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Finished Wight Quadruplane


42 15 May 2021, 20:21
Christoph Schnarr
A really extraordinary model very well implemented. Bravo 👍👍👍
15 May 2021, 21:21
Urban Gardini
She's a show stopper!
15 May 2021, 22:40
James C
You've done it again mate, another gorgeous looking WW1 build 👍
16 May 2021, 03:08
WOW! You don't see many of those every day. I've never seen it before in fact. Incredible work Frank, that engine is a glorious model in itself!
Now, I'm off to Google to read up about this cutie.
16 May 2021, 06:30
Sy Bar
Great work but how did you get your turned aluminium too look spot on? ?
16 May 2021, 07:17
Amazing as always 👍
16 May 2021, 07:31
Thank you very much mates!
@gorbygould I have also not seen this one built before. I don't know if you find that article already, but I added a link to the best known article about this aircraft to _this_ album.
@Sy Bar With a rubber stick, see pic 45 of the build log (attached to project).
16 May 2021, 09:30
Erik Off
Phantastische Arbeit und das in so kurzer Zeit. 👍
16 May 2021, 11:30
Thanks Frank. 👍
16 May 2021, 14:36
Daniel Klink
Crazy design and really odd, but you made a real stunning piece of it Frank!!!
The engine 👍👍👍
16 May 2021, 14:45
Congratulations on another great build.
16 May 2021, 16:24
Bernhard Schrock
Alleine wegen der Vielzahl der Verspannungskabel und Tragflächen (alles parallel und rechtwinklig bzw. nicht verzogen) hast du einen Orden verdient! Zumal das auch noch Resin ist!!
16 May 2021, 16:30
Alec K
Inspiring modeling as always. I just bagged the following book while attending my first post-COVID 19 model show: a great overview of triplanes and multiplanes throughout the ages. Book: Triplanes (by Peter M. Bowers, Ernest R. McDowell)

Triplanes (Motorbooks International )
17 May 2021, 00:31
Top notch. Wow
17 May 2021, 01:22
Pierre Pierre
great build !
17 May 2021, 01:47
17 May 2021, 09:02
Thank you mates for stopping by and commenting! And all the likes.
@Bernhard Da hilft mir meine Holzstreben-mit-Messing-Pins Methode, da kann man eine Fläche durchaus kräftig in die richtige Position biegen 😉
@Alec I don't know if I should by this book, because I own already "The Fighting Triplanes" by Hadingham. It is a old book, but the planes inside are much older. The Quadruplane is not in.
17 May 2021, 18:25
Urban Gardini
On the other hand, why should the Quadruplane be present in a book about triplanes...! 😉
17 May 2021, 19:01
A stifling argument 😉 I mentioned it, because the book Alec shown is called "Triplanes" and has multiplanes in 😎
17 May 2021, 19:13
Alec K
The answer to the riddle is in the book's subtitle 😉. It does contain the Wight quadruplane and pretty much anything that had 3+ wings in any configuration. The book is essentially a summary so don't expect details and drawings (although there are a few). I paid $10 and just saw it on Amazon for around $3. It's from 1993 so it's dated but, again, a nice overview for those interested in the topic 👍
18 May 2021, 11:05
Tom Ballhoff
Well done mate! ?
5 July 2021, 07:18
Lenny Hoffmann
Wow, very nice!
5 July 2021, 07:27
Thank you Tom and Lenny!
Not my masterpiece, but nice result for my first complete resin kit. Now it is no more complete resin 😉
5 July 2021, 19:47
Marcel Klemmer
Well done. A very interesting part of aircraft history.
5 July 2021, 20:57
Bruce Huxtable
Superb ? Respect ?
5 July 2021, 21:37
Thank you Marcel and Bruce! History yes, but a blind alley.
7 July 2021, 17:04
Rui S
Excellent job 👍
10 July 2021, 11:39
Thx Rui! In case you have not seen it you should visit the build thread (attached to the Project).
This will not be my last SPIN kit as it is a good base.
10 July 2021, 20:55
Guy Rump
Beautiful and very unusual aircraft 👍
11 July 2021, 10:46
Thank you Guy!
Stay tuned for a posting on Tuesday, which is somehow related to this project!
17 July 2021, 19:22
Urban Gardini
17 July 2021, 21:05
This is the exclamation of pain of an aerodynamicist I suppose 😉
18 July 2021, 20:53
Urban Gardini
18 July 2021, 23:44
Clifford Keesler
Agree, very nice. Surly an unusual aircraft.
19 July 2021, 02:12

Album info

The best description of the development of this crazy bird can be found here:
My build shows the final version.

113 Görüntüler
1:48 Wight Quadruplane (SPIN model 48011)1:48 Clerget 9B/Z (130/110 hp) Engine (Small Stuff 48102)1+

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