modellbau datenbank | stash-manager


Thomas Steinke » Funktionsanfragen
Can’t upload pictures for cover of books. Is there possible a problem?
All comments (5) » 1 10 July, 20:40
David M
I'm seeing the same issue with a Project cover image jpg of 165kb.
10 July, 22:20
I can't upload in an album.
10 July, 22:42
Nicolas » Funktionsanfragen
The overview map in the Event section semst to be broken. It's just a white section. I testet a few events, there the maps are working.
All comments (5) » 2 26 January, 06:58
Hello, the same problem again.
12 March, 17:58
Hello, any news here? Maps in Events and shop still don't work here (PC with Firefox).
9 July, 09:09
komoras@Feature Requests
Hello, could the Magazines also be set up to be added into our inventory? (Stash/Wishlist...etc)
5 July, 08:25
that is already possible no?
8 July, 09:43
Sorry, didn't saw the option at the bottom...
It would be nice to have it more up, like on the kits.
Thanks! 👍
8 July, 11:25
ah cool, yes fixed
8 July, 21:06
scalemates » Funktionsanfragen
New entries from Modellmarine always have the same thumbnail which is from the header
1 8 July, 20:53
8 July, 20:53
scalemates » Funktionsanfragen
For Power contributors, stop showing SCM,PPM,GDM,RWM,DCM,RCM indicator unless content is visible on other sites as well.

This should make the UI cleaner again in 98% of the pages.
1 8 July, 19:52
8 July, 19:52
Łukasz Gliński » Funktionsanfragen
Would it be possible to see how the size of my stash changed in time? E.g. on the yearly basis?
2 13 June, 08:09
would love that too.... but scared of seeing it 😄 😄
7 July, 21:40
if you export your stash yo csv, you can see when kits where purchased, id you have added that information in your stash, of course
7 July, 21:59
Mike Bird » Funktionsanfragen
Is it possible to add a feature to mute users? There are occasionally people who aren't breaking any rules, but where I'd like the option to never see their posts and replies.
2 26 May, 13:43
7 July, 21:42
Spanjaard » Funktionsanfragen
in the last few days the thubnail of youtube linked videos in comments overlap the following comment posted. only happens when using firefox in mobile version. it is ok in desktop version
3 July, 08:00
this is fixed, at least new ones should no longer appear. If you see an issue please paste the link
3 July, 18:35
thanks, will do if I see one 🙂
3 July, 21:04
Steven Van Dyck@Feature Requests
Embedded Youtube videos in the comments appear over the next few comments, maybe it has to do with the video not having a still shot and Youtube showing a placeholder. I saw this on my Samsung 5G phone.
Stage fright | Album by wilky (1:10)
All comments (12) » 1 6 May, 12:27
this is fixed! thx for your patience
3 July, 18:23
Steven Van Dyck
It's fixed if you open the topic, but not in the feed.

3 July, 19:49
HyunMo Koo » Funktionsanfragen
This is a just some shower thoughts (well actually I'm in the bathroom sitting on the throne) but maybe we could have some sort of barcode scanner? If you upload picture while accessing scalemates (maybe using your phone or other devices with camera) it can scan the barcode and auto recognize the kit or something like that.
6 June, 13:46
well, you can search by barcode. you only need to type it 😉
for example if you search for 6947917000010 you get the two kits that seem to have it SCM Search: 6947917000010 (two boxings of the same kit)
of course it is possible that not all kits have the barcode entered in the database.
2 July, 20:59
HyunMo Koo
Yeah I know I can enter barcode numbers manually but I thought maybe mobile page of SCM can read barcodes automatically from the camera since I'm lazy 😁
3 July, 09:22
I would be a nice addition, no doubt 🙂
3 July, 13:48
Murfie » Funktionsanfragen
There has obviously been a recent change that impacts requests for instructions. Previously I was only asked to supply instructions if a kit was in my stash. Now I am being requested to supply instructions for kits I have previously finished. As I don't retain instructions after completion, I am unable to assist. Some of the kits in question were finished years ago. I think it would be preferable to return to the earlier logic that applied.

Thank you ...

I just became aware of the earlier request to alter this logic. Apologies ....

Is it possible to limit the request to those kits in the stash or started but exclude those kits which have been completed. If not then I can just delete those kits from my completed list.
2 18 May, 08:31
Eddie Mann
I would agree with not listing completed kits.
18 May, 09:29
Or perhaps show only recently compleated kits e.g in the last year.
18 May, 20:13
maybe an option to hide some would be a solution? you can hide the ones you no longer have. and people who keep the instructions will still be notified even if the kits are old.
2 July, 20:55
Jasper Breur » Funktionsanfragen
A notification system for the marketplace section seems like a useful addition, especially for kits offered for sale by other mates. It could be useful to receive a notification when a rare or hard to find kit you're after comes up for sale.
1 2 June, 12:24
2 July, 20:52
Rui S » Funktionsanfragen
Logging me out, every time I touch anything 😄
All comments (11) » 1 29 June, 11:58
thanks for fixing it! 🙂
30 June, 20:38
John Hughes
Yes, working now, thanks, but why does it keep reoccurring every few weeks?
30 June, 20:57
scalemates » Funktionsanfragen
Spam Radar does not work correctly with the many sister sites added
3 12 June, 20:33
30 June, 10:11
Thanks! One strange thing: see PM
30 June, 16:14
bughunter » Funktionsanfragen
If I set a project to "Completed" the is the question to set also a used kit to Completed. But after that my user icon was not shown in the Completed section of the kit?!
After I moved the kit to Stash and then again to Completed (the normal manual way), my user icon appears as expected.
Some action forgotten missing in the automatic move?
2 20 June, 20:43
this is fixed
30 June, 09:50
Thanks 👍
30 June, 13:36
Michael Kohl
"this is fixed"
You make ut sound like a 30sec job.
I said it before, I say it again: your efforts are not taken for granted and are highly appreciated and give a lot of joy to a lot of people.
30 June, 15:16
Sy Bar » Funktionsanfragen
This may not be a feature but an issue

Hi admin, I appear to have an issue with my latest album - “Corsair” when I go to the album it only shows 2 images however there are in fact 3 which do appear if you ‘manage’ the album can you please help as it made me add the last image 3 times before I notice it was there sort of.
NB if this is the wrong place for help please let me know where I should add it, cheers
2 29 June, 13:36
I see 5, maybe it auto fixed?
30 June, 09:15
Sy Bar
Ah yep I noticed it was working this morning and was singing your praises having fixed it over night 😆
30 June, 10:13
30 June, 10:14
Robin Vermeulen » Funktionsanfragen
I got notice on my albums like "'Mr X and 4 others" liked your album.
But i cannot see who the others are who liked the album. When i click on the likes button, it ads one more like instead of showing a list from who actualy gave the likes.
All comments (14) » 5 23 December 2023, 14:39
Rui S
Well this time I agree with you, both.
That's why I've never touched the like button and I intend (in line with what I said at the time it was asked whether or not to put it on the site) never to use it.
Buy the way I have two albums with some comments from mates that I haven't responded to/thanked yet because one has been stopped and I Stop Reply in 7 April 2023 and the other has been completed for a long time and my last comment is from 8 December 2023.
However, no one will be left without my answer or thanks as soon as I return to work at the bench and post some new progress photos.

P.S. and No I realize nos that I use newsfeed all/all/all/all but later use filter like álbuns or others.
27 June, 21:23
@Tim Vereecke
28 June, 03:48
Schwarzadler » Funktionsanfragen
What's the use of liking albums when it's impossible for a user to see a list of albums he/she liked or for the maker to see the list of users who liked an particular album?
26 June, 12:27
check SCM Newsfeed
27 June, 09:20
Lance Osborne » Funktionsanfragen
I'd like to be able to associate magazines to a project.
1 20 June, 04:32
I requested this last year already. so please like to vote for it:
SCM Newsfeed

Another mate requested that too:
SCM Newsfeed
20 June, 08:09
Lance Osborne
Thanks for the heads up, I've voted for both. This would be a game changer for me as I reference a lot of magazines for my projects.
20 June, 17:47
HSC1932 » Funktionsanfragen
Does anyone else have New releases, Hot kits, and New articles blank on the homepage?
18 June, 12:21
Francky » Funktionsanfragen
Implement a color picker in the paints section, pointing towards the nearest modelling paints.

I know, it will never be perfect but it may be helpfull.
4 9 January 2023, 16:02
this is started and almost working
25 March 2023, 15:04

I really think this will be a valuable addition
27 March 2023, 11:31
bumping this to ask if this is still progressing?
31 August 2023, 14:33
Can we have an update what the state of play is for this feature?
17 June, 10:38
theta » Funktionsanfragen
Hi there, is there a way to add a note for items in my wishlist? I'm thinking of a free form text box. Thanks!
13 June, 20:04
Jakko ‌ » Funktionsanfragen
A simple but useful improvement I’d like to request is to add id attributes to the H3 headers on the product pages. Just straightforward the text of the header would be best, IMHO, as that makes it human-readable right away: `<h3 id="facts">Facts</h3>` etc.

This will be handy for linking to specific parts of it from other sites, especially the instructions — too often do you have to explain to people to scroll down to get to those. (Yes, you could link to the PDF directly, but I’m no fan of deep-linking.) For the instructions, you could then perhaps even add a button `Copy link to clipboard` or something, that does just that.
2 7 June, 18:12
12 June, 20:37
Ozie17 » Funktionsanfragen
Hello, can you make it possible so that my stash is kept private from everybody, including registered users. Thank you
12 June, 10:58
A model builder I know has as a footer under his postings: "When I die, I hope that my wife does not sell the kits at the prices I have quoted her ..."
So to hide the value from the wife is may be a valid reason.
12 June, 11:17
will add that option
12 June, 20:36
Starbase101 » Funktionsanfragen
Very often I get auto-logged out, and when I log back in I've got access to my Stash, Albums, profile, etc....but NOT any of the feeds (News Feed, Feature Requests, Data Suggestions). When attempting to access any of the feeds I'm back to not logged in. So I log in again, go to a feed, and I'm logged out. Rinse and repeat over and over. I deleted the Scalemates cache cookie and logged in again and now it seems to be working. What's the point of storing data on a user's machine if it's not going to remain uncorrupted?
All comments (18) » 2 3 May 2023, 12:45
Just got "kicked out" of the site again. All I did to "offend" was reload the Newsfeed page.
20 April, 02:54
Just happened again.
12 June, 05:17
Mark DeBacker@Feature Requests
Is it possible to view a list of the items that I have entered (Contribute)?
2 8 June, 06:46
I don't think so. For 3-star users it is possible the other way around: via the "History" the changes on a kit by user and time are visible.
8 June, 11:59
I you visit my profile page and filter Private messages you see you latest contributions


8 June, 21:33
Mark DeBacker
Thank you!
10 June, 04:28
I'll mark this as solved for now, if more is needed let me know
10 June, 05:45
Dean@Feature Requests
Is there any chance a search by country or currency could be added to the Marketplace? Thanks
8 June, 11:20
HyunMo Koo » Funktionsanfragen
I wish there was a way to enter number of the same kits I have when entering my stash info. Or duplicate the entry. I sometimes get multiples of the same kit (usually customize materials) and it gets quite tedious entering 5+ of the same data.
3 5 June, 05:33
5 June, 08:17
scalemates » Funktionsanfragen
There are login issues for mates in Asia since a few days

3 June, 10:13
this is fixed
3 June, 10:14
Bob Hall » Funktionsanfragen
Possibly a category for the Automotive kits : a listing marked as : CURBSIDE / PROMO STYLE. as AMT is coming out with a lot of the Craftsman Series.and it lacks the detail of a FULL KIT.
2 24 May, 16:54
do you have an example of the kit details?

the issue with such a classification is that it is subjective. What is "enough" detail for a full kit?

There is already snap tite?
25 May, 16:24
Bob Hall
What is a curbside model car?

By contest standards a curbside is a kit with no opening panels (eg. doors, hood or trunk), judged at "curbside level of paint/body work and interior. It's now become a catch-all term for any kits - mostly Japanese, promo based annuals, and/or Snap-Tite kits that don't have any engine detail. As the definition from Model car Magazine.
25 May, 17:20
Bill Newcomer
While I am appreciative to get certain rarely released subjects a curbside, vs. nothing at all, my OCD compels me to add at least an engine bay via kitbashing.
31 May, 04:18
Nicolas » Funktionsanfragen
Hi, is it possible to add "donated" for the removed kits? We got sone events here where donated kits are auctioned /sold for good causes like cancer or alzheimer help.
5 8 May, 17:56
isn't that covered under "gift"?
25 May, 16:22
Gifts and donations are similar, but not quite the same thing. I think it makes a difference whether I make a friend / relative happy or support an aid organization and can possibly deduct the donation from tax.
27 May, 18:37
Thx! I'll add it
28 May, 05:30
28 May, 18:15
Garvin Lee » Funktionsanfragen
I've been trying to update my personal stash, but have not been able to add "new magazines" and also see that the "new paint range" button is disabled. Will they be implemented in the future?
28 May, 16:04
aetios » Funktionsanfragen
I wonder if it could be made possible to mark a kit you built as 'completed, but sold/gone/brokn and trashed/etc', so that you still show up in the 'completed' section. I built a kit for a friend and I am quite proud of having finished it (since I don't tend to finish many kits!) so I'd like to have the 'completed' badge of honor. I don't have it in my stash anymore though. It's just a small thing but it annoys me a bit! haha.
22 May, 13:01
Alex K
But... stash is precisely for the un-built kits in your possession... Of course you should mark this as "completed" (it will disappear from you stash, that's the point), regardless of where the finished model currently resides (your house/showcase, your parents'/friend's house, the trashbin, whatever!)
22 May, 19:15
Makes sense then! 🙂
27 May, 14:13
Raphael Holzer » Funktionsanfragen
Good morning,
at the moment the map in the categorie "shops" doesn't work. I'd like to Tell you this.

2 27 May, 05:31
SunTsu » Funktionsanfragen
Hello! A question for the developers:

Is it possible in the future to add the function of printing the list of magazines from the “store” and “wish list” to PDF? It would be nice to have the same option of “Kits” “Paintings” and “Books”!

Thank you!
3 29 March 2023, 08:07
moved to todo
11 June 2023, 18:17
Hi, when will this feature be implemented ? Thank You.
26 May, 18:04







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