Nem tudjuk, hogy mi van-e a dobozon belüli értékelés Piumini Trampio Ford Sierra RS500 Gr.A (#24081) tól től Tamiya.
Michael Kirby Is anyone interested in Australian 1/24th RS500 Touring Car decals?
19 April 2017, 20:09
Keitho Hey guys really trying so hard to find the old sierra cossie kit as it was a favourite of my Dads whom has passed away id like to pick up 2 but atleast 1 to build and put in a display case by his head stone as he loved tbem but cannot seem to find any and if i do find any they look for way to much money which is my 2nd problem i lost my job recently cause of the xocid but it was only parttime job so it was enough to pay bills an live out food on my table for me my partner and kits now ive to try get by on family supliment bassicly the Dole which i only am intiteleded to €135.50 a week so im trying to save to get up few bob to get this kit so putting in 10 a week since last week is gonna take a while to get it up for the cost of the kit and the shipping which is.also a killer nearly as dear as kit costs to post to Ireland well its what they ask for but if anyone has one a bit cheeper and has it for sale cluld u please contact me back on reply to this or my email address thanks for your time to read this and be great if this can help sort out my good deed to my Dad thanks again ????Keith