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Marius (Redicus)

MiG-21MF - Egypt - Nile Camouflage - 1973

Album image #1
This is the actual machine I am planning to build, the number 8444 in Nile camouflage. There is also a color profile of the number 8444 in the "Arab MiGs, Volume 6" of Tom Cooper and David Nicolle. 

Album image #2
Another famous example of the Nile camouflage. Each machine painted with the Nile Camouflage had its own unique version.
All Egyptian MiG-21s were painted at the factories of Helwan, where car paint was used. The green colour for the stripes was identified as "grey-green" or "light olive green" and has signifficant variations in the literature. Someone that studied the subject much more than I did, suggested that the best match for the green stripe is the FS505310. 

Album image #3
And yet another example of the Nile Camouflage. Not two machines had the exact same pattern. 

Album image #4
Fun with masking 🙂. A first try with elastic latex/vynil tape which can commonly be bent or curved, also removed the paint away when I did a test, so this was a second try with the rather harmless standard yellow tape...with triple the work

I don't know what took longer, to mask it or take the masks down after painting. 

Album image #5
Not yet perfect, but finally I got the right colours (in my understanding). By removing the masks, luckily only very small areas were showing chipped away green paint. Catastrophy avoided.... 

Album image #6
Some corrections still needed. The underside is not painted yet. This will look interesting at the end. 

Album image #7
A bit more progress and weathering on the Egyiptian MF.
This camouflage was slightly challenging. 

Album image #8
Still plenty of parts to add for the landing gear, but getting closer to a finish. 

Album image #9
Still work in progress. The machines which survived the October War of 1973 maintained their wartime camouflage at least another decade before final retirement and were heavily weathered with plenty of chipped off paint around the cockpit.

Side fins not artached yet, since I always break them. 

Album image #10
And the finished one!
I realized after finishing the camouflage that the green stripes were initially too greyish so I had to adjust them. To be honest, I am no longer really sure what tone of green should it have been since there are so many different variations in the historical photographs depending on lightning/exposure, etc... 

Album image #11
Album image #12
Album image #13
Album image #14
Album image #15
Album image #16
Album image #17
Album image #18
Album image #19
Album image #20
Album image #21

Album image #22


44 29 December 2021, 16:44
Dave Firminger
Great paint job, will look really smart when finished 👌
30 January 2022, 13:19
Looks great, may I ask what paint Brand and Numbers you used? Very hard to match middle eastern camo schemes
30 January 2022, 13:40
Thank you Dave and David!
I agree that is very difficult to match the Eastern colours. I never actually had a direct reference for most of the colours I used on my Arab MiG-21s, except rather recently. Here is maybe a reference that might be useful, which I found on a forum:

"From an Egyptian friend working with the MiG-21s:
Upper Surfaces:
sand - Gunze H318
grey-green - Polly Scale RLM 68
dark green - Polly Scale RLM 71

Lower Surfaces:
light blue - Gunze H67 or Revell Enamel #49''

But I have personally always used only mixes of colours until they optically matched the reference. It's of course not always a success and I don't always succeed from the first try. As reference, I used mostly the "Arab MiGs" of Tom Cooper and David Nicolle especially Volumes 5 and 6. A highly recommended read. If you are interested in a specific colour I used, I can tell you the colours I mixed. I am still using the Revell Enamels.
30 January 2022, 14:03
Very comprehensive, thanks a lot! Might get back to you on some specifics. I use coopers work also, great stuff!
30 January 2022, 14:12
Rui S
Nice camo. Im in 😎
30 January 2022, 19:44
Me too.
31 January 2022, 20:20
Managed to do some weathering and postshading. This camouflage looks better than I expected at the beginning.
17 March 2022, 07:33
very nice work on the camo. Especialy in 1/72 scale.
17 March 2022, 08:13
So I finally managed to finish this one. I had to adjust the green stripes again and now I think they look closer to reality than before.
Cheers for watching!
5 June 2022, 05:34
Oh wow looks great! Did you end up using the colors you initially posted?
5 June 2022, 07:17
Beautiful colors and interesting infos!
5 June 2022, 07:35
Thank you Neuling and David!


For Sand: I used the Revell Enamel #314 (applied first in a slightly darker tone mixed with a bit of #382 and then post-shaded again with #314).

For the green stripes: to be honest, I am unsure if my color is the most correct one. While looking closely again in the profiles from "Arab Migs" with the Nile Camouflage, even there you find 4-5 different variations of the green. The historical photographs are also showing major variations depending on lightning, camera exposure, contrast, etc. I thought at the beginning that there was only one shade of green, but know I am unsure of that. Maybe there were several different ones? You can see in my gallery that I started initially with a more greyish green and eventually corrected the tones at the end with a more true green. I improvsed too much already, but I remember I started with the Revell Enamel #360.

For the Black/Dark-green: I used mostly black with 10% of some olive green.

For the underside I did use the Revell enamel #49 which fits very well in my opinion.
5 June 2022, 08:43
Simon Nagorsnik
Cool camo scheme and nice chipping effects 👏
Like the cockpit!
6 June 2022, 10:36
Very nice scheme and fantastic job.
19 November 2022, 18:20
Thank you Cuajete!
I learned in the mean time that the Egyptians used at least 3 very different shades of green for their famous "Nile Camouflage".
22 November 2022, 07:36

Album info

As of the October War of 1973, except very late deliveries of MiG-21MFs in early 1973, all Egyptian MiG-21s were locally painted at the Helwan factories in the early 1970s. It appears that car paint was used for this. Two different partially standardized camouflage patterns were developed and applied at Helwan for the Egyptian Air Force (EAF):

#1 The camouflage with green or brown stripes on top of a sand colour (see my other Egyptian MiG-21):
MiG-21PFM - Egypt - 1973 | Project by Redicus (1:72)

#2 The famous and unique "Nile Camouflage" composed of three main colours: sand, grey-green (FS505310) and dark green (FS505056).

The underside was painted in the same manner (admirality blue) regardless of the camouflage pattern from the upper surfaces.

The Nile Camouflage was unique for each machine, with not two aicraft having the same pattern. Commonly, there were relatively thin green stripes separating the dark green from the sand background, but in some cases the colours were reversed, where the stripes were sand or even dark green instead. In some rare cases, the camouflage was completely random not showing any distinctive stripes.

My subject is the MiG-21MF number 8444 which is depicted in a colour profile in the "Arab MiGs, Volume 6" of Tom Cooper and David Nicolle. I accidentally managed to find a real photograph of number 8444 on the internet (see first picture in my album).

The number 8444 is for sure a veteran of the October War of 1973, but it is not certian if it actually survived the conflict.

Overall, all MiG-21s painted in the Nile Camouflage (and most likely all other Egyptian MiG-21s) maintained their wartime camouflage patterns until final withdrawal from service in the late 80s. The external fuel tanks were sometimes also painted on the top in the Nile camouflage, but sometimes they were switched from other machines (painted in admirality blue).

22 图片
1:72 MiG-21 Fishbed - Radio Altitude Sensors (Late Version) (Quickboost QB 72 597)1:72 MiG-21MF Fighter-Bomber (Eduard 70142)1:72 Warsaw Pact Pilots (3 fig.) (CMK F72051)

Group Build

Scalemates Mig-21 Group Build 2021 in Spijkenisse
Scalemates Mig-21 Group Build 2021

15. 三月 直到 31. 十二月 2021


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