Me-109E-3 - Academy
6 7 February 2013, 15:21

Hi Mike thanks ! Its a whte metal engine from an old FALCON detail set.
1 March 2013, 12:22

Hi Dave, all the front section is wrong in shape, the same about the radiators under the wings. Exhaust parts moulded with the engine cover point to the wrong direction....wheels are not good....etc etc etc...fuselage radio panel access is not at the right place..etc etc etc...
1 March 2013, 12:25

Hi, Wrong or not, b1%6y nice build Pierre-C'...
You could add a mechanic figure working on engine, just to complete the story👍8)👍
1 March 2013, 12:32

Thanks Steve, you are right a figure would be a good idea...I'm working on a diorama for this kit....comming soon.....or not very soon cause I need to finish my Vampire T11 before. Cheers Pierre.
1 March 2013, 12:34

Yeah!!! FANGS are difficult when you haven't finished a T11, makes you CROSS, you have to STAKE out your workbench a bit longer. The Diorama is something to get your TEETH INTO though... sorry!!!🙁
1 March 2013, 12:43

Good idea Dave, but try to get the ICM one that's great like Tamiya but not expensive.
2 March 2013, 06:52

Yes Mike is right the new Airfix is a very good kit too !
2 March 2013, 12:21

Wooow ! She sure looks beautyful, is the canopy an aftermarket one or kitpart ? Excellent Job !
24 July 2015, 08:04

Did you scratch build the Stand that is holding up the rear of the aircraft. ?
24 July 2015, 08:13

Thanks guys ! The canopy is a home made part for the wind shield and the openned part. The rear clear part is from the kit. The 'Stand' is from scratch yes, it is painted now but I still need to do new pictures. Cheers.
24 July 2015, 08:26

very nice one, and still high on my to do list, just as the Swiss P-51..., only in search of some much needed modellingtime...
24 July 2015, 08:41

Pierre, thank you for that and I tried making a stand for my B-17 but failed miserably.
Well done mate. 🙂 👍.
24 July 2015, 09:13

Thanks Lukasz, yes it was the best way to remove the wrong parts and bring it to life at the same time !
14 September 2020, 15:34
Album info
I know the academy kit is not correct, the nose and many other things are wrong in shape....for this reason I decided to build this model using an old detail set from FALCON.
I think that to show the engine is a great 'plus' !
I also used a resin cockpit.