Pz.Kpfw.III Ausf.F (3,7cm) (T)
"Operation Seelöwe"
Dragon | No. 6877 | 1:35

- メーカー:
- Dragon
- タイトル:
- Pz.Kpfw.III Ausf.F (3,7cm) (T) "Operation Seelöwe"
- 品番:
- 6877
- 縮尺:
- 1:35
- タイプ:
- フルキット
- 発売日:
- 2018 新箱
- バーコード:
- 0089195868770 (EAN)
- トピック:
- Panzerkampfwagen III » タンク (乗り物)
Panzerkampfwagen III
Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. F (3.7 cm) (T)
Wehrmacht Heer (German Army 1935-1945)
1940 World War 2 - Putlos Test Centre
プラスチックランナー, フォトエッチングフレット, デカール(水転写式デカール), ビニール
380x245x80 mm
(15x9.6x3.1 inch)
610 g (1.34 lbs)
Cyber Hobby
ダウンロード 3016Kb (.pdf)

CAD 124.95

€ 71.90

¥ 6240

zł 259.47

代替SKU Dragon 6877:
DRA06877 | D6877 | DRG6877
注意: 価格と在庫状況はあくまで目安です。製品が実際に一致するかどうかも確認してください。

WWII German Pz.KPfw.III (T) Ausf.F "Operation Seelowe" Basic for Dragon 6877, 6717
Voyager Model 1:35
PE35989 2019 新金型 
Track Links Tool for German Panzer III Ausf.G-N w/4 Plates Late Version
HobbyTrax 1:35
Metal or paintable plastic nameplate for:
Panzerkampfwagen IIIModel Monkey 1:35
np-Panzer III 2017 新金型 関連商品すべて » (414 合計)
このキットに関するレビューはまだありません Pz.Kpfw.III Ausf.F (3,7cm) (T) (#6877) から Dragon.

Floating snorkel buoy & long rubber hose accurately reproduced
- Depth markers are reproduced in full length
- Commander's cupola with DS waterproof cover
- Mantlet waterproof cover by DS materials
- Waterproofing parts around turret bottom are truly depicted
- Delicate hose racks are finely made
- DS track link provided for easy assembly
It was planned that Germany would conduct an amphibious invasion of Great Britain under the codename Operation Sea Lion (Seelöwe), and to this end a number of Panzer IIIs were especially converted into diving tanks. These were known as the Tauchpanzer III, and they had the ability to drive along the seafloor totally submerged thanks to a breathing apparatus. One variant prepared as a Tauchpanzer was the Panzer III Ausf.F, of which German industry produced 435 units between September 1939 and July 1940. They had a 3.7cm KwK L.46.5 main armament fitted in the turret.
Dragon’s newest 1/35 kit portrays just such a Tauchpanzer III Ausf.F made ready for Operation Seelöwe. This new kit comes with special enhancement for the benefit of modelers. There’s an accompanying two-figure combat camera team. These cameramen are in much demand because no other such cameraman figure combination exists in injection-molded plastic. The 1/35 scale tank comes with all necessary parts to make the diving tank, including waterproofing parts, floating snorkel buoy, depth marker, long rubber hose and etc. If modelers have never built a diving tank before, now is the perfect time to get their feet wet!
18 February 2017, 10:49

You would have to be certifiably insane to drive this thing into the sea! If your weren't mad when you went in, you would be when/if you came out. Did they ever test it in the sea Oleg?
18 February 2017, 15:28

The Germans - a pragmatic people, so the tanks have been tested. This is confirmed by numerous photos. But, of course, the tank did not have to overcome the water all the English Channel 🙂 The tank could operate under water for 20 minutes and had a maximum submerged speed of 6km/h. Tactics were developed to launch the tank from its parent vessel at a suitable distance from the shore using a hinged ramp. A gyro-compass was fitted for submerged navigation. Additionally, radio instructions from the parent vessel would be used to help the tanks navigate to the shore.
18 February 2017, 15:45

Thanks for the info Oleg - very interesting. I still think you would have to be as mad as a sack of squirrels, to even consider getting into one.
18 February 2017, 15:56
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