That little tank-workshop
- ölçek:
- 1:72
- durum:
- Tamamlanan
- Başlatılan:
- February 23, 2025
I took a wooden pocture frame and glued a wooden base into it. The birch ist from a model railway brand (probably "Noch"). The rolled up tank tracks are from the Dragon Stug III -kit which ripped apart when I tried to attach them (damn kit!). So I put them to a good use I think. The Panzer III turretis from the Revell Ostwind kit which thankfully contains also the original Pz III Ausf. L turret (yes you can also make the standard PZ III from this kit and have Flak 43 seperately). The stand for the turret and the workbench are made from Evergreen profiles.
The figures are superb. The Panzer I was modified from the S-Model kit. The Pz I were taken back to second and third line duties at it was apparent that they were no match for the Russian tanks on the eastern front. Some have been converted to carry material (e.g.for workshop companies...)
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