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John Van Kooten (JohnVK)

Assorted Images for use in my posts


1 October 2015, 20:44
Hunter Cummins
Nice! 😄 👍
1 October 2015, 20:58
Hunter Cummins
By the way, seeing your jagdpanzer (that I have the exact same kit of) I took it and I stripped it down to plastic haha, so bow I'm adding some things, and re doing it properly !
1 October 2015, 20:59
John Van Kooten
Thanks! 😄

For reference: image 1 - 4 were used in this thread: scalemates.com/whatsnew.php?topic=1798570

Haha! Yeah? You stripped that Jagdpanzer down too? 😛 I really like that kit and even without any added PE it still looks great once built. Looking forward to seeing images from your Jagdpanzer adventures 👍 😄
1 October 2015, 21:05
Hunter Cummins
Haha yea I do love the kit, and now that I got all the proper paints, and weathering products, I want to do it right and give it all the potential it can have! 🙂 😛 And thank you for the link will defiantly use that! 🙂
1 October 2015, 21:12
Urban Gardini
Good work busting this ancient myth as old as Stonehenge.

2 October 2015, 10:56
John Van Kooten
LOL! Thanks Urban 😄

And *BUSTED* indeed ( I like that show, btw 😛 )
2 October 2015, 11:25
John Van Kooten
Added some images (numbers 5 - 10) of a 3D model I'm working on. It's a first draft of a 3D model to replace the incorrect back doors part in the Tamiya Horch 1a kit (#35052).

So far the 3D model has passed the Shapeways tests and it should be printable. Still need to add more detail obviously but it's a start. If, and that's a big if, I decide to put it into production, I will see if I can make it available for purchase through Shapeways for anyone that is interested. I will sell it for cost price. I don't want to make money off of it. So far the cost for the 3D print in the frosted extreme detail is still below €10 which I think is still within the limits of what is acceptable for a highly detailed replacement part for this kit.
14 October 2015, 21:12
Fabian D.
That is neat, hope we see more "modeller generated content" in the future.
What kind software are you using? I often struggle with mine, as it somehow doesn´t let me do what I actually want to do...😉
14 October 2015, 21:26
John Van Kooten
Thanks Fabian 🙂 Yeah, it is definitely great that manufacturing your own content is now within grasp of basically everyone 🙂

I use 3D software professionally at work (industrial engineering). We have three programs at our disposal, which are AutoCAD, 3ds Max and Solid Edge. But for this type of "free form" modeling I personally prefer 3ds Max 🙂

What software are you using?
14 October 2015, 21:34
M.Julian Marles
That looks great! What a good idea if it goes into production!
14 October 2015, 21:35
John Van Kooten
Thanks Julian! 👍

I have been considering doing this for a while now but up until Shapeway's recent introduction of their "frosted extreme detail"material it was not entirely possible to get the level of detail I wanted. But now that they have made a big leap in 3D printed quality with this new material, I am going to give it a serious shot 😄

I hope it works out 🙂
14 October 2015, 21:47
Fabian D.
I worked a few minutes with Sketch up and with Soild works in my last internship, but "at home" I´m using Solid Edge (the student version). Kind of lost it in the lastest update and havent picked it up since.
It´s quite good for simple shapes and provides an easy start, but with more complex shapes you tend to get lost in just experimenting... and by that I mean: using differnt tools, putting differnt numbers in boxes and getting completely differnt results, even with only slightly altered values.
14 October 2015, 22:03
John Van Kooten
Solid Edge, yes, it's a really good application for professional purposes but I totally agree with what you said: it's very easy to get lost in the countless options.

My colleagues (mechanical & structural engineers) use it to design the equipment we manufacture but even they say they'd much rather get their hands on Autodesk Inventor instead. Ah well...

3ds Max on the other hand is very much designed for organic modeling (targeting architectural visualization, games design, animation, etc.). It's much, much easier to create basic shapes and rework them to what you want them to look like. The tools in 3ds Max were specifically designed for that kind of task.
The disadvantage is that 3ds Max is not as accurate in terms of measurements. Meaning, it can't really do exact measurements with more than two decimals. Then again, for plastic part design, I really don't need that kind of accuracy. I'm working in milimeter units, so two decimals is pretty much something I will never need anyway😉
Another disadvantage is that 3ds Max is lacking tools to reshape objects to specific measurements or to take measurements of objects. But I find the basic means to set initial measurements on the object and then working with the coordinate system to move vertices, faces and edges by entering numbers is sufficient in this case 🙂

Another very big advantage is that there is a World wide, very large 3ds Max community. It is highly popular. So it is never hard to find answers on anything you would need to ask. There's also a TON of (video) tutorials available, both paid and free. Lynda.com and digitaltutors.com are two of the main suppliers of learning materials for 3ds Max and other CG applications, where you can enter a monthly subscribtion and enjoy everything they have to offer. Well worth the money!

If you can I'd say move to 3ds Max now and start enjoying 3D design instead of having to fight it constantly😉 lol
15 October 2015, 04:52

Album info

This is just an album that will contain a bunch of images that I am using in various posts on SCM. Just to make sure that image links won't go dead in the future.


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