Nord Noratlas BW
1 12 August 2018, 14:41
Roland Sachsenhofer
New pictures of my second "Alhorn" Noraltlas; the fuselage halfs showed to be heavily distorted. Superglue and a lot of putty had to be invested to get them in form.
New pictures of my second "Alhorn" Noraltlas; the fuselage halfs showed to be heavily distorted. Superglue and a lot of putty had to be invested to get them in form.
12 August 2018, 14:44
Roland Sachsenhofer
I am happy about your interest in that project! It looks like the Nora wears a nice collar of shaving foam- well, a close shave is not far away.... 🙂
I am happy about your interest in that project! It looks like the Nora wears a nice collar of shaving foam- well, a close shave is not far away.... 🙂
16 August 2018, 15:07