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Nu știm despre niciun comentariu în cutie pentru acest lucru North American T-2A Buckeye (#BJ-5) din Esoteric Models.
Juan M Leria A suggestion:
What about to split the 'Detail and Conversion sets' category into 'Detail sets' and 'Conversion sets'?
Some models are available only by means of a conversion sets and it's easy to found one in a less popular subject, but it's really difficult among the mesh of products for the most popular ones!!
11 September 2012, 10:53
scalemates hi Juan, I'm not a fan to split this up. I deliberately merged them together as there is a gray zone between them. eg. What are "late style" exhausts to convert an early F-14D to a late F-14D?
11 September 2012, 12:53
scalemates Is a metal gunbarrel a detail set or a conversion set? Probably "depends on"?
11 September 2012, 12:54
Urban Gardini I'm in favor of keepin' it as it is now.