US WW II Aces (8)
Inc. McGuire, Eagleston, McCampbell & Boyington
Microscale | 货号: 72-0056 | 1:72

- 品牌:
- Microscale
- 标题:
- US WW II Aces (8) Inc. McGuire, Eagleston, McCampbell & Boyington
- 数量:
- 72-0056 (也列为 72-56)
- 比例:
- 1:72
- 类型:
- 水贴套装
Grumman F6F Hellcat
Grumman F6F-5 Hellcat
US Navy (1794-now)
- VF-15 70143 Minsi III (Cdr. David S. McCampbell)
十月 1944 - CV-9 USS Essex (Result: 34 Victories & Medal of Honor Re)
Overall Dk Blue
Lockheed P-38 Lightning
Lockheed P-38J Lightning
US Army Air Forces (1941-1947)
- 475 FG, 5 AF 425457 PUDGY (V) (Maj. Thomas B. McGuire)
十二月 1944 - 49 FG, 5 AF 2103993 Marge (Maj. Richard Ira Bong)
十二月 1944
North American P-51 Mustang
North American P-51D Mustang
US Army Air Forces (1941-1947)
- 414237 Moonbeam McSwine (Maj. William T. Whisner)
一月 1945 - 4 FG, 8 AF 472308 Ridge Runner (Maj. Pierce W. McKennon)
八月 1944 - ETO(Result: loss)
Republic P-47 Thunderbolt
Republic P-47D-30-RE Bubbletop
US Army Air Forces (1941-1947)
- 4 FG, 9 AF 420473 (Lt.Col. Glenn T. Eagleston)
十月 1944
Vought F4U Corsair
Vought F4U-1D Corsair
US Marine Corps Aviation (1912-now)
- VMF-214 Black Sheep White 86 (Lt.Col. Gregory Boyington)
一月 1944 - Shot down over Rabaul, POW rest of war. (Result: 28 Victories & Medal of Honor Re)
Dk Blue, Med. Blue over Lt grey
US Navy (1794-now)
- VF-17 Jolly Rogers White 29 (Lt. Ira C. Kepford)
二月 1944 - Soloman Islands, PTO


USD 12.94

替代 SKU Microscale 72-0056:
注: 价格与有货情况均仅供参考。也请留意产品是否与查物匹配!
我们并没有任何关于此套件的开盒测评 US WW II Aces (8) (#72-0056) 从 Microscale.

Does anyone happen to have the placement information sheet for this decal set??
1 17 July 2016, 23:15

Some of the early Microscale / Superscale decal sheets came without placement informations. As well as i know 72-56 was one of these. But every of these planes is well documented in the internet and you should easily find the desired painting and decal placement information.
20 July 2016, 06:59

Thanks! I did not realize that some of those early sheets came without an instruction/placement sheet! I had bought my example off Ebay. And yes, I see that these aircraft have plenty of info on them on the Web.
20 July 2016, 21:00
该产品分类如下:- 飞机 » 螺旋桨 » Grumman F6F Hellcat
- 飞机 » 螺旋桨 » Lockheed P-38 Lightning
- 飞机 » 螺旋桨 » North American P-51 Mustang
- 飞机 » 螺旋桨 » Republic P-47 Thunderbolt
- 飞机 » 螺旋桨 » Vought F4U Corsair