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Centurion Mk5 DK

Butlers Printed Models | No. | 1:100

Boxart Centurion Mk5 DK  Butlers Printed Models


Butlers Printed Models
Centurion Mk5 DK
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Centurion » Rezervoare (vehicule)

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Centurion Mk5 DK (Butlers Printed Models ) Centurion Mk5 AVRE 165 (Butlers Printed Models ) Centurion Mk5 (Butlers Printed Models ) Centurion Mk3 (Butlers Printed Models ) Marksman tanks (Butlers Printed Models ) Centurion Mk1 (A41) Prototype (Butlers Printed Models ) Strv 104 (Butlers Printed Models ) Olifant mk1A (Butlers Printed Models ) Centurion Sho't (Butlers Printed Models ) Istorie completă »

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Material de referință

Centurion Tanks of the IDF, vol. 10 (SabIngaMartin Publications 10)
Centurion Tanks of the IDF, vol. 10 188th Brigade Shot Tanks at the Golan Heights before the Yom...
Centurion Tanks of the IDF No. 10
Dr. Robert Manasherob
Centurion 1/35 Modeller's Guide (SMM Publishing SMMP01)
Centurion 1/35 Modeller's Guide The Early Marks
No. SMMP01
M.P. Robinson

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