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Kerry COX (RedRoo)

Kawasaki Z-1 Mk 2

Цей альбом не містить жодних зображень.


15 May 2018, 10:23
Peter Hardy
Might unpack mine and do the same Kez. Is the chrome sprue in it's own pack or just shoved in with the other spruces?
15 May 2018, 10:32
Kerry COX
All the chrome spru's are in the same bag. 🙁 scratchy scratchy. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
17 May 2018, 05:32
Peter Hardy
Oh the paint on the tank! Bloody amazing! Polished alloy looks the part too. This thing is going to bring me to my knees!
17 May 2018, 08:00
Martin Oostrom
Oy! Z-1 part deux. Getting my popcorn for this masterclass 👍
17 May 2018, 08:05
Kerry COX
Don't forget the XXXX. A most necessary item when watching me. 🙂 🙂 👍
17 May 2018, 08:20
Kerry COX
I have some changes you all may like. 🙂
17 May 2018, 23:40
Donald Dickson II
Nice use of parafilm! I will remember that for my chrome parts in the future! Great work with the Alclad sir.
18 May 2018, 00:49
Kerry COX
Donald. Cheers mate. I am always looking for some way of keeping things in good condition during a build. And the parrafilm is great to wrap around small things that may cop a bit of overspray after assembly. 🙂 PS. I am opening up a chrome shop if anyone is interested. Mwahahahaha 🙂
18 May 2018, 01:00
Bart Goesaert
nice work Kezza... looks a lot better then the first edition (that wasn't bad either) 😉...
18 May 2018, 11:37
Kerry COX
Bart. Thank mate. I will agree with you whole heartedly. 👍
The first one I had a bad attitude, thinking that it was not of the same class as a Tamiya or Hasegawa, but it was only when it was finished and I looked at the second one, I had realised I should have had a better attitude. 🙁
So, I am doubling my effort to make sure I haven't let myself or my good mate Peter down. :-O
And I am making sure that it is going to be a winner in more ways than one. 👍
The detail in the moulding is really quite stunning, and something I never looked at really closely, and I am pissed I didn't.
Thanks for your honesty mate. 🙂 👍
18 May 2018, 12:23
I had a 1975 Z1B and loved it. Will stay tuned. Gary S.
18 May 2018, 13:20
Kerry COX
Hi Gary. 🙂 Welcome aboard the Z-1 train mate. 👍
I am doing my head in on this one. I just hope I can remember to keep putting my cotton gloves on, no matter HOW much they get in the way. hahahaha 🙂 🙂 🙂 👍
18 May 2018, 23:08
Peter Hardy
Kerry my friend you are pedantic, a perfectionist and difficult to live with. However, I do put up with you and will promise to be a pedantic, perfectionist apprentice! Damn those engine covers look GOOD! Now I have decided my next build!
18 May 2018, 23:42
Kerry COX
Peter. That is just the way I am. My task master was a real pain merchant and she never let me explain why I made a mistake. So, I just do like I have always done. Make sure I get it 'right'. That way, I cant complain if the judges see it differently.
And I am not all that difficult to live with, jeez, Kerry and I have a ball at times. hehehehe 🙂
I am stoked you like the engine covers. But like you, I have an ongoing battle with that invisible turd called 'dust', appearing when not wanted or invited. Miserable bloody thing it is. 🙁 🙁 🙁
19 May 2018, 00:23
Kerry COX
The decals went on last night. Refusing to use the solver or set liquids, as they seemed to 'scuff' the paint surface of the high gloss tank on the last build and left marks I could not polish out without lifting the decals and a fair bit of paint. SO, without them, I am keen to see how the clean up of the tank and side covers comes out. :-O
19 May 2018, 00:28
Kerry COX
Decals and paint work fully preserved. I am happy I didn't use any chemicals. 👍 🙂
19 May 2018, 01:00
Peter Hardy
Wow! Perfect!
19 May 2018, 02:19
Kerry COX
Well. Yes, I do agree that they are a LOT better this time around mate. 🙂
We will see how it stacks up against the others in this years comp. 🙂
19 May 2018, 02:46
Björn Svedberg
Decals look perfect! 👍 👍 And that BMF looks like an interesting product. Is it glue on one side? I wonder where I can find that in Sweden..
Speaking about dust, it is pollen season here in Sweden, so I'm happy I'm not doing any of those shiny paint jobs on my planes.
19 May 2018, 09:06
Kerry COX
Björn Thanks mate. 👍
They certainly worked a whole lot better than before. 🙂
Bare metal foil is simply cooking foil with a contact adhesive on one side. 🙂
Pollen is a curse to spray painters for sure. And I get hay fever too. Achoo. ! 🙂
BTW. I am aa big fan of your work mate. Keep it up. 👍
19 May 2018, 09:35
Björn Svedberg
Thanks Kerry! I've played with cooking foil before, so I guess a spray on contact adhesive would work fine with it. Learning something new every day here. 🙂 Thanks again!
19 May 2018, 10:55
Kerry COX
Exactly right Bjorn. But don't get too free with the spray, as it can get lumpy and make the foil look like that orange peel effect. 🙁
19 May 2018, 11:17
Martin Oostrom
You're going liked greased lightning! Tremendous buildspeed AND the regular KCQuality. #ImFeelingYealousIsThatOkay?
21 May 2018, 08:20
Kerry COX
Nothing to feel Yealous about Martin. 🙂
. It helped that I had already built one exactly the same and knew what to avoid. hahahaha 🙂 👍
But thank you for your comments mate. 🙂 👍
21 May 2018, 08:32
Peter Hardy
My God!
21 May 2018, 09:08
Kerry COX
Chalk and cheese. 🙂
21 May 2018, 09:29
Peter Hardy
In a different league! I'm farked for something to say. Cruised through the pics several times and dunno what to say. I'm just stunned that this is possible, from a $25 kit! Jesus Kez, I got some work to do!
21 May 2018, 11:44
Kerry COX
Peter. You deserve a lot of the credit for what has happened mate. No one has ever challenged me before except me.
Both kits had no difference between them at all, other than my input, and it shows I am a lazy worm who believed too much in himself.
Thanks for getting me to see that, as it has meant change.
Kez 👍
21 May 2018, 13:33
Martin Oostrom
Come on Peter, send the guy more kits. You're not building anywhere near his speed. Thins your stash (so you can buy more for yourself) and gives us mortals some needed lessong from Sir Cox the Wise.
21 May 2018, 16:58
Björn Svedberg
It's beautiful! I can't see how it could be any better. Great job! 👍 👍
21 May 2018, 17:42
Peter Hardy
Short term Martin both Kerry and myself have ships to build, enough of a challenge for now. Kerry will receive occasional challenges from me because I believe he has plateaued. Become complacent so to speak. He was building well within himself, but now I see a fire burning and I would be very surprised if you couldn't see it from your hobby room window. This bloke is so bloody talented he doesn't see it himself! But the best part is he doesn't hold back when a fellow modeller comes to him palms up looking for help. Generous with his knowledge, and generous with his praise when one us the less talented makes a small step forward. I don't honestly believe he has built everything he will enter in August, that imagination is firing up again! Isn't it Kez?
21 May 2018, 21:10
Kerry COX
Good morning world. ! 👍 🙂
This is why we have friends. 😉
Martin. Speed. ??? Mate, I have nothing else to distract me in my world here except the rising and the setting of the sun. 😉
I can assure you, I was the most patient with the second of the two bikes I have ever been, to the point of thinking I will never get to the other kits I have lined up and partially finished for the August QMHE meet, of which I have three kits to finish. 🙂
Bjorn, I thank you and I will have to agree with you that this build really, for me, is the best I can offer, having had to completely rethink my approach and attitude. 👍
I am not becoming 'jaded' as some may believe, but just a wee bit apprehensive about what I will leave behind and what value, those who have to deal with that, will see their way to spread the contents of my display cases around, having received the word this morning that my mother in law passed from this earth this morning.🙁
I would like to have a million kits built. But, there is only so much that I am capable of absorbing that really interest me, rather than build kit after kit for the sake of it.
I am not being morbid here, just practical.👍
But being seated in my workshop for endless hours on end at my age is not the nirvana I am wanting or looking for.
The simple joy of throwing my leg over the saddle of my R1150R is getting closer as I complete the work needed to get her back on the road. 👍
I miss my being able to do that more than anything in this world.
I hope that this up coming meet at QMHE will be, for me especially, after all the dramas I went through to change their selection of judges from club members to a mix of the public and commit members is the final 'poke in the eye' for some that made it their goal in life to make a lot of modellers life and efforts worth nothing.
I am sounding a bit morbid here, but the end of a life, especially one so rich as my Mother In Law's, just brings it a little closer to home if you get my drift.
I am most honoured and blessed to know that I have been appreciated and cared for as much as I have here on Scale Mates. And especially Peter who knew nothing about me until a couple of months ago and has been exactly as the brother I always imagined I would have had if I had one.
I am truly bless. 👍 🙂
I love you all. 👍 🙂
21 May 2018, 22:03
Martin Oostrom
Sorry for your loss Kerry.
Will be back with a more expansive reply later. Got to get the kids to school first.
22 May 2018, 05:18
Kerry COX
Your a father to how many Martin. ? 🙂 🙂 🙂 I had two. 👍
22 May 2018, 06:13
Peter Hardy
Mam and my condolences to you and all the family Kerry. Family and friends passing does tend to make you more aware of your own mortality so no need for apologies. If you think you need cheering up just think about me teaching Spanjaard to drive! I taught Mam at the age of 56 so he should be a breeze!! Thanks for the long chat today, always get a laugh out of you!!
22 May 2018, 06:45
Kerry COX
Peter. 🙂 Ditto my good friend. 🙂 🙂 🙂
Time is just a sound on the wall.
If you try to count every one of them.......................Mmmmmmm"-(
I am really looking forward to the time we actually sit down with a beer or three. 👍
22 May 2018, 07:11
Peter Hardy
Got a beautiful patio here with a lovely breeze in the arvo! Might be able to find a beer somewhere too.
22 May 2018, 08:00
Kerry COX
That is the nicest invitation to have a beer at a mates place I have ever had. 🙂
I will take you up on that, and even bring a bag if ice. 👍
Cheers. 🙂
22 May 2018, 08:21
Martin Oostrom
Choice is all we have. This morning I chose to get the kids to school first, instead of writing an insufficient hasty short reply. So here goes a longer version, just hope it's sufficient enough.

If you really like riding that Beemer better, the choice is Obvious isn't it? You don't HAVE to take 3 models to QMHE, with your quality 2 could be sufficient as well (and give others a small chance to win, instead of non-existing), the choice is yours. Last evening I was getting ready in my chair to do some sanding on the F-100 when my daughter asked if we could play some badminton. Three guesses what my choice was.

Like Peter said, passing of loved ones can bring your own mortality in view. There's no shame in reflecting on that.
Being a glass-half-full type of guy, I told my wife to throw a party if I die before her. Just celebrate the fact that I've been around and enjoyed myself, loved her and loved the kids. But that's my choice, others have different opinions. Just pay respect to your mother in law any way you feel is appropriate. 👍
As to the value of your models, no one will value them like you do. You're the one that sanded all those seam lines, put all the effort in. I guess that's sad but true 🙁

Okay, now a more Sunny side of life.
I have two kids, a son of twelve, who's in the last year of elementary school (correct term?) and went on his very first school camp this morning. He should be back by Friday. As it is his first camp, his mother was all over the place 🙂 Mothers tend to do that, don't they?
And there's my daughter, 9 years old. We're Lucky enough to have both kinds, keeps dad on his toes in how to approach them. My son and I can play videogames together, even did a couple of models. Daddy and girl play thingies is a different thing. Barbie and I will never be friends 🙁 Luckily my daughter enjoys drawing, colouring and riding a bike as well, those things I can do!

Peter, take care of our friend, will you?
22 May 2018, 09:22
Kerry COX
How wonderful you took the time to say all those meaningful words Martin. 🙂
My choices are well balanced and I am not getting anxious about anything like my eventual demise. hahahaha
Quite the opposite. I am planning many more trips on my trusty beemer, just as soon as the August meet is done and dusted, and as for giving others a chance. ! I certainly have them in mind, as they are my inspiration and relief to know there will be so many more this year because it has opened up for all to be there instead of just the "clubs" boofing their weight around.
My son, at the age of 11 (now 32) won gold with the Hughes 500 chopper all dolled up in some amazing cammo patterns that knocked the judges eyes out. 🙂
My daughter at the ripe old age of 31 likes building BIG trucks, like the road trains we have here, and all by her self in her room, only to be admitted as long as I don't tell her what's wrong. hahahaha
The models I have I am wanting to go to my local hobby store to be on permanant dispaly while my two off spring will be grabbing what they want to keep. (No, I am not about to curl up my toes.) 🙂
I was never any good with paint and paper/canvas, but show me a model and stand back. :-O
I thought I was a reasonable modeller, but thanks to Scale Mates, I have had the plesure of seeing and being part of one of the greatest scale modelling web sites in the world and those who call it home, with absolutely, the very best of our hobby freely participating in the kindest of ways, willing to put their treasures out there for all to see with no limitations on who uses them.
I have made my mark, and that is all I ever wanted, to be recognised for what I am capable of.👍
Just 15 minutes worth of recognition it is all I asked and I got it with Zoukei-Mura and the Ho-229. 🙂
Time for more modelling Martin, so I am off and sniffing glue again. 🙂
Cheers mate. 👍

22 May 2018, 09:48
Bart Goesaert
sincere condolences... it seems in the end that there's little difference (at first glance) between the two models... but up close and personal... in the end, you have two very nice bikes, and and nice evening with beer and friends... what's there more to want...
22 May 2018, 11:17
Peter Hardy
As long as the Beemer doesn't drip oil like and old Triumph Tiger you'll be welcome. Might even get a couple of photos of you in my photo booth, if, you can roll up your legs a bit.

Marty, don't think the old fart needs too much looking after yet. Other than having to get more ice for his Jameson's. He'll probably enjoy a little holiday up here. I actually have a spare chair in my hobby room for him, or you, already! One thing I am not short of is space! Glad to hear you don't put off time with your kids too. I have a very clear memory of coming home and my then eighteen month old daughter hiding behind her mother's legs. She didn't know me. When she turned nine we gave her a little party and my wife said how wonderful that I was home for it. It was the first birthday I had been home for her other than her birth. Yes, I have some regrets in life. My kids are boy, man?36, daughters 34 and 32. They all live in Brisbane 1000 kilometres to the south of here. Kerry is another 100 Kay's further towards Antarctica.

22 May 2018, 11:23
Kerry COX
Bart. The differences between the two bikes will be reduced now I am using some bare metal foil on the first Z-1 like I did on the MkII to eliminate the painted areas where the chrome was missing and should look ok, but I am still unhappy about the paint that got badly marked from using the decal softener and set solutions, as their acidic nature ate into the surface of the paint and dulled it down quite a bit. 🙁 And Bart, Thank you for your kind words mate. Luckily, I was not all that involved in their lives, but my kids loved her dearly and have fond memories. They will take this a bit harder than most. 🙁. But a few beers...............and life goes on. 🙂
Mr grasshopper up there in central Queensland, I own a grease and oil proof work of art, to you, a BMW R1150R that does not have a runny nose. hehehehe 🙂
As for my legs. I can roll up my pants but rolling up my legs, well, I have never tried, but am willing to see if I can. hahahaha
22 May 2018, 11:46
Peter Hardy
You might consider taking a look through my stash and selecting one to build and paint while you are here. Always looking to watch and learn from Yoda!

22 May 2018, 11:51
Kerry COX
I just might have something under my arm for you to do while we exchange niceties mate. 🙂 🙂 🙂
22 May 2018, 12:33
Hi Kerry, You have brought back many fond memories for me. My bike was maroon with black and gold stripes. Best bike I ever owned. It could pull the head light off of any Harley. If one wasn't carefull it could get away for you very quick. The throttle was very responsive. Thanks for a great build. Gary S.
22 May 2018, 14:41
Kerry COX
Gary. I am pleased you had good memories of your Kwakker. I had the pleasure of assembling them out of then crate for a dealership in Adelaide in 72. 🙂 AND, test riding them before they went on the show room floor. Most impressive, just as grunty as their MachIII. 👍
22 May 2018, 17:58
We called them Kowies, and I see your an old fart like me. LOL Gary S.
22 May 2018, 18:51
Kerry COX
Gary. A healthy 71 in April past and kicking some serious butt. Working on getting my pride and joy back on the road. A BMW R1150R. Many miles on the clock since 2001. 🙂
22 May 2018, 19:28
Donald Dickson II
Kerry, my thoughts to you and your family. Losing a family member sucks. Capt Obvious there, I know.

that aside, simply getting older has made me look at everything differently. I say I am over halfway done with life. And that makes me think of the stuff you have mentioned. I am good at this stuff. But not on your level. And I am trying my best to get there. As you mentioned, this site is a great help and motivator. My kids are grown as well, so I dont often have to make a "choice" between them or my past times. But, they come first still.

As for your bike, the real one. I am more of a cruiser kind of guy. I cant ride for long, if at all, on a crotch rocket as I have the knees of a 90 year old. Mostly thanks to having been a firefighter. I have hated it when my girl has been down (an 02 Harley Fatboy) so I can totally relate to missing being on her. It is absolutely one of the greatest joys there is to be on the bike wind in the face. Hopefully yours will be back up soon.

As for the model bike. Great use of BMF sir! That is one thing I was toying with using for the car kits I have. Though getting some cheap thin aluminum foil could work as well. And much cheaper. LOL Both kits turned out great, though yes, you can see a difference in the second one. But even your supposed half effort was awesome.

And I like that you are active in your club and managed to unseat those kind of folks as judges. I know the type you dealt with, and they piss me off every time they open their mouths. And here is the thing. I hardly ever see a model from any of them. Nothing brought into the monthly meetings. Nothing posted on line on a site like this or FB. But you hear, "Oh, I build. I just dont show it off" or some such horse hockey.

You and Martin and many others here make me feel like I am peeking in from the kids table. Thanks to you and them for sharing so that the rest of us can improve.
22 May 2018, 21:09
Kerry COX
Hi Donald. 👍 🙂
Thank you for your well chosen words on death and taxes. (Kidding of course. 🙂 )
As for the beemer. She is 18 now and three times around Oz with many more smaller trips in between just to keep her warm. 🙂
Touring on a bike with pistons going from side to side is much more comfortable than trying to fight high frequency vibrations of pistons trying to punch their way up through your tank mate. So tiring. 🙁
As for my scarred knees, at least I can stick my feet out over the cylinders when my knees say owe! 🙂
The BMF came to me as a 'what if' moment really, and bugger me, it worked. 👍
As for the QMHE meet and the committee and their like, it was the same year after year where it was just club members doing all the judging and you guessed it, only their members got the awards and some with glaring screw up's. 🙁 And when pointed out that this was killing of any chance of many of the competitors who missed out was resulting in them avoiding competing again and it was hurting the hobby too, I was met with threats of not being allowed to enter again. So, I took that as my que to do something. Putting out a questionnaire to all those who had a model on the table and plonked the replies on the committee table and dared them to challenge me again. I WON. ! 🙂 So, fairness is the key now. And so many more clubs are seeing their members win as well.🙂
The sharing is just what I do. As there are so many ways of skinning a cat, and I just like to see it done nicely, by being honest and encourage one and all to make it a fun thing. for sure.
Well, now I am almost at the stage of slumping back in my chair and declaring all my work for the QMHE meet done. 🙂
Just a couple of finishing touches to a Yank icon of the 60's and out with a beer. hehehehe 🙂
Cheers lads, and hobby on. 👍
23 May 2018, 02:45
Peter Hardy
Beer? Did someone say beer?
23 May 2018, 06:03
Martin Oostrom
Last ride I took was 13 years ago, before my son was born. Got thrown over the steering wheel because some isiot van driver left the parking spot without checking his mirrors. Just a painful wrist and ego, luckily.
My dad wasn't so lucky a couple of years back. That black Audi had right of way and was going 80kph. Dad lost his left leg and has some smaller mental damage. He has no recollection of the incident, his two friends do, they claim he flew over 10 metres through the air and landed in the only bush in the parking lot. I can vividly remember those 11 days in the Trier hospital though. 🙁
No more bike riding in this family. No regrets.
23 May 2018, 06:12
Peter Hardy
Bit different here Marty. Less traffic and an average of 100 kilometres between towns on the coast and 400 in the bush. 1000 in the outback. Black Audi's die here. No bushes to land in either, just nice, soft sand!
23 May 2018, 06:17
Kerry COX
Martin. I have had my fair share of 'off's', but nothing too serious thank the Lord. 🙂
I ride like everyone is out to kill me. Take NOTHING for granted when on two wheels, of ANY kind. 🙁
Peter. psssssssssssssssssst. over here mate. A XXXX. hehehehe
23 May 2018, 06:17
Peter Hardy
Was that a Taipan hissing or did KC just open me a beer???
23 May 2018, 06:20
Bart Goesaert
With traffic in our country you have to ride here as if everybody is an idiot behind the wheel, and most are to be honest (maybe not idiots, but very selfish). Sometimes it reminds me of the wild west, the biggest mouth wins or dies trying.
23 May 2018, 06:26
Martin Oostrom
To be honest, the guy in the Audi was totally innocent. My dad just didn't see the car as he attempted to cross the road. There was a milk trailer obscuring the view.
23 May 2018, 07:10
Bart Goesaert
My rant was not really to point fingers, but to everyday situations... I do a "lot" of miles every day, and there are some pretty awkward situations on almost daily basis that can easily be avoided
23 May 2018, 08:18
Kerry COX
Bart. That is the nature of commanding any wheeled vehicle. But to keep one's witts about them and like what we do. The more experience you gain, the better it is. 🙂
23 May 2018, 08:31
Kerry COX
LODE. ! Good morning my friend. 🙂
Thank you for making me feel a whole lot better about the end result of the two Z-1's 👍
Luckily, I was able to add the small bits of bare Metal Foil after the final pieces were added, all with no difficulty, but it was that dull look and the finger prints on the first tank that kind of put a damper on the first one. But I will leave it as it is, having no spare decals to offer, and some polish could do something eventually. But overall. I am happy with the outcome on both really. 🙂 👍
24 May 2018, 22:06
Michael Hickey
Hey Kerry, been watching this one quietly through the window, I like the look of your two mean green speed machines and everything that you've had to go through to get them completed, well done.👍
24 May 2018, 22:38
Kerry COX
Michael and James, Thanks a million mates. A 'well done' comment from the masters is greatly appreciated guys. 🙂 Cheers. 🙂 🙂
(BTW) I wondered who that was outside. ! :-O hehehe

24 May 2018, 22:47
Bart Goesaert
Can't some metal powders like Ushi's be of help you get rid of those? I have these, but don't come to use them yet...
25 May 2018, 04:18
Kerry COX
I also have the Uschi's buffing powders and they do have some applications Bart, but to restore the chrome with them is the same as painting, so the BMF was, after much experimenting, the solution and thank you for suggesting what Alex has at his Uschi outlet. 🙂

I am always finding different uses for BMF. And as a masking agent, it is on a par with parafilm.
Thank Mr Bart. 👍 🙂
25 May 2018, 05:24

Album info

The second of the two kits Peter Hardy sent me. And after the first being a bit of a muck up because I failed to pay attention. This build will be a pedantics nightmare. I want it to be better. Much better than the first.

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