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Danumurthi Mahendra
1 30 June 2017, 10:31
Holger Kranich
Nice `n clean build, Danumurthi! I like the appaerance with all the ordonance under the wings, even when it doesnt makes much sense for a "stealth" bird.😉😄
30 June 2017, 12:04
Danumurthi Mahendra
Hi Holger - thanks. LOLOL yes!
30 June 2017, 12:11
Michael Phillips
Fantastic work Dan! I hear this kit is a nightmare to build, can you reinforce or refute that? I have a KH F-35A in the stash, but I am tempted to get the new Meng F-35A which is out for like $39.99 in Asia...
30 June 2017, 13:14
Danumurthi Mahendra
Hi @Michael. thank you! and yes, this kit is a total nightmare to build. Every inch of the way, from the first cut to the last fitting of the parts drove me NUTS! Pound for pound, building this kit is like walking trough waist-deep mud. I have my building notes if you are interested I can PM you.
30 June 2017, 13:21
Michael Phillips
If it is not much trouble, yes, I would love to see them. I appreciate the offer. Part of me says to build the KH kit for the challenge, the other part of me says "fool, are you crazy?!" LOL
30 June 2017, 13:29
Holger Kranich
" building this kit is like walking trough waist-deep mud."

Strange that some KH kits are a pleasure and some are bloody sh*t...😎
30 June 2017, 13:49
Choppa Nutta
Looks good
30 June 2017, 13:56
Danumurthi Mahendra
true @Holger. I think there are inconsistencies. this is my first KH, but I have friends who made other KH models and and they have different experiences. some good, better, some bad.
30 June 2017, 13:59
Danumurthi Mahendra
Thanks @Choppa !
30 June 2017, 14:08
Christian Bruer
very nice work 👍
30 June 2017, 15:45
Danumurthi Mahendra
thank you @Christian
30 June 2017, 15:47
hard to build but looks really fantastic at the end, something to be proud of!, well done Danumurthi, as usua 🙂
30 June 2017, 17:04
Danumurthi Mahendra
Thx @Spanjaard!
1 July 2017, 04:19
Erik Leijdens
Indeed very impressive. Have the KH F-35A in the stash, not very eager to start it! Yours is fantastic Danumrthi 👍
1 July 2017, 05:25
Christian Ristits
This is another great build from you Danumurthi! Have this kit also in my stash, but after reading your words I guess I will keep it there for a longer time...if you could send me also your building reports as PM, I would really appreciate it! Again - fantastic work!
1 July 2017, 07:24
Danumurthi Mahendra
Hi @Erik - Thank You. I have only done the F-35C version and yes its a very challenging build. I only heard from word-of-mouth that each of the variants fairs differently. I head one of them A/B/C is a better fit. (but now you know C has serious issues). so the better one is maybe the A or B? LOL
1 July 2017, 07:46
Danumurthi Mahendra
Just sent you a PM @Christian. I spent a lot of time figuring out what to do. And testing approaches that will not harm or destroy the model. If I was to build another KH F-35C, I can definitely work faster knowing my lesson learned.
1 July 2017, 07:57
Christian Ristits
Top!!! Thank you very much!
1 July 2017, 08:46
Stephan Ryll
Very nice work 👍
1 July 2017, 11:33
Danumurthi Mahendra
Thanks, @Stephan!
1 July 2017, 16:07
Sergej I
Great result! 👍 I envy you that you are already finished with yours 😄
Working just now on this same kit, it's a proper challenge, to put it nicely.
8 September, 05:48
Lorraine Lin
40 26 August, 05:51
Robert Podkoński
Wow! This is going to be a true masterpiece... Watching with pleasure and interest!
26 August, 05:55
Ben M
27 August, 16:40
That PE work is insane! Gotta watch this!
29 August, 22:57
Michael Kohl
Very interesting project
30 August, 01:20
Pietro De Angelis
31 August, 23:15
Looks very interesting build.
1 September, 07:56
Desert Marlin
Oh, very nice!
6 September, 19:24
Hanno Kleinecke
Hell(cat) yeah ! 👍
6 September, 19:44
Mr D
Wow 😲 brilliant 👌👌👍
7 September, 17:13
John Thomas
Very nice work
7 September, 17:52
Desert Marlin
Okay, that's getting crazy good!
7 September, 18:48
Lorraine Lin
Thank you for the encouragement, will keep on working on this.
8 September, 04:04
Lochsa River
very cool....
8 September, 05:24
8 September, 05:47
2cm FlaK 30
Cyber Hobby 1:35
6722 (66) 2011 新模具
8 September, 05:47
T'au Empire
Pathfinder Team
Games Workshop 28mm
56-09 201x
8 September, 05:44
Aaron Hutson
Panzer IV Medium Tank (Pen & Sword 43)
Panzer IV Medium Tank German Army and Waffen-SS: Last Battles in the West, 1945
TankCraft 货号: 43
Dennis Oliver
8 September, 05:44
Aaron Hutson
Wiesel 1 MK20 1+1 Quickbuild
S-Model (China) 1:72
PS720116 2014 新模具
8 September, 05:44
Aaron Hutson
Leopard 1A5 + Biber
Revell 1:72
03307 (80-3307) 2017 新贴花 多主题 (2)
8 September, 05:43
T'au Empire
Commander Farsight 1 Citadel Miniatures
Games Workshop 28mm
56-41 2023 新模具
8 September, 05:43
Aaron Hutson
Leopard 2A4
Dragon 1:72
7249 2005 新零件
8 September, 05:43
Mark DeBacker
German Navy
3.7cm SK C/30 Guns in the doppel L C/30 Twin Mount
Yao's Studio 1:350
8 September, 05:42
Warriors 3 Miniatures
Games Workshop 28mm
51-18 2022 新的盒子
8 September, 05:42
Hormagaunts 12 Miniatures
Games Workshop 28mm
51-17 2022 新的盒子
8 September, 05:42
Hormagaunts 11 Miniatures
Games Workshop 28mm
51-17 2023 新零件
8 September, 05:42
Genestealers 10 Miniatures
Games Workshop 2
51-06 2023 新零件
8 September, 05:42
Termagants 11 Miniatures
Games Workshop 28mm
51-34 2023 新零件
8 September, 05:42
Added a new review for:
Messerschmitt BF 109 G-4/R-6 "Erich Hartmann"
Fine Molds 1:72
FL13 2007 新零件
Hangar 47
Hangar 47
8 September, 05:39
Added a new review for:
Heinkel 112 B
RS Models 1:72
92265 2021 新的盒子
Hangar 47
Hangar 47
8 September, 05:37
9 15 August, 13:06
Lovely job!
15 August, 14:35
Thanks a lot Gorby
16 August, 02:13
Thank you for all the likes ☺️
17 August, 16:51
True, bro...it's an old one, but realy fun to do 😄
8 September, 05:37
Renault 5 Turbo Rally
Tamiya 1:24
2427 1982 新零件
8 September, 05:36
changed 他的 profile picture.
8 September, 05:36
19 3 August, 09:01
Inspiriert durch die aktuellen Anlässe in der Welt, meiner Liebe zum Leopard 1 und dem Wunsch ein Gebäude in 1:35 zu bauen, bin ich auf die Idee für dieses fiktive Diorama gekommen. Das Diorama soll eine Panzer Crew bei der Rast zeigen. Der Panzer ist ein Feldumbau eines beschädigten Leopard 1 der zum abfangen von Drohnen umgebaut wurde. Die Mannschaft nennt ihr Fahrzeug "Fliegenklatsche" (мухобойка).

Inspired by current events in the world, my love for the Leopard 1 and the desire to scratch build a building in 1:35, I came up with the idea for this fictional diorama. The diorama is supposed to show a tank crew taking a break. The tank is a field conversion of a damaged Leopard 1 that was converted to intercept drones. The team calls their vehicle a "fly swatter" (мухобойка).
3 August, 09:07
Dieter Bihlmaier
Coole Idee...und super umgesetzt Robert !
Cool idea... and super implemented Robert !
3 August, 09:11
Danke Dieter...
3 August, 13:02
Die Mauerarbeiten sind fast fertig und das Dach ist vorbereitet...

bricklaying allmost done & roof prepared...
10 August, 20:07
Die Mauerarbeiten sind abgeschlossen, das Modell ist schwarz grundiert und die Backsteine sind bemalt...

The masonry work is completed, the model is primed black and the bricks are painted...
14 August, 21:11
great idea. i love how the house is evolving
14 August, 22:05
Thanks Spanjaard
16 August, 19:08
Die Ziegel wurden verfugt und das Dach aufgesetzt. Die Dachrinne wurde aus einer Katzenfutterverpackung (Aluminium) und das Fallrohr aus Gussgraten hergestellt.

The bricks were grouted and the roof was added. The gutter was made from cat food packaging (aluminum) and the downpipe was made from plastic sprue.
23 August, 05:09
Robert Podkoński
Great concept indeed! Fantastic job so far, Robert. Keep it up!
23 August, 05:22
Thanks Robert...
23 August, 14:17
Dioramarahmen vorbereitet, Straße und Gehweg angelegt. Den Kamin verfugt und die Figuren zusammen gesetzt.

Diorama frame prepared, street and sidewalk laid out. The chimney was grouted and the figures were put together.
28 August, 22:50
Jennifer Franklin
I love it all. The house is incredible. This looks like it is going to be a diorama with personality!
28 August, 23:09
to kind, Jennifer
29 August, 05:38
Jennifer Franklin
No, honestly, it is brilliant; I can't wait to see the final result.
29 August, 12:56
I'm also curious what the end result will look like..
29 August, 16:55
Garagentor erstellt, bemalt und installiert. Figuren grundiert. Strasse und Gehweg vorbereitet.

Garage door created, painted and installed. Figures primed. Road and sidewalk prepared.
5 September, 17:40
Guy Rump
Definitely following. 👍
5 September, 20:14
Recce 4-6
Wieder mal ne coole Idee und handwerklich sehr gut umgesetzt.
7 September, 19:21
danke Recce 4-6
8 September, 05:36
Mark DeBacker
Royal Navy
30ft Gig x2
Micro Master 1:350
8 September, 05:36
Added a new review for:
Beechcraft UC/TC-12B "Huron"
UA A&A Models 1:72
7240 2023 新零件
Hangar 47
Hangar 47
8 September, 05:35
Mark DeBacker
Royal Navy
30ft Gig x2
Micro Master 1:400
8 September, 05:35
just joined this community.
8 September, 05:35
Added a new review for:
SA316 / SA319 Alouette III
Heller 1:72
225 1980 新模具
Hangar 47
Hangar 47
8 September, 05:34
Roger Trewenack
81 图片
Eaglemoss BTTF De LoreanView album, image #81新的: 8 September, 05:33
Sub-window & mechanism installed and lightly lubricated with Vaseline.
1:8 Build the DeLorean (Eaglemoss )
7 2 August, 02:50
Wow this is going to be a biggie.
20 August, 09:54
very interesting, no doubt.
21 August, 09:12
Another big (and heavy 😉 ) beauty - I'm in!
27 August, 19:46
Robert Podkoński
9 图片
Flash Fiesta or da Putty PartyView album, image #9新的: 7 September, 20:16
Modifications done. These parts will be hidden inside the fuselage...
1:72 Leduc 021 (MACH 2 GP.010)
31 27 August, 12:57
István Szücs
Interesting project!
27 August, 13:02
I'm in for the flash flesta 😅👍🏻
27 August, 13:25
Robert Podkoński
Make yourself comfortable, István and J35J. This will be surely a long party... 😉
27 August, 13:25
István Szücs
Robert, almost you'd build an A-Model kit
27 August, 14:46
Robert Podkoński
Believe me, István, A-model kits are much more modeller-friendly than Mach 2... Take a look here, for example: modelingmadness.com/..korean/us/hammx2.htm
27 August, 15:20
Ben M
Another member of the non-aligned movement.
27 August, 15:48
That's something to be excited about. Mach2 kits don't have the reputation of being shaking kits. 👍
27 August, 15:50
As I said on the project, I wish you luck with this, it is something you seldom see, but it looks cool in the end. It is quite a long time ago when I did mine - al the best!

and, so far it does not look that bad for a mach2
27 August, 15:57
Gotta see this! 😄
27 August, 16:23
John Hughes
This looks very Gerry Anderson, so I'm in!
27 August, 16:27
Robert Podkoński
What an audience I have... I feel a bit under pressure now 😉 @Martin - you're right, at least the polistyrene seems to be of a good quality.
27 August, 17:23
Guy Rump
I'm watching as well Robert 🙂 👍
27 August, 19:22
And me.
27 August, 19:50
Robert Podkoński
Feel warmly welcomed, Mates!
27 August, 20:49
Mid Franconian
Extra like for the striking project title 😂! I expected an old KP kit first…
27 August, 20:56
Bruce Huxtable
Soo many seams.... Watching this tutorial for sure 😉. OMG, Robert, that's quite a critique of MACH, kits.... Good Luck!
27 August, 21:11
Ben M
It's such a cool subject, I remember seeing it in my dads airplane books when I was young.
27 August, 21:42
Ludvík Kružík
Robert, once again you have chosen a great topic. The French experimental jet powered Leduc aircraft looked really futuristic at the time of its creation.
I wish you strong nerves and a lot of fun building your model!
27 August, 22:30
Robert Podkoński
Now I feel even more pressure 😉 ... @Bruce - I know what I am talking about, I have completed a few models from both producers already 😉 @Ludvik - I was lucky enough to see both Leduc 010 and 022 in Le Bourget museum and they still look futuristic imho 🙂
28 August, 05:35
Palo M
Grabbing a sear
28 August, 06:26
Robert Podkoński
Welcome, Palo!
28 August, 07:30
Ludvík Kružík
He certainly wouldn't be a disgrace as a space fighter in Star Wars. 😄

The photos of the kit parts show that you really have a lot of work ahead of you.
28 August, 08:16
John Hughes
Not Star Wars, more Flash Gordon by the looks of those sprues!
28 August, 09:20
Hi Robert, Haha! 'da Putty Party'... Love it!... Following with great interest 🙂
28 August, 10:29
Robert Podkoński
Feel welcomed to the party, Neil - every party needs a DJ 😄
28 August, 11:53
Thanks Robert. I'm there mate! 🎧🤘🎶
28 August, 13:08
Ben M
Those parts look gloriously terrible
28 August, 13:28
Robert Podkoński
Still, the plastic is workable, Ben. As far as I have checked: it can be filed, filled, and glued... So, there is hope... 😄
28 August, 13:40
Ben M
I looked in the stash and I have a mach2 kit I bought when I was young and foolish.
28 August, 13:45
Robert Podkoński
I have five, not counting this one... Hmm...the testimony of what kind of mental disease it is? Nothwithstanding, only Mach 2 offered models of some exotic planes, like X-24.
28 August, 14:19
I wish you luck Robert. Your going to need it (and probably a stiff drink or four). 😉
Was the kit mould made from soap? 😄
28 August, 15:14
Robert Podkoński
Thanks for your encouraging words, Gorby! ... It seems probable, taking into account that in some Mach 2 kits the material itself is "soapy"... 😄
28 August, 16:08
Alex K
A French prototype and a Mach 2 kit? Can't miss that... I see I'm late but a seat way back in the gallery must be still available...
28 August, 16:34
Jennifer Franklin
I am taking a seat in the gallery myself.
28 August, 16:36
John Hughes
Jennifer? We thought you were missing in action!
28 August, 16:55
Looks interesting 🤔
28 August, 16:57
Robert Podkoński
Feel warmly welcomed, Alex, Jennifer and M0rce! I am glad to have you all aboard. @Alex - I have started this album yesterday, so you're not late 🙂
28 August, 17:32
Greg Baker
I'm in!
28 August, 18:09
I'll take a seat.
28 August, 18:31
Robert Podkoński
Welcome, My Friends!... I was not prepared for such an audience 🙂
28 August, 18:55
Greg Baker
Don't worry, Robert. We brought our own snacks!
28 August, 20:54
Robert Podkoński
Good for you 😄
29 August, 06:13
Gary Victory
That's nasty....! Good luck with your build. Robert. Take your time and enjoy it.
29 August, 07:45
Roland Sachsenhofer
You are a brave man! I will definitely be watching this with great interest - great!
29 August, 07:46
Robert Podkoński
It is great to have you both aboard, Gary and Roland!
29 August, 08:24
Łukasz Gliński
What a party I've been missing, till now. Wishing you lots of perseverance, mate 👍
PS. Are you going to add the Broplan's Languedoc later on? 😄
30 August, 10:54
Robert Podkoński
Welcome, Łukasz. I've been waiting for you 🙂 I don't think so - not enough space, time, skills, and I am not sure if the kit is still available
Sud-Est S.E. 161 Languedoc (Broplan MS-146, 1:72)
BTW. On the photo you posted, there is the earlier of Monsieur Leduc's creations - model 010.

30 August, 13:05
Łukasz Gliński
Got one of them from a shop in the Netherlands in unpronounceably named village near Schiphol, not sure they still offer them
Fingers crossed for your Mach2 endeavour 👍
30 August, 14:17
Robert Podkoński
Lucky you! So, perhaps you will assembly the Languedoc...and then we will join your forces, Łukasz? 😉
30 August, 17:11
Michael Kohl
That's gonna be fun to watch. Only bad modellers need good kits. 😉
30 August, 17:44
Łukasz Gliński
Not sure, mine has to be Polish marked 😛 If I ever come to assemble it 😄
30 August, 18:08
Robert Podkoński
I've been waiting for you too, Michael 😉
30 August, 21:22
31 August, 12:54
Robert Podkoński
Welcome, Finn!
31 August, 13:42
Mirko Römer
Holy...good luck! 🙂
5 September, 17:48
Robert Podkoński
Thanks, Mirko!
5 September, 18:55
Juergen Klinglhuber
HA-- I had done this once (Leduc 021 | Album by jott (1:72)) and....OMG. Therefore I like the head-line of your album and... I done know how to put it: good that you take it with humor 😉
6 September, 20:00
Hanno Kleinecke
Robert - You are a brave man for sure……
6 September, 20:08
Robert Podkoński
Thanks for encouraging me, my friends 🙂
7 September, 06:51
Ludvík Kružík
Robert, you're handling this brilliantly. I wish you continued success with the construction...
... and that your supply of putty and sandpaper lasts. 😄
7 September, 16:28
Robert Podkoński
Thank you, Ludviku... perhaps some substantial amount of thick CA glue as well...
7 September, 20:15
Bruce Huxtable
Liking the internal modifications, very neat fine work. Each part is a kit in itself, with which to aim for perfection.... 🙂 👍
7 September, 21:23
Robert Podkoński
Thanks for your kind words, Bruce...
8 September, 05:33
Adeptus Astartes
Deathwatch Corvus Blackstar 1 Miniature
Games Workshop 28mm
39-12 2016 新模具
8 September, 05:32
Gil Vincent
Yak-1B (late production) 3D-Printed & coloured Interior
Quinta Studio 1:48
8 September, 05:32
Legiones Astartes
Kratos Heavy Assault Tank 1 Citadel Miniature
Games Workshop 28mm
31-20 2022 新模具
8 September, 05:31
Lochsa River
34 图片
Alaska Coastal Airlines Vega model 5 FloatplaneView album, image #31新的: 8 September, 04:13
....all done .....full interior....open cockpit and all...a good ending to the Vega series......
1:72 Vega model 5 Floatplane (MPM Production 72528)1:72 Interior Set (Valom DSV06)1:72 RAF Harriers Access Ladders (Flightpath 72060)1+
58 20 November 2022, 07:24
Interesting project... Following.
20 November 2022, 18:55
Robert Podkoński
Me too!
14 July 2023, 12:34
Michael Kohl
In as well.
14 July 2023, 15:16
27 December 2023, 20:52
Lochsa River
...off the Vega rabbit hole....looking at the period photo, it is clear the decals are just plain wrong for this airplane. So, it has become a decal project now....anyone where to find that Alaska Airways Logo?
28 December 2023, 03:36
Michael Kohl
Got an option to scan the decals, correct the color and print it out again?
28 December 2023, 09:27
Lochsa River
Yes, scanning the decals was an option but looking closely at the kit decals shows they tried to make them fancier than the real aircraft and won't be of much use. It is a simple enough masking job and paint will be used and a few of the kit decals.
28 December 2023, 11:54
Michael Kohl
Good luck
28 December 2023, 15:55
Живко Джаков
Good start! I'm following.
29 December 2023, 17:14
I agree with Живко Джаков 👍
7 January, 19:55
Łukasz Gliński
How could I miss that for so long?
8 January, 13:04
2 February, 19:43
Guy Rump
Following. 👍
10 February, 08:47
that will be a beautiful bird. not to be missed 🙂
25 March, 09:02
Great one!👍🏻
25 March, 11:52
Lochsa River
folks...it was time to check the side of the fuselage to see what size the logo was....and it became clear the kits setup for the struts wasn't quite right and it looks like the little set of stairs in the kit is more like a ladder all the way to the float ....in all....a good look at the actual airplane is order before too many commitments are made...see airplane archive photo....
5 April, 01:52
Lochsa River
time to scratchbuild a float strut set.....and make a big white circle on the side as a decal background...and print a decal...and so on....its getting there.....
5 April, 01:56
Lochsa River
i need to get better at adding wires, etc to builds...but the strut rebuild is underway...
16 April, 16:20
Transall NG
Have a seat !
Good luck !
16 April, 17:09
Lochsa River
.....the Vega is a history challenge because the more u see the more the kits struts make some historical sense...the kit is an amalgam of various stage and varieties of Vegas...and there are many....actually found a place in Alaska that will sell you floats and a detailed description of how it attached to a Vega or Vegas....if it ever arrives, it will get a photo here for sure...thank you, as always...
20 April, 00:43
Bas Tonn
Everybody loves floatplanes
8 May, 10:36
David Orr
Great work. The decals look fantastic. Nice to see interesting, obscure subjects being built.
9 May, 00:59
You might want to give that a light sanding. There is a bit of orange pealing and the decals are pretty thick. Just test it before going crazy. It looks really good. This will be a great addition to your collection.
12 May, 06:25
Lochsa River
i'd be terrified to touch that finish...the decals are home printed...perhaps that means a thicker result?

this one will not be a complete success in any case because of the gold paint switch...that will be more obvious than any surface detail...it will still be fun to look at....

thanks again....
12 May, 09:45
Yes, I wish they made printer decal paper that wasn't so damn thick. The last time I used some I had to layer a lot of clear lacquer on the model to get things even and do some light sanding. They are really tricky to get flat. Your model looks great as it is. If you're not comfortable with the extra work just leave it.
12 May, 13:51
The difference in gold could be worked around if you printed the flag on white decal paper and the Alaska Coastal on clear decal paper. That way you could paint the gold circle and layer the decals. But the original plane looks like it matches your decal and the markings seem to be yellow rather than gold. However these are inconsequential details that rivet counters look at.
12 May, 14:00
Lochsa River
all done....photos to follow...a fun ending to the Vega series....
8 September, 04:20
Great work! Lovely plane👍🏻
8 September, 04:43
Robert Podkoński
Beautiful model, LR!
8 September, 05:30
Christopher Reiff
P-400 Airacobra
Special Hobby 1:32
SH32062 2015 变更了???
8 September, 05:29
Christopher Reiff
Airacobra Mk.I/P-39F In RAF and RAAF Service
Special Hobby 1:32
SH32025 2008 新贴花
8 September, 05:29
18 6 September, 15:40
Thomas Bischoff
nice looking Walrus - as nice as a Walrus can look lol
6 September, 17:21
Guy Rump
Very nice! 👍
6 September, 18:21
David Taylor
6 September, 18:46
I love the walrus
7 September, 01:44
Mark Broughton
Great job on the weathering love the way the light gray is faded.
7 September, 06:47
David Taylor
Forebear of the Spitfire LOL.
7 September, 07:38
Excellent work. Great rigging.
7 September, 08:28
Agree with comments above! Congrats👍🏻
7 September, 10:50
Mr James
Excellent work indeed. Agree with Neuling about the rigging
7 September, 11:07
David Taylor
What did you use for the rigging Felix.
7 September, 18:35
Thank you all for your kind comments! Much appreciated really. The kit is fantastic, everything fits except for maybe the open canopy, which i had initially used. But the Montex masks did not work properly, so i had to buy an Eduard mask for the closed canopy. That mask by the way has some flaws too as it does not consider some important details.
The rigging was a huge challenge, for sure 🙂
7 September, 20:18
Lochsa River
Great Walrus....
8 September, 05:28







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