AramaTüm bölümlerSetleri» yorumlar» Talimatlar» İşaretleriAletlerBoyalarPazaryeri---KitaplarDergilerGezintiler---galeriProjelerMontaj İlişkileriMarkalarMağazalarSitelerBaşlıklarSonuçlar bulundu: 104 M4 Sherman Medium Tank, M4 Araçlar » Tanklar | 1940–2023KitaplarM4 Modelling the Sherman Tank David Parker 2012 Sherman Tank A Pocket History John Christopher 2011 Modeler's Guide to the Sherman A Complete and Comprehensive Guide to Modeling the U.S. Gun ... Pete Harlem 1999 Israeli Shermans Second Edition Tom Gannon 2017 Sherman FireflyMark Hayward 2001 Sherman A History of the American Medium Tank R. P. Hunnicutt 2015 Sherman A History of the American Medium Tank R.P. Hunnicutt 2015 SHERMAN IN THE PACIFIC WAR 1943-45Raymond Giuliani 2015 Sherman No. 6Charles K. Kliment 2015 M4A2 Sherman Part 2 - Armour Photo Gallery No. 16Wojciech J. Gawrych 2007 M4 Sherman Combat and Development History of the Sherman Tank and All S... Michael Green 1993 M4 Sherman Entwicklung,Technik,Einsatz Pat Ware 2018 M4 SHerman Medium Tank Crew Manual FM 17-76 War Department 2011 THE SHERMAN TANK SCANDAL OF WWII FOR WANT OF A GUN Christian M. DeJohn 2017 Sherman Gegner der deutscher Panzer No. 45Bruce Culver, Don Greer|Horst Scheibert 1977 Armored Thunderbolt The U.S. Army Sherman in World War II Steven J. Zaloga 2008 Sherman Tanks of the Red Army The American vehicle in Soviet Service Peter Samsonov 2021 M4 Sherman Tanks The illustrated history of America's most iconic fighting ve... Michael E. Haskew 2016 A Sherman harckocsiRoger Ford 2000 M4 Medium (Sherman)AFV/Weapons Profile No. 29Peter Chamberlain, Chris Ellis 1971 Sherman M4 TankAbsolute Air, Land & Sea No. 63235Alastair Fitzgerald, Ted Johnston, Tamiya 2001 British Sherman TanksArmor At War Series No. 7062Dennis Oliver 2006 The Sherman at War (2) The US Army in the European Theater 1943-45 Armor At War Series No. 7036Steven J. Zaloga 2000 The M4 Sherman at War The European Theater 1942-1945 Armor At War Series No. 7001Steven J. Zaloga 1995 M3 and M4 Tanks in Pacific Combat 1942-1945 Armor Battles No. 1Andre R. Zbiegniewski 2004 Camouflage & Markings of the Shermans in New Zealand Service 1943-45Armor Color Gallery No. 3Jeffrey Plowman 2008 Sherman IC FireflyArmor PhotoGallery No. 21Wojciech J. Gawrych 2009 M4A2 Sherman part2Armor PhotoGallery No. 16W.J.Gawrych 2007 Sherman VC Firefly Armor PhotoGallery No. 13Wojciech J. Gawrych 2005 M4A2 sherman part1Armor PhotoGallery No. 11Wojciech J. Gawrych 2005 Sherman FireflyArmor PhotoHistory No. 6Peter Brown 2020 M.4 A3 E8 ShermanArmour in Profile No. 3Peter Chamberlin, Chris Ellis 1967 Blue Steel IV: Sherman Tanks & APCs in Southern LebanonBlue Steel No. 4Moustafa El-Assad 2007 Sherman The American Miracle (A.MIG-6080) Claudio Fernández, Enrique Calderón 2018 The Kangaroo in Canadian serviceM.K.Tonner 2005 1943-1945 Les Sherman francais de la libération The French Sherman of the Liberation 1943-1945 Centurytracks No. 1Claude Gillono 2007 Jungle Armour British and Indian Army Shermans in the Far East Dennis Oliver 2009 M4 Sherman no BrasilHélio Higuchi e Paulo Roberto Bastos Jr 2008 El Alamein 1942 The Axis' Major Defeat in Africa Great Battles of the World No. 7003D. Stavropoulos 2008 Codename Swallow British Sherman Tanks at Alamein Green Series No. 4102D.Oliver 2006 Sherman El Milagro Americano (A.MIG-6081) Claudio Fernández, Enrique Calderón 2017 Sherman Le Miracle Américain (A.MIG-6082) Claudio Fernández, Enrique CalderónSherman IC FireflyHistory&Model No. 1W.J.Gawrych 2004 Sherman Tank Rare Photographs from Wartime Archives Gavin Birch 2008 M4 Sherman Rare Photographs from Wartime Archives Pat Ware 2014 WWII U.S. Sherman TankIn Action No. 2048Rob Ervin, David Doyle 2011 ShermanIn Action No. 2016Bruce Culver 1977 Sherman Tank, Vol. 5 The M4A4 “British” Sherman in World War II Legends of Warfare: Ground No. 5David Doyle 2021 Sherman Tank, Vol. 4 The M4A3 Medium Tank in World War II and Korea Legends of Warfare: Ground No. 4David Doyle 2021 Sherman Tank, Vol. 3 America's M4A2 Medium Tank in World War II Legends of Warfare: Ground No. 3David Doyle 2021 /tr/search.php?fkSECTION%5B%5D=Books&q=M4%20Sherman?fkSECTION%5B%5D=Books&q=M4%20Shermansearch-solr.php?lang=tr5050/tr/search.php?fkSECTION%5B%5D=Books&q=M4%20Sherman?fkSECTION%5B%5D=Books&q=M4%20Sherman50todo