Where one of my kids got to in the past. Half built, half painted but all parts are still there and the decals of this little kit look nice. The kit itself looks pretty horrible though…
A bit of aceton made quick work of the blue paint. I later discovered that the wings were painted white as well, which was stripped off with oven cleaner.
And then quite a lot of sanding, filling and scribing to remove glue fingers, restore panel lines, etc. Opened up exhausts and added exhaust cones as well.
The stabilizers looked oversized which was confirmed using a three-view scaled to size. Their span is a couple of mm too big with the error at the root. So some chopping needed to fix that.
WtB fairings and lower nose sprayed light gull grey. Undoubtedly not accurate but I happened to be spraying this color for my F-14 build so went with it.
… so carefully tried to polish the blue coat. And immediately damaged it beyond repair. Darn. No choice but to fully sand it back. Broke off the engines and wing tips in the process (again…). Sigh.
After masking sprayed on a final coat of Vallejo Air Aluminium. But pulled off some of the grey after removing the masking. Sigh, bring out the airbrush again…
Installed what passed for the landing gear. Fiddly little wheels and also the wrong size on the center gear. But no suitable replacements so had to let that one slide…