Ka-29 USSR Северный флот
Clear parts look very nice.
Q: Do you have any tips for cleaning up the paint work around window frames, or working with clear parts when painting around them?
@Treehugger There are no special magic about clear parts. As I don't use any additional coatings a-la Futura and use only water-based varnishes and paints, I can easily clean clear parts from paint with a toothpick because smooth parts do not hold paint very much. Also, masks are helpful but only from kabuki paper, everything else don't hold on curved surfaces.
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The model is quite challenging from any aspect.
First, the kit from Hobby Boss is quite easy to assemble, but its details are mostly a fantasy. Unfortunately, no correction kits are available today, so you either scratch-build or put it up. The only thing I was able to correct are wheels, and rocket pods are also from resin. Unfortunately, the cabin is closed, but I'm not so confident in my skills to open it up.
Second, you need to decide how to paint it. There are no reference codes, and the photos are quite rare. I've chosen to make it a bit brighter and lighter.
Third, the decals are quite rough but not complete false, as it happens with this vendor. I replaced them with Begemot's decals.
And the last, the model is very fragile and requires a lot of patience to assemble.