Plant 112 - Spring 1944 T-34/85 Model 1943 w/ Interior
D-5T Canone
MiniArt | N. 35290 | 1:35
I fatti
- Marca:
- MiniArt
- Titolo:
- Plant 112 - Spring 1944 T-34/85 Model 1943 w/ Interior D-5T Canone
- Numero:
- 35290
- Scala:
- 1:35
- Digita:
- Kit completo
- Messo in commercio:
- 2020 Nuovo stampo
- Codice a barre:
- 4820183313171 (EAN)
- Argomento:
- T-34 » Carri armati (Veicoli)
Contenuto della confezione
390x240x90 mm
(15.4x9.4x3.5 inch)
1040 g (2.29 lbs)
Boxart disegnato da Volodymyr Booth
Scaricare 9978Kb (.pdf)
Negozi online
USD 77.24
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Commercio e scambio privati
SKU alternativi per MiniArt 35290:
MINA35290 | MA35290 | MIA35290 | MNA35290 | 4820183313171 | MIN35290
Nota: Prezzi e disponibilità sono solo indicazioni. Controlla anche che il prodotto corrisponda effettivamente!
Prodotti correlati
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Barry Gleeson
As Miniart always seems to do with a tank series : starting with the great-Grand Daddy and going right to the youngest. Excellent!
As Miniart always seems to do with a tank series : starting with the great-Grand Daddy and going right to the youngest. Excellent!
18 February 2020, 16:34
With all of their running gear corrections, I wondered how long it would take MiniArt to come up with their own T34. Looking forward to this!
With all of their running gear corrections, I wondered how long it would take MiniArt to come up with their own T34. Looking forward to this!
29 January 2020, 10:15
Materiale di riferimento
Tutti i libri » (62 in totale) Tutti i walkaround (immagini dei dettagli) » (321 in totale)