2 29 September 2014, 15:44
Steven Van Dyck
The figures for this dam will include sets from Tamiya, Miniart, Trumpeter and a few animal figures from Doug's miniatures. Most of them need sharpening of the details and filling.
The figures for this dam will include sets from Tamiya, Miniart, Trumpeter and a few animal figures from Doug's miniatures. Most of them need sharpening of the details and filling.
29 September 2014, 15:49
Steven Van Dyck
Such a large diorama needs some animal life as well, so these geese make clear that there is water in the vicinity. The picture with the loose torso shows the difference in quality between the Miniart Artillery Crew and the Trumpeter Flak Crew, that is more crude and has overscale breast pockets. I won't be using much of it.
Such a large diorama needs some animal life as well, so these geese make clear that there is water in the vicinity. The picture with the loose torso shows the difference in quality between the Miniart Artillery Crew and the Trumpeter Flak Crew, that is more crude and has overscale breast pockets. I won't be using much of it.
30 September 2014, 21:31
Steven Van Dyck
5 extra figures from Tamiya's 3,7cm Flak form a decent Flak crew. Again some undercuts were necessary.
5 extra figures from Tamiya's 3,7cm Flak form a decent Flak crew. Again some undercuts were necessary.
2 October 2014, 16:41
M.Julian Marles
looking good. yeah, I had a set of Trumpeter panzergrenadiers and the detail was pretty soft with lots of undercutting to do...
looking good. yeah, I had a set of Trumpeter panzergrenadiers and the detail was pretty soft with lots of undercutting to do...
3 October 2014, 02:21
Steven Van Dyck
Thanks, Julian. The Trumpeter figures were a pain to remove from the sprue, the connector points were some kind of "planks" as broad as the part itself.
Thanks, Julian. The Trumpeter figures were a pain to remove from the sprue, the connector points were some kind of "planks" as broad as the part itself.
3 October 2014, 10:06
Steven Van Dyck
Everybody was ready for the spraystand. Armypainter black was sprayed from several directions. Now I'll airbrush Mr.Hobby Field Gray over the people with Feldbluses or trousers.
Everybody was ready for the spraystand. Armypainter black was sprayed from several directions. Now I'll airbrush Mr.Hobby Field Gray over the people with Feldbluses or trousers.
4 October 2014, 19:55
Steven Van Dyck
These are all but three of the cast. Two Hornet heads are needed for the poor Trumpeter shooters and one figure has it's head already fixed.
These are all but three of the cast. Two Hornet heads are needed for the poor Trumpeter shooters and one figure has it's head already fixed.
4 October 2014, 23:15
Choppa Nutta
that's a lot of figures and accessories ! nice way of blitzing them all in one go 🙂
this is going to be such an awesome diorama when finished 🙂
that's a lot of figures and accessories ! nice way of blitzing them all in one go 🙂
this is going to be such an awesome diorama when finished 🙂
4 October 2014, 23:31
Vjekoslav Ranec
Question: aren't those Tamiya figures out of scale compared with the rest of the figures? That was my problem when I tried to mix them...
Question: aren't those Tamiya figures out of scale compared with the rest of the figures? That was my problem when I tried to mix them...
5 October 2014, 07:22
Steven Van Dyck
Those whom I presume underscale are sitting in the Protze truck. Maybe it won't stand out like that...
Those whom I presume underscale are sitting in the Protze truck. Maybe it won't stand out like that...
5 October 2014, 08:30
Steven Van Dyck
The geese have been primed black, airbrushed Deck Tan and drybrushed white. The duck is a bit more colorful.
The geese have been primed black, airbrushed Deck Tan and drybrushed white. The duck is a bit more colorful.
7 October 2014, 22:49
Steven Van Dyck
Shoes are masked with gum and sprayed Tamiya X-1. Civilians got some color too.
Shoes are masked with gum and sprayed Tamiya X-1. Civilians got some color too.
10 October 2014, 19:18
Steven Van Dyck
Historex pigeons will defile my beautiful walls. The chickens I'll keep for another occasion. The bags are painted in Tamiya Wood and washed deep brown. The red parts come from the Precision Models crane kit and will be fixed to the Maultier in the same way as they would contain the crane parts on a Bergepanther.
Historex pigeons will defile my beautiful walls. The chickens I'll keep for another occasion. The bags are painted in Tamiya Wood and washed deep brown. The red parts come from the Precision Models crane kit and will be fixed to the Maultier in the same way as they would contain the crane parts on a Bergepanther.
14 October 2014, 16:37
Steven Van Dyck
All Feeld Green costumes and headwear are shadowed in Tamiya Dark Green with some black. The pigeons also got their costumes. Masking was done with gum.
All Feeld Green costumes and headwear are shadowed in Tamiya Dark Green with some black. The pigeons also got their costumes. Masking was done with gum.
16 October 2014, 10:26
Steven Van Dyck
A wash takes care of clothing folds. Some of the figures are ready to receive their heads. For the radio I found good reference online.
A wash takes care of clothing folds. Some of the figures are ready to receive their heads. For the radio I found good reference online.
17 October 2014, 18:45
Steven Van Dyck
Most of the heads are fixed now, some others are still prepared.
Most of the heads are fixed now, some others are still prepared.
18 October 2014, 00:01
Steven Van Dyck
Reality in Scale aquatic birds are used to suggest the presence of water. They are primed in black.
Reality in Scale aquatic birds are used to suggest the presence of water. They are primed in black.
26 October 2014, 17:57
Steven Van Dyck
The gulls are drybrushed in white paint after a shade of Light Grey.
The gulls are drybrushed in white paint after a shade of Light Grey.
27 October 2014, 23:02
Steven Van Dyck
These guys are luring a gull with a fish. The led-light shines neatly on the fish.
These guys are luring a gull with a fish. The led-light shines neatly on the fish.
15 November 2014, 10:34
Steven Van Dyck
Thanks, Ulf. This diorama is almost finished, about 1 week should do it and then I just have to tag it.
Thanks, Ulf. This diorama is almost finished, about 1 week should do it and then I just have to tag it.
24 November 2014, 23:32
Album info
This album will show the build of the many figures needed fot the dam diorama.