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Greg Baker (strobez)

AREA 88: "Kanzaki Returns" (CH-53)


1 27 April 2019, 16:59
Chris Greathouse
No pictures yet and I'm already following 😄
27 April 2019, 17:01
Greg Baker
Well, gimme a second here... !

Since my DC-10 project has stalled out while I await replacement parts... I thought I'd try something I've been wanting to attempt for a while. A helicopter! with... a motor!

Late in the Area 88 manga series, Kanzaki has a poignant moment where he bids farewell to Shin and returns to the conflict in Asran, and he does it in style. It's a cool sequence, with a Sikorsky CH-53 flying in out of the sun... lands right behind Kanzaki and then flies off into the wild blue yonder. I thought it would make a good first helicopter project - and more or less a test run for the same kind of project with a Sea King.
27 April 2019, 17:06
Greg Baker
A couple of things... first off, I'm using a slightly larger DC motor than I have for the 1/144 propellor plane projects. I'm assuming it'll need a bit more oomph to power around all 6 blades. I'm also going to start with the rotor assembly first rather than the cockpit, so I can test the electronics properly BEFORE I jam them into the interior. The kit's got a neat interior, it almost is a shame to cover it up.
27 April 2019, 17:09
Chris Greathouse
Heehee, couldn't help it, and I already know the end result will be stunning 😄... Looks like there's an 12-episode anime of Area 88 that I need to scout out and watch. Area 88 sounds like a fun premise for a Manga/Anime.
27 April 2019, 17:13
Erik De Smet
I don't think you need a larger motor, Greg, but I cannot guess what the size of your motor is. A smaller motor will run slower when it drives a larger rotor, and that is just fine for a heli. On a larger motor you will need a resistance in series to slow it down. If yo intend to put LEd lights in this one too, just one advice : put them on a separate power source from the motor.
28 April 2019, 10:10
Greg Baker
Thanks Erik. The motor is still quite small; not sure the exact size, but slightly larger than the really tiny 8mm ones I've used in 1/144 props. Those ones seem too touchy to work, but I'll give them a shot too. My plan is to run a few tests to see what kind of resistance/motor combo is best suited to the task. I do have a plan to put some small SMD lights into the Sea King, but not this one. We'll see how much trouble this one gives me first without complicating the issue. My feeling though is 5V should be enough to run one of these small motors and two SMD LEDs, but we'll check that out before things go too far. I'm glad to have your support and advice on these though. It's very helpful!
28 April 2019, 10:55
Greg Baker
And we have takeoff... more or less... 😉
Youtube Video
28 April 2019, 14:12
Chris Greathouse
Very cool.
28 April 2019, 17:07
Greg Baker
Thanks Chris. I got the cockpit painted and assembled. It's nce to see the Anti-Government Forces hire paraplegic amputees to fly their helicopters...😉

Got the fuselage together, and yes... I checked to make sure the propeller still goes 'round and round.😉
2 May 2019, 15:36
Martin Oostrom
Oh boy, a helo with drive. You better keep it away from the kitchen Greg!
2 May 2019, 15:43
Greg Baker
I dunno about that... but it's going to come in handy in the summer... makes a nice little breeze.😉
2 May 2019, 15:51
Matthew A
Off to a flying start
2 May 2019, 16:34
Erik De Smet
What about the tail rotor ? Maybe a transparent disc to simulate the motion ?
2 May 2019, 17:47
Chris Greathouse
Started watching the Area 88 Anime... good stuff 🙂
2 May 2019, 19:41
Dave Flitton
You might want to put a sound ship to simulate the engine and rotor sounds from a real CH-53
2 May 2019, 20:27
Chris Greathouse
Finished the anime... Very cool premise for a manga/anime... A mercenary airbase. You can watch the english dub on gogoanime.io
3 May 2019, 02:14
Greg Baker
Thanks guys... @Erik - Yeah... I'm not quite sure what to do about that yet. I looked at ways of getting it to spin, but in 1/144 there's just not realistically enough room in the tail for me to try anything crazy. A transparent disk might be the way to go.
3 May 2019, 06:33
Greg Baker
@Dave = I've thought about that... Erik did it already and I'm kinda envious... I'll have to think on this one some more.
3 May 2019, 06:34
Greg Baker
@Chris - yes it is cool! Personally, I find the manga even better than the anime. If you're interested, DM me and I can help you out.😉
3 May 2019, 06:35
Bart Goesaert
into this one too...
3 May 2019, 09:56
Greg Baker
Welcome aboard Bart. The VIP seating is right this way...

Today's episode is called "Putty".😉
3 May 2019, 23:53
Martin Oostrom
Putty here, putty there, putty, putty everywhere!
When is takeoff scheduled?
9 May 2019, 20:22
Bryn Crandell
How many projects you have running Greg? Oh what the hell, I'm in on this one too. Throw me a beer.
9 May 2019, 20:24
Greg Baker
LMAO... I do have a couple too many. I usually have 3 on the go, but then Matthew sent me a bunch of info on converting the F-5E to an F-5A... and then I accidentally opened the F-18 box I picked up in Tokyo for $3... which made me open the F-20 one I had in the stash... and then it was just a stumble downhill.😉

Beer's in the fridge...
9 May 2019, 22:37
Donald Dickson II
Hey now! Starting a 53 without me???? that is NOT good form old man!😉 *grabs a beer*
9 May 2019, 23:47
Donald Dickson II
And that will make a nice personal fan! LOL As for the seams. Do the put some tape on either side and putty some and sand and the tape protects the details thing???
9 May 2019, 23:51
Greg Baker
I was wondering what it would take to catch your attention. Anything transport-related will garner a personal invitation to the ball for you from now on.😉

That tape idea is great. I really should use it more often, but for some reason I never think about it. I'll try it on this one.
10 May 2019, 02:56
Greg Baker
Oh, and while I'm at it... even though you can't really see it from the project header pic, the reference image I'm working off of has some kind of "drop tank wings" flying off the sides and a long pokey thingy (pilot tube?) coming off the nose. Anyone have any comments about that? They're drop tanks, right? I'm planning on retrofitting some tanks off a 1/144 Academy F-4E and attaching them, somehow.
10 May 2019, 03:00
Martin Oostrom
The long pokey thing could be for mid-air refuelling
10 May 2019, 05:08
Matthew A
10 May 2019, 12:01
Donald Dickson II
LMAO Long pokey thingy. As Martin said, refueling probe.
10 May 2019, 14:52
Greg Baker
Sorry... didn't mean to get all technical on you. Is that safe though? Flying around all excited like that?
10 May 2019, 15:25
Matthew A
[img1] [img2] [img3]
10 May 2019, 15:28
Matthew A
[img1] [img2]
10 May 2019, 15:31
Greg Baker
Leave it to Matthew to show up with handy pics at just the right time.
10 May 2019, 16:13
Matthew A
[img1] [img2]
10 May 2019, 17:15
Matthew A
this shows how long the pokey thingy gets [img1] [img2] Youtube Video
10 May 2019, 17:20
Matthew A
Must not let that pokey long thing hit the ground Youtube Video
10 May 2019, 17:25
Matthew A
Fuel Tank photos [img1] [img2] [img3] [img4] [img5]?q=60&ixlib=js-1.2.1&s=e508dc6ab20abdd201da6c00b354e5c9 [img6]
10 May 2019, 17:49
Matthew A
Revells HH-53C boxing came with the pods and pokey thingy. It looks small in 1:144 but jolly giant close up [img1]/revision/latest?cb=20160610104738 [img2]
10 May 2019, 18:02
Matthew A
Youtube Video
10 May 2019, 18:15
Matthew A
KC-10 can take two at the sametime Youtube Video
10 May 2019, 18:24
Donald Dickson II
Pretty sure that two for was a 130. I don't think KC-10s have drogues.
10 May 2019, 19:08
Martin Oostrom
I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure a KC-10 isn't equipped with a ramp that size. My vote is on the Herc as well.
10 May 2019, 19:43
Matthew A
oops missed the 3
10 May 2019, 20:28
Bryn Crandell
Definately a KC-130. Side note--KC-10 can have up to three drogues. One mounted inside the tail area and it can be equipped with a drogue pod on each wing. Can only refuel the wing pods at the smae time or from the center drogue/boom. Not all three.
13 May 2019, 21:02
Donald Dickson II
I have never seen that configuration. Good to know. 🙂
13 May 2019, 21:15
Greg Baker
Sorry to hijack this thread, but I finally worked up the courage to scratch build the drop tanks and refueling probe. Meh... close enough, right?
18 May 2019, 14:44
Bart Goesaert
Looking good
18 May 2019, 14:52
Matthew A
I forgot who started this thread
18 May 2019, 15:59
Matthew A
Joly sand giant
21 May 2019, 15:38
Greg Baker
Since I was somewhat tired of cutting tape for all the camouflage work I did on the F-5, F-100D and two Kfirs, I decided (while no one was looking) to just freehand a bit of desert camouflage. It's subtle, but I'm happy enough with the result. Still a few more bits and pieces to paint and add, but it's starting to come together now.
21 May 2019, 15:40
Matthew A
And it can cool your hi-fi
21 May 2019, 15:40
Greg Baker
Yep. I'm getting a breeze off it. Very pleasant.😉
21 May 2019, 15:42
Nils Steyaert
looks good 🙂
21 May 2019, 15:56
Greg Baker
Finished painting and then glueing all the final bits on (including the wheels). Just a couple of minor touch ups and a bit of a wash, and then I'll just wire up the USB cord and we'll be done.
26 May 2019, 15:08
Erik De Smet
Greg, if you can afford to spent more money on this project, you should have a look at " Laser Cut In flight Tail Rotors " from LazerLIne Designs on Ebay, for a "moving" tail rotor
26 May 2019, 15:52
Greg Baker
I dunno Erik. Have you used this product? It seems to me you can pretty much do the same thing with a bit of clear plastic, a circle cutter and maybe some homemade decals. However, as much as I'd like the tail rotor to spin, 99% of the time it's going to be sitting in a static position on my shelf. I'll probably only plug it in when I get hot...😉
26 May 2019, 16:15
Erik De Smet
For the tail rotor you can certainly make it yourself with clear plastic. I used two Chinook 1/100 rotor from lazerline for my flying banana :
An other flying banana | Album by opadesmet (1:72)
26 May 2019, 16:57
Greg Baker
I remember seeing them in your album Erik... I thought they looked familiar. Thanks for the suggestion, but I decided to just leave it "as is". The wash and the decals are on... and this baby is done~ and the propellor still spins... amazing!
28 May 2019, 15:18
Günther Debiscop
How did ye do the base?
28 May 2019, 15:57
Chris Greathouse
Great work greg!!
28 May 2019, 16:06
Greg Baker
The same way I do all my Area 88 1/144 project bases... I buy a cheap wooden coaster for a dollar, flip it over and sand down the "Made in Vietnam" mark. Then I make homemade decals of the scene from the Area 88 manga and then print them off from my inkjet printer. After I spray/dry them, I cut them to fit and then slide them on to the wood using a low flat plate full of water. It's tricky to get large (especially homemade) decals on, but it comes easier with a bit of practice. Then, after the water dries, the decal usually lifts off the wood (because no matter how much I sand it, it's always just a little bit uneven). So then I peel it back carefully and apply a coat of future to the wood and press the decal back down and smooth out the bubbles. Then I use a sharp knife to pop any leftover bubbles under the decal and apply another coat of Future on top. Then I usually take a hairdryer to the whole thing. Usually after all that, it's very hard and sturdy.
28 May 2019, 16:12
Almost missed it, amazing job, as usual
28 May 2019, 16:14
Dave Flitton
excellent finish!
28 May 2019, 20:22
Greg Baker
Thanks guys! I appreciate the kind words.
28 May 2019, 21:55
Greg Baker
Just a final update - I've added this build to my blog posts - strobez.ca/wp/index...aki-returns-area-88/ - my musings, and 4 pages of the (never before seen in English) manga!
29 May 2019, 11:15
Matthew A
very cool
29 May 2019, 12:15
Donald Dickson II
Turned out fabulous sir!
30 May 2019, 21:50

Project info

26 зображення
1:144 Sikorsky CH-53G (Revell 04858)

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