Grumman G-44 Widgeon/Gosling (AZModel )
16 31 August 2015, 12:49
Vladimir Kafka
vubec jsem to nezaznamenal, kdys to stavel? to je tak jedinej postavenej na svete, ne? 🙂
vubec jsem to nezaznamenal, kdys to stavel? to je tak jedinej postavenej na svete, ne? 🙂
31 August 2015, 13:23
Petr Štěpaník
To je nevim kolik let zpátky, tak 4, 5... Jedinej neni, stavi se docela dost řekl bych.
To je nevim kolik let zpátky, tak 4, 5... Jedinej neni, stavi se docela dost řekl bych.
31 August 2015, 13:26
Larry Cherniak
Excellent and inspiring build! I love what you have been able to do with this kit- the rivets, woodgrain props, extra details, paint and weathering- all superb. I will definitely be referring to it when building my Pavla 72nd in these markings.
Excellent and inspiring build! I love what you have been able to do with this kit- the rivets, woodgrain props, extra details, paint and weathering- all superb. I will definitely be referring to it when building my Pavla 72nd in these markings.
7 April, 20:17
Album info
AZModel 1/48