VAW-112 Golden Hawks E-2A Hawkeye 704 (NG)
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VAW-112 Golden Hawks Grumman E-2A Hawkeye 704 (NG)
Detailed Cockpit: Thinned & smoothed windows; improved console, styrene dashboard; throttle levers; improved crew helmets; repositioned arm on controls, control panel decals from spares. Fuselage improvements: Drilled/carved open top and side intake parts. Added spare pitot tubes on nose. Closed gaps around tail hook section with sheet styrene. Scratch-built the light fixture on starboard tail. Corrected Engine/Landing Gear Nacelles: [No longer see through.] Created landing gear bay 'ceilings' from sheet styrene to separate them from intakes & exhausts. Closed off front intake and rear exhausts with sheet styrene. Drilled open tips of propeller nose cones per references.
Markings: Obtained decals to model to references: squadron-specific tail & wing #/NGs, nose #s, fuselage side squadron names/#s custom made by Starfighter Decals, scaled up from 700-53 set. Self-made correct squadron emblem decals on fuselage sides, sized to the nose 704 as per references. Replicated wording above and below NAVY from ScaleMaster & Microscale lettering sets. Painted fuselage, disc, nose, antenna, wing tips, and placed all decals per GRS references.