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Nicolas (Uriziel)


Album image #1
Project inventory 

Album image #2
I will need 2 Walrus planes. The Trumper kit includes 6 planes, etchparts are just for 4. 

Album image #3
modifying the upper wing 

Album image #4
Glued the first parts. I don't like how the engine nacelle is mounted, nothing to do with the real plane, but it's the model of a modell, so I can live with it. 

Album image #5
Construction continues, the first PE parts have been installed. 

Album image #6
Some parts are just manageable. 

Album image #7
Short sketch of the diorama... 

Album image #8
...and a first placement test. Most figures fall over if they are not attached. 

Album image #9
Some styrofoam is glued to the frame as ground... 

Album image #10
...and some putty for wood is used to seal the foam, small gaps to the frame and get the textures smoother. 

Album image #11
Work on the planes continued. 

Album image #12
Because of the size of the parts I can't do more than 40 minutes in 1 go.  

Album image #13
Compairing with a 1 Cent coin. 

Album image #14
The filler was coarsely sanded (80 grit) to remove isolated peaks, a slight depression in the area of ​​the planned runway was filled again, the agricultural/cycle path was glued on using sandpaper and the bottom of the lake was covered with bird sand and glue. 

Album image #15
The figures come already painted, typical of H0 railway models. Unfortunately, they are neither deburred nor have ejector- or sink marks filled. 

Album image #16
That's why I started by cleaning up the first set of figures and lightly filling it with surfacer in places. 

Album image #17
The boat is not deep enough in the water for its load, so I removed about 1.5 mm of material from the bottom.


Album image #18
The surrounding area is prepared with colored structural paste from art supplies, the runway was engraved and painted gray.


Album image #19
The runway was made of stone slabs. The plan is to have a very worn look, with some dirt in the depression as well as broken paving slabs and light grass growth around the edges.


Album image #20
The planes are ready for paint. The MG is removed, I don't think it would be used at an RC-Model. 

Album image #21
The environment is customized with various oil paint washes. The higher areas are a little brighter, the deeper and wetter areas are a little darker and in the bank area also a little greenish to represent algae. 

Album image #22
The jetty is made from thin wooden profiles and aged with oil paint washes and...


Album image #23
...glued into position. 

Album image #24
I started gluing in various aquatic plants from various Mosses.


Album image #25
The area around the insertion point should be cleaned regularly, so there are significantly fewer and smaller plants here. 

Album image #26
There are also reed plants from eduard on the bank that are supposed to stand in the water. When the adhesive has hardened, resin can be poured in to represent water. 

Album image #27
Last weekend I poured the the lake water from resin. Unfortunately, I trusted the advice at the hardware store regarding the resin. The processing time, not the curing time, is 5 hours, the curing time is 2 weeks.


Album image #28
Unfortunately, the diorama wasn't completely sealed either, so I had to put aluminum foil underneath to avoid a huge mess. When everything has hardened, resin residues must be removed from the bottom and sides so that the frame looks good again and the Dio no longer wobbles.


Album image #29
The Walrus with the gear down is sprayed red. 

Album image #30
Not sure if I require one more layer of paint. 

Album image #31
But the plane is so tiny I dont want to fill all the details. 

Album image #32
The gear up plane with the underside sprayed sky. 

Album image #33
The upper side recived olive  

Album image #34
and a camo patern in extra dark sea grey by brush. 

Album image #35
It was dificult to reach the top side of the floats. 

Album image #36
Next: paint touch ups and detail painting. 

Album image #37
Due to the problems with the resin not hardening, I started again with the base plate. The rear plate is glued into the picture frame again with PVA glue. 

Album image #38
The adhesive residue on the back has been sanded off again. This time I also sealed all the joints with 2 thick layers of PVA glue. Hopefully it will be tight this time. 

Album image #39
The styrofoam plate is also glued in again, the lake will be a little smaller this time. 

Album image #40
Everything is filled with colored acrylic paste from the artist's supplies. I was able to detach the pier from the first attempt with the scalpel and transfer it to the new diorama. 

Album image #41
This time I cut out the concrete tiles for the runway from plastic sheet (8X8 mm), ... 

Album image #42
...glued them to a piece of wood and sprayed the edges with cement gray (H455). This leaves the center of the tiles a little lighter which is the first aging. 

Album image #43
I made the service road out of sandpaper again, which I cut to size. Together with the tiles, it was sprayed cloudy and glued on after drying. 

Album image #44
I sprinkled the bottom of the lake and parts of the shore with bird sand and fixed it with diluted PVA glue (still wet in the photo). 

Album image #45
Smal parts like engine, propeller and wheels are painted. I#m not sure how to paint the windows as they are smaler than 1 mm and not well separated.. 

Album image #46
This one also waits for Decals 

Album image #47
The path is worked into the terrain. 

Album image #48
I glued in the tiles for the runway with Beli-Zell, an adhesive that foams up slightly as it dries, giving the tiles a slightly irregular height. 

Album image #49
In the meantime, I had to produce a few more tiles because I didn't have enough. 

Album image #50
I filled the transition to the tiles again with acrylic paste and filled some places where the foam or the gap between the foam boards was visible. 

Album image #51
Comparison of the panel height before...

Album image #52
...and after adjusting the height. 

Album image #53
Light brown washes are applied to the slightly higher areas, while darker brown and green-brown tones are applied to lower-lying areas and in the lakeside area. I have also started grouting the runway. 

Album image #54
To do this, the glue residue that had filled the joint was first removed, filled with fine bird sand (brushed in with a brush) and fixed with diluted PVA glue. When this layer had dried, the entire runway was coated with diluted PVA glue and sprinkled with bird sand. After this layer had also dried, the excess sand could be removed with the help of an old stiff brush and a small spatula, so that it can only be found in the areas where it naturally accumulates (sunken pieces of the tiles). 

Album image #55
Water Plants from moss. 

Album image #56
more waterplants fron a different kind of moss. 

Album image #57
The reeds from Heki are too high. So I cut away the lower third. Otherwise it looks nice and is the cheepest of the 4 reeds I got. 

Album image #58
The first reeds in the Diorama. I used Heki, Faller and one plant from eduard (by far the most expensive) I got from the first try. 

Album image #59
I installed more reeds in and near the water. 

Album image #60
While the glue dried I added the first layer of static gras. 

Album image #61
When that was dry I removed the loose gras with a soft and wide brush. 

Album image #62
Some work on the runway: I added some darker spots on the tiles and used this to paint the small dots where I accidently removed the paint or spillt a bit of glue. 

Album image #63
The second layer of static gras (Faller 2 mm) applied... 

Album image #64
and the loose gras removed. 

Album image #65
If you use one type of static grass after another, you can collect the excess on a piece of paper and pour it back into the bag. The size comparison shows that this is worthwhile even with the relatively small area I have. 

Album image #66
The resin is hard this time. 

Album image #67
But there was an internal leak again. 

Album image #68
The water level dropt the distance btween the red lines. 

Album image #69
Today I build the fence from needles and mosquito screen and painted it green. 

Album image #70
The fence is installed. 

Album image #71
In the gaps between the tiles now some gras is growing. 

Album image #72
In the reed-area most of the low vegetation, made from dried moss from the local woods, is installed. Setting the reeds takes some time for drying. If one trys to install to many plants at once, one will flip nearby reeds. 

Album image #73
I removed the tape on the frame. The Photo was taken wile looking for the exact position of the pair in the reeds. 

Album image #74
I also spent about 2 more hours "planting" reeds. 

Album image #75
The meadows next to the airfield and the area around the fence, which would be difficult to mow with a lawnmower, have received the first layer of longer grass (6mm). 

Album image #76
From the waterside it looks quite good already. 

Album image #77
I added another colored grass to the meadow 

Album image #78
I started buildingthe towel from a papier napkin.

Album image #79
The first flowers are on the dio. 

Album image #80
The kit decals are applied 

Album image #81
2 small trees and some bushes are completed 

Album image #82
I started working on the bent reeds. 

Album image #83
In the last few days I made some progress with the figures. 

Album image #84
the crew of the boat 

Album image #85
the crew of the boat 

Album image #86
the crew of the boat
I'm not sure if the dress works like I hoped. Instead of flowers it reminds me of a clown. 

Album image #87

Album image #88

Album image #89

Album image #90
Girl playing with dogs 

Album image #91
Boy playing with dogs 

Album image #92
Dog 1 

Album image #93
Dog 1 

Album image #94
Dog 2 

Album image #95
Dog 3 

Album image #96
Guy with glider model. I do't think the colours fit.  

Album image #97
Guy with glider model 

Album image #98
Guy searching for his plane 

Album image #99
Boy with remote control 

Album image #100
Guy stearing the ship model 

Album image #101
Guy collects his wrackage after crash landing 

Album image #102
the guy in the reeds 

Album image #103
the girl in the reeds 

Album image #104
the girl in the reeds 

Album image #105
I realized that I had forgotten the couple's clothes. So I roughly cut them out of printer paper, crumpled them up, unfolded them, painted them and glued them onto the diorama. 

Album image #106
In addition to further reeds, the first 5 figures are also glued on. 

Album image #107
The water has hopefully been finally treated. The layer should become clear again overnight. The boats and geese are placed directly on the wet water gel. 

Album image #108
The various parts are slowly but surely coming together. Since my printer isn't working as it should at the moment, I haven't started on the airplane windows yet.  

Album image #109
The various parts are slowly but surely coming together. Since my printer isn't working as it should at the moment, I haven't started on the airplane windows yet.  

Album image #110
The various parts are slowly but surely coming together. Since my printer isn't working as it should at the moment, I haven't started on the airplane windows yet.  

Album image #111
The various parts are slowly but surely coming together. Since my printer isn't working as it should at the moment, I haven't started on the airplane windows yet.  

Album image #112
The various parts are slowly but surely coming together. Since my printer isn't working as it should at the moment, I haven't started on the airplane windows yet.  

Album image #113
The various parts are slowly but surely coming together. Since my printer isn't working as it should at the moment, I haven't started on the airplane windows yet.  

Album image #114
after a few unsucsessful tries with decals for the cocpit windows I tried today with paint. The result is not perfect, but I can live with it. 

Album image #115
While painting the Windows I broke of one float from the 2nd plane, witch ended with the carpet monster. So preparing a new float (I got parts for 4 spare planes and 2 spare PE sets)was nessesary. Thats the only reason this project isn't finished. 

Album image #116
In the last weeks I build mostly the smal stuf like the rc-controlers, toolboxes, the windsock. 

Album image #117
I also re-aranged some of the figures to get rid of the empty space where the runway meets the frame. 

Album image #118
On short final 

Album image #119
Just the second plane missing 

Album image #120
Finaly finished 

Album image #121
Finaly finished 

Album image #122
Finaly finished 

Album image #123
Finaly finished 

Album image #124
Finaly finished 

Album image #125
Finaly finished 

Album image #126
Finaly finished 

Album image #127
Finaly finished 


13 October 2024, 01:26 -

Project info

127 图片
1:87 Hühner und Gänse (Noch 15772)1:87 Hunde (Noch 15719)1:87 Ruderboot (Noch 16800)18+


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