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Roland Sachsenhofer (Roland)

Arado 196A "Penang"


1 26 October 2013, 17:04
Roland Sachsenhofer
Hello folks, here are the first pictures of my second "Japanese" floatplane. Revells big Arados I have built are a good reference to Italeris version. What I like are the pleasant fit of parts and the very economical molding. Next is the engine...
26 October 2013, 17:10
Bill Gilman
Another classic in the making! 👍
26 October 2013, 18:41
Jean-Paul DEWAR
Nice work and paint Roland. Is this the kit part, or aftermarket?? I've also this kit but I've buy the Aires Cockpit for the A3 version and the aftermarkets of Quickboost. (LoL)

26 October 2013, 18:58
Albi Hitz
I'm sure ... another beauty ... You got some experience with the Arado 196 😉
and something different ...
27 October 2013, 16:57
Roland Sachsenhofer
Hello and thank you both!
The stuff you can see is all in the Italeri box. Jean-Paul, I don´t know those aftermarkets, but your Arado will look great, I am sure!
Albi, the "japanised" 196 is something special, I agree... 🙂
27 October 2013, 18:19
Roland Sachsenhofer
Some pictures of the ongoing build; the Arados fuselage, wings and floats are ready for the paintshop now.... The dolly has been weathered a little bit, now there will be decent amount of dirt 🙂
31 October 2013, 10:50
Roland Sachsenhofer
A little bit of wear and tear is prepared: Alclad "White Aluminum" has been sprayed on areas where slight abrasion will be shown. Next step will be a decent preshading and the painting of orange-yellow to the wings leading edges.
3 November 2013, 05:58
Arne Greve
Hello Roland,

great work and I´am looking for the finished plane.
You will build a japanese Arado? I´ve read, that the german Navy had some bases in south-east Asia during the War, but I never saw some photos. Have you some? I had the same idea like you, many years ago, but meanwhile I´ve canceled it.
3 November 2013, 08:01
Roland Sachsenhofer
Hello Arne,
thank you for your words! Nice to know you are interested in this matter, I can share the one and only picture of a "East Asia Arado" I know from: it´s from MMP Books/ White Series No. 9116: Kugisho E14Y Glen, the aircraft that bombed America" Page 66 and shows a Arado 196 of the Kriegsmarine base in Penang.
Would be intersting to get any other photo available- does anybody know of such pictures?
3 November 2013, 10:11
Arne Greve
Hi Roland,
cool, you send me the Link from JAM. I´ve been there a long time ago and forgott this site complete. Thanks for remember me. 🙂
I saw in a Model Kit Journal a light blue Arado in Asia. It was a colored photo. I guess, it is more than 10 years ago and I haven´t the Journal anymore.
4 November 2013, 09:28
Roland Sachsenhofer
A light blue Arado? Sounds quite interesting to me! Now I am even more interested in pictures... 🙂
4 November 2013, 16:28
Arne Greve
Yes, without markings. Only light blue. But I haven´t any pics. It was the Model Journal Jet & Prop. Long time ago.
5 November 2013, 14:01
Roland Sachsenhofer
the new pics show you the painted floats and fuselage. The weared areas have been revised to a certain extent: the abbrassions as you can see on the pictures did seem too flashy to me.
Next will be the decaling and some serious washing...
7 November 2013, 18:25
Jan Goormans
Following this closely, have one in 1/32 ready that is going to have the same camouflage.
So now I can see how it should be done 🙂
8 November 2013, 07:34
Heico van der Heide
Coming along nice!
8 November 2013, 10:14
Roland Sachsenhofer
Hello and thank you guys! Jan, I would not say that: there is a certain variety of possible appearances... I am looking forward to the next steps of your Arado build!
9 November 2013, 06:01
Stefan Fraundorfer
Servus Roland! Der Transportwagen ist super. Hast Du den scratch gebaut, oder war er im Bausatz enthalten? Die Arado selbst wird natürlich auch wieder ein Hammer.
9 November 2013, 08:12
Roland Sachsenhofer
Hallo Stefan, der Transportwagen findet sich im Bausatz, ist alles dabei... Wollte ihn schon etwas angeschlagen und mit freigelegter Grundierung zeigen, deshalb kam wieder die Methode mit flüssigem Abdecklack zum Einsatz. Danke für Deine Worte- wir werden sehen! 🙂
9 November 2013, 09:42
Torben H.
Very clean built so far. From what I've heard this kit isn't without its troubles. I have the Kagero Drawings Book of the Ar 196 in my stash. It includes some very nice markings for it:
9 November 2013, 10:06
Christian Keller
Wow sieht absolut toll aus.... eigentlich wie immer 😉.... und die japanische Version ist noch das Tüpfelchen auf dem i
9 November 2013, 10:16
Roland Sachsenhofer
Hello! It seems like I will have to build a fifth Arado... your link, Torben, was more than inspiring- the Swedish civil floatplane is definitly irresistible! I have just ordered the big Revell Arado 196 and the seductive Kagero "Arado 196 Topdrawings". As soon as it will have arrived, the kit will see my workbench. 🙂
Thank you all for inspiring!
9 November 2013, 11:46
Roland Sachsenhofer
Some new pictures of this build, which is in a rather "glossy state": decals have been sealed with Gunzes gloss clear. Next will be a final spray-session with matt paint, followed by the fitting and rigging of all parts to a complete Arado 196.
Indeed, Torben, this kit has its troubles. I guess general accuracy is inferior compared to the big Revell Arado, especially in the wing area- and some trimming and filling work has to be accepted as well.
10 November 2013, 10:09
Roland Sachsenhofer
My Arado project could be finished these days, all went well with this rather ill-famed kit. Fitting of parts, accuracy, the layout of the kits part and, last but not least, the choice of decal variants are aspects in favour of this Italeri kit.
I hope you will like the pictures- I played around with a piece of alu from a champagne bottle to get a kind of "canvas cover"...
12 November 2013, 20:30
Jean-Paul DEWAR
Hello Roland
Nice result at the end, but that's made funny to see an arado 196 in the Japanese colors. Lol
12 November 2013, 22:30
Wim van der Luijt
Very impressive build...had my eye on this model for a while good to read the kit doesn't live up to it's reputation
13 November 2013, 09:50
Roland Sachsenhofer
Thank you all guys! Indeed, I can´t complain about the kits behavior...
14 November 2013, 06:15
Christian Keller
Looks really hammermässig 😉
14 November 2013, 18:52
Roland Sachsenhofer
Thank you! Hammermässig? How passend, dass Arados in japanisch-green auch auf dem Hilfskreuzer "THOR" stationiert waren... 🙂
17 November 2013, 14:45
Arne Greve
Hallo Roland, als "Japan-Fan" bin ich vollkommen geplettet (die Jugend würde "geflasht" sagen). Die Farbe soll wirklich Grün sein? Für mich sieht es eher wie Braun aus. Welchen Farbton hast Du genau verwendet? Und kommt die Arado-San noch auf ein Dio?
19 November 2013, 09:32
Roland Sachsenhofer
Hallo Arne,
für das Aussehen dieser mysteriösen Penang Arados gibt es zwei Möglichkeiten: entweder wurden von den Japanern gelieferte Farben verwendet, oder man hat sich aus dem eigenen Sortiment -in diesem Fall wären das wohl RLM 65 und 72- bedient.
Nachdem ich nicht einmal mehr eine "IJN Green/ Gray" Variante haben wollte, war mir zweitere Möglichkeit sympathisch. Die Schwierigkeit: RLM 72 gibt es in der von mir bevorzugten Gunze-Farbpalette als fertig angemischte Farbe nicht. Deshalb habe ich hier zur selben Lösung gegriffen, wie beim ersten Arado 196 Bau: Modelmasters hat RLM 72 im Programm, allerdings klumpt das Zeug derart, dass es für mich ausschließlich Notnagel bleiben wird. Schau mal, jetzt verlinke ich Dich noch einmal zum JAM 🙂
Du hast recht, auf den Fotos kommt der Grünanteil ein wenig zu kurz, liegt wahrscheinlich an einem nicht so gelungenen Weißabgleich beim Fotografieren.
Ich hoffe die Erklärung ent-plettet Dich wieder ein wenig!
19 November 2013, 17:00
Wilfried Bogaerts
Cool !
19 November 2013, 18:12
Vorya hidaryan
very good job you done roland👍 i love it especially the cockpit.
19 November 2013, 20:47
Roland Sachsenhofer
Hello both,
thank you very much for your comments!
20 November 2013, 06:42
Arne Greve
Hi Roland, ich habe wieder meine normalen Maße erreicht. Dank Deiner Ausführung. 😉 Bei Farbangaben halte ich mich persönlich sowieso nur vage dran. Letztendlich leidet jede Farbe unter den äußeren Natureinflüssen. Ein Mitsubishi-Grün hat z.B. unter der Sonne des Südpazifiks schnell seinen Originalton verloren. Ebenso das Nakajima-Grün. Das hat z.B. aufgrund seiner hohen Braunanteile die Tendenz dazu, auch Braun zu werden, wenn der Farbauftrag nicht erneuert wird.
20 November 2013, 11:57
Roland Sachsenhofer
Hallo Arne,
ich glaube, wir beide sehen das recht ähnlich.
Die von Dir angeführten Umstände des Vergilbens und Ausbleichens macht den Modelllbau ja gerade interessant und geben Interpretationsspielraum. Kein Modell gleicht dem anderen- so wie ja auch deren Vorbilder vom Zahn der Zeit zu Einzelstücken geschmirgelt worden sind... 🙂
21 November 2013, 14:01
Arne Greve
Hi Roland, yep so sehe ich das auch. 🙂
21 November 2013, 14:10
Kevin Foureman
This version turned out great! I like that you are doing lesser built versions of this plane. Great work!
3 January 2014, 12:55
Roland Sachsenhofer
Thanks! I whas quite eager to build a "Japanese" Arado when I got to know about it.
3 January 2014, 20:16
Paul Tomczak
That is an amazing build! I did not know the 196 flew with Japanese markings. Well done and your weathering is perfect.
3 January 2014, 20:34
Roland Sachsenhofer
Your words make me glad- thank you very much!
3 January 2014, 20:39

Project info

39 imagini
1:48 Arado Ar 196A (Italeri 2675)

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