Thomas Mayer Roden really should check their parts, and pack them in individual bags, not all in a single one. Even the clear parts sprue is among the others, with no protection at all...
On my kit, the fuselage halves don´t match at all. Bend and distorted. Hoping for replacements...
19 December 2017, 15:48
Markus Antonius such a shame... i also have read about bent and crappy fuselage halfes 🙁
19 December 2017, 16:34
Thomas MayerSchrijver Roden finally managed to send me two new and undamaged fuselage halves. First try came in a flat paper envelope with the expected damage to the parts. Next shipment again came in a paper envelope, but this time the parts had been bubblewrapped. I wonder why they don´t make use of cardboard parcels...
3 March 2018, 10:53
Jens Roden /Ukraine, ICM und Zvezda haben auch von den Partnern aufs Dach bekommen, dann aber sehr schnell für Besserung der Luxusklasse gesorgt 😉