Fletcher Class destroyer USS The Sullivans DD-537
Blue Water Navy | 货号: BN 35098 | 1:350
Detail and Conversion sets
设计为: Generic

Fletcher-class Destroyer Late-war, Midships Quadruple-gun Bofors Tubs anti-Kamikaze modification.
Model Monkey 1:350
350-Fletch Tubs midships 2017 新模具 多主题 (2)
Fletcher class Destroyer late-war Anti-aircraft Director Deck House For late-war anti-kamikaze fit.
Model Monkey 1:350
350-FletDeckHouse 2017 新模具 
Mk.37 Fire Control Directors, "Angle-Back" early World War II-era
Model Monkey 1:350
350-Mk37 angleback-2 2017 新模具 多主题 (16)
Mk.37 Fire Control Directors for Mk.4 Radar early World War Two-era
Model Monkey 1:350
350-Mk37 Mk4-2 2017 新模具 多主题 (10)
Mk.37 Fire Control Directors for Mk.12/22 Radars mid-World War II-era
Model Monkey 1:350
350-Mk37 Mk12/22-2 2017 新模具 多主题 (16)
Fletcher Class "Square Bridge" Pilot House, Bethlehem Steel-type
Model Monkey 1:350
350-DD445.Bethl 2015 新模具 
Fletcher class 5"/38 cal. "Single Knuckle" Mounts
Model Monkey 1:350
350-5in.1knuckle 2015 新模具 多主题 (2)
Fletcher class 5"/38 cal. "Double-knuckle" Mounts
Model Monkey 1:350
350-5in.2knuckle (350-5in38-Mk30 double knuckle-2) 2015 新模具 多主题 (2)
Fletcher Class "Square Bridge" Pilot House, Bath Iron Works-type
Model Monkey 1:350
350-DD445.Bath 2015 新模具 
Tourelles simples de 127mm US Navy
L'Arsenal 1:350
AC 350 14 
US Navy Floater Net Baskets Can be used as inserts for photo-etch baskets or by themselves.
Model Monkey 1:350
350-FloaterBaskts 多主题 (11)
US Destroyer/Destroyer Escort (Detail Set)
Tom's Modelworks 1:350
US Navy Gun Barrels
BMK (Burkhardt Masch Kleinserien) 1:350
05_350_US_127 设计为: Unknown
设计为: Generic

Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
USS Cassin Young DD-793Model Monkey 1:350
np-DD793-1 2022 新模具 
Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
USS Melvin DD-680 "Blue Devil Destroyer" Model Monkey 1:350
np-DD680-1 2021 新模具 
Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
USS William D. Porter DD-579Model Monkey 1:350
np-DD579-1 2020 新模具 
Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
USS The Sullivans DD-537Model Monkey 1:350
np-DD537-1 2020 新模具 
Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
Kwei Yang 貴陽 Taiwan Navy, ex-USS Twining DD-540 Model Monkey 1:350
np-Kwei Yang-1 2018 新模具 
Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
Chin Yang 慶陽 Taiwan Navy, ex-USS Mullany DD-528 Model Monkey 1:350
np-Chin Yang-1 2018 新模具 
Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
An Yang 安陽 Taiwan Navy, ex-USS Kimberly DD-521 Model Monkey 1:350
np-An Yang-1 2018 新模具 
Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
ARC Antioquia Colombian Navy, ex-USS Hale DD-642. Model Monkey 1:350
np-DD01-1 2018 新模具 
Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
ARA Espora Argentine Navy, ex-USS Dortch DD-670 Model Monkey 1:350
np-D-21-1 2018 新模具 
Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
Almirante Blanco Encalada Chilean Navy, ex-USS Wadleigh DD-689 Model Monkey 1:350
np-D14-1 2018 新模具 
Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
Almirante Cochrane Chilean Navy, ex-USS Rooks DD-804 Model Monkey 1:350
np-D15-1 2018 新模具 
Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
BAP Almirante Guise Peruvian Navy, ex-USS Isherwood DD520 Model Monkey 1:350
np-Guise-1 2018 新模具 
Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
ROKS Pusan 부산 South Korean Navy, ex-USS Hickox DD-673 Model Monkey 1:350
np-D93-1 2018 新模具 
Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
Βέλος (Velos) Greek Navy Model Monkey 1:350
np-D16-1 2018 新模具 
Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
ARM Cuitláhuac Mexican Navy, ex-USS John Rodgers DD-574 Model Monkey 1:350
np-E02-1 2018 新模具 
Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
ARM Cuauhtémoc Mexican Navy, ex-USS Harrison DD-573 Model Monkey 1:350
np-E01-1 2018 新模具 
Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
Jorge Juan D25 Spanish Navy, ex-USS McGowan DD-678 Model Monkey 1:350
np-D25-1 2018 新模具 
Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
Almirante Valdés D23 Spanish Navy, ex-USS Converse DD-509 Model Monkey 1:350
np-D23-1 2018 新模具 
Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
ARA Rosales Argentine Navy, ex-USS Stembel DD-644 Model Monkey 1:350
np-D-22-1 2018 新模具 
Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
ARA Almirante Storni Argentine Navy, ex-USS Cowell DD-547 Model Monkey 1:350
np-D-24-1 2018 新模具 
Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
ARA Almirante Brown Argentine Navy, ex-USS Heermann DD-532 Model Monkey 1:350
np-D-20-1 2018 新模具 
Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
Piaui D31 Brazilian Navy, ex-USS Lewis Hancock DD-675 Model Monkey 1:350
np-D31-1 2018 新模具 
Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
Lanciere D 560 Italian Navy, ex-USS Taylor DD-468 Model Monkey 1:350
np-D560-1 2018 新模具 
Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
Geniere D 555 Italian Navy, ex-USS Prichett DD-561 Model Monkey 1:350
np-D555-1 2018 新模具 
Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
Fante D 561 Italian Navy, ex-USS Walker DD-517 Model Monkey 1:350
np-D561-1 2018 新模具