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Kyle DeHart (kyledehart5)

Captured FW190


5 3 December, 03:12
Kyle DeHart
Exceedingly simple little kit of course. I'm using this one to attempt a captured winter livery. Just to try some things out. Assembly is basically done. And it has a pilot. So he's in there. Next I have to mask the canopy and start getting the original Luftwaffe scheme laid down.
 3 December, 03:16
Kyle DeHart
Blackbased and ready for camo, and in typical "me" fashion I knocked it off the holder and broke the vertical stabilizer off. Drilling and pinning it and then I'll get back to painting.
 23 December, 02:45
Let me find a chair for this one. Off to good start.
 23 December, 04:16
I'm in too. Love to see Matchbox kits brought to life.
 23 December, 05:13
Kyle DeHart
Welcome gents!! These old matchbox kits are always fun to stick together.
 23 December, 08:28
Joining as well.
 23 December, 16:31
Kyle DeHart
Thank you and welcome!! These old Matchbox kits are perfect for Just a quick and fun build
 23 December, 19:53
Gotta love those Matchbox kits and their 2 or 3 color sprues. And sadly, aren't gravity free either....bugger.
 23 December, 21:59
Kyle DeHart
Fun kits bossy!! I have the stabilizer pinned and re-attached and have found the canopy. Now off to the paint shop again. Ha!!
 24 December, 14:36
I am curious; I have been wanting to do the Matchbox A7 for a long time but are there aftermarket decals for those kits? I can't imagine you're using 50 year old decals for this project.
 24 December, 17:15
Kyle DeHart
No, my kit decals are pretty rough. I bought a sheet. I'll have to look at the manufacturer when I get back home. But, it's just a generic sheet for a 1/72 FW190 A4, it's not specific for this kit. I figure the sizing will at least be in the ballpark.
 24 December, 23:54

Project info

4 зображення
В процесі
1:72 Focke-Wulf FW 190A-4/R6 (Matchbox PK-51)

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