, painted over with a heavily diluted black (Revell Aqua) so that some wood paint still shines through. The Pearl was actually once a "normal" ship that burned and sank. Hence the black coloration. I dyed the rope for the anchors (please don't blame me if I don't use the correct technical terms for everything) with a dark oil wash. 

Album image #11
Here the black paint is brushed. Later I will apply dry brushings with lighter colors to simulate the traces of use. 

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Then I tied the first knots: I wound and knotted the rope on the bowsprit, sorry, no idea what the technical term is. 

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This was followed by the first drybrushing in light gray tones to highlight edges and wear. In addition, some streaking with rust and the figures were also dry-painted with a mixture of gray, white and a little green. 

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I found some photos of the film model here that I used as a color template. Basically everyone does it a little differently in the various forums and model assemblies. It's also a fantasy model with no historical basis. 

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You have to be careful with the cannons in the lower deck. If they are not well glued and you can get hold of them during further construction, then they will quickly be in the ship. Has happened to me once so far. Was quite an act to align and glue them back, just through the little cannon hatch. Let's see how often that happens to me. 

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Here is an example of things that I used to do in between when there were drying times or when I dreamed of cannons at night. 

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First of all, the base. With a little paint you can upgrade the plastic well. Add self-made decals as lettering and it was done. 

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Album image #21
Then the dinghy: paint, drybrushing and the accessories included in the kit in there, and that was done. 

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A ship's bell is unfortunately missing in the kit. So I made one out of a sprue. It's not pretty, but it looks better than without. 

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My first figure this size. Didn't turn out perfect. Maybe I'll paint it again, I've got it 4x. This is from the zombie pirates set 1:72 from Mars. That was the only thing about Pirates of the Caribbean found in the area. 1:72 seems to fit perfectly at first. Unfortunately I found out that the figure is too big after all. Then I recalculated the actual scale of the Revell Black Pearl (based on various length specifications of the Pearl in the network): the ship is actually only a 1: 114! Sure, it's a fanatic ship. But the doors and hatches are too small for 1:72 figures. That's a shame. Well what the heck, it'll make the ship a little livelier later. 

Album image #28
Then I built some accessories in between. Shouldn't look boring on deck. A small suitcase was even made from a piece of plastic. Color and aging are added to these parts. You can see from the pictures that it's not that complicated. All you need is patient and persistent fingers. And they can sometimes hurt when sanding if you have to hold these tiny parts in the most unfavorable positions. 

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A little rehearsal with the first self-made utensils was a must. 

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I continued to work on the hull, added a few more parts to the bow and drybrushed on the deck. Also added a few wear and tear on the steps/stairways. 

Album image #33

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It is not planned on the kit, but on the photos of the Black Pearl you can clearly see a rope that is attached to the railing. I want to try to implement that. 

Album image #35
Continued with a few yarns. 

Album image #36
With a hot needle, holes were melted in the railing pillars, a piece of wire was glued in there and the rope was glued on top. 

Album image #37
My daughter's hair was used as a rope. The yarn I have is too thick. That went wonderfully. A little more color and that's it. 


29 18 January 2021, 14:16
Dominik Weitzer
wow! that looks really good!
18 January 2021, 14:57
I have no idea about ship modeling, but this looks really awesome 👍 Tempting to build one myself some time ..
18 January 2021, 16:30
Looks like fun! 🙂 Would you recommend this kit, or it is a little bit troublesome like a lot of kits?

I have a work-in-progress French Frigate Acheron in 1:200 scale on the side, and luckily I am mostly done cleaning up and correcting the numerous cannon openings on the sides.
18 January 2021, 16:55
I'll looking
18 January 2021, 17:19
David Taylor
Looking good Chris.
18 January 2021, 17:44
Love it! 👍
19 January 2021, 01:08
Chris T. An
Thank you mates. @Treehugger: I have edited the pictures with some comments. The kit is good so far I think, no bigger issues. But I must say that I have no comparison with other kits because it's my first ship.
20 January 2021, 09:04
A lot of ship kits are reboxing of much older kits, and the mold quality or the detailing or accuracy (symmetry) isn't good, or that was my experience with a paticular kit that was old. 🙂
20 January 2021, 09:21
Pierre Pierre
super cool following
20 January 2021, 09:45
Stefan Fraundorfer
I built the Black Pearl myself and I know how much work it takes. I'm excited about the way you build her and look forward to more pictures.
13 March 2021, 09:19
Chris T. An
So, just a short update: there is no update. I will try to find the motivation some day to go on with this project. At the moment I have other interests. Maybe I will have to watch all the movies again to get some "Captain Jack Sparrow inspirations". O am really afraid of the rigging.
1 February 2023, 15:25
Looking really good!
2 February 2023, 19:01
Guy Rump
Looking good. 👍
2 February 2023, 21:07
Chris, your model looks amazing. Some questions. I see hat the Black Pearl from Revell is very similar to another ship, the Pirate Ship, also from Revell..
Do you know if it is the same?
Did you paint it with black primer first?
What colors you used to give the sense of the wood?
21 January, 11:22
Chris T. An
Thank you Raul. To answer your questions:
Yes, the Revell pirate ship is identical in construction and differs only in the figurehead (it's a swan).
I didn't use any primer and painted directly onto the cleaned plastic. I was afraid that the primer would make too much of the wood grain disappear.
I have briefly described how I painted the pearl in pictures no. 10 and 11, please have another look.
22 January, 10:44

Album info

I started this project in 2019 and I fear I will not finish it before 2029... As a fan of the film series, it is a challenge for me to build a sailing ship. It's basically my first. And probably my last too. I think I'm not made for it and they also take up a lot of space in the house. I have already seen and read a lot about sailors, also here and in different forums, and it took me to overcome myself to start building. The kit has been lying around with me for years. My wife thinks the Pearl is great and I should definitely build it. Well, there I sat and saw your great sailors with self-made sailcloths, perfect rigging and realistic details. It will never be anything, I thought.

Nevertheless, I had started with the construction, knowing full well that I will definitely not make the sails (and with the model then inevitably also the yards) myself and will do the rigging according to the Revell plan. So it becomes largely an OOB model. In the end, it should just look pretty. It was immediately clear to me that it would not be ready in 3 weeks. That's why I always took breaks from other smaller projects.

37 Görüntüler
1:72 Black Pearl (Revell 05699)

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