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Choppa Nutta
Choppa Nutta

All things Star Wars - GM Sci Fi GB 2016 :)


1 10 January 2016, 15:24
Cool... That's enough stuff to start a rebellion! It's nice to see someone else getting their Geek Off too! I have most of the AMT/Ertl kits sitting around now for more than 20 years, Bout time i got them built! 🙂
10 January 2016, 15:43
Choppa Nutta
Well the X Wing and Tie Fighters are about the right scale ish for your Hasbro Falcon 🙂
I'm hoping Hasbro bring out the Classics in 1/48 🙂
I also hope they do some accessory kits like 1/48 packs of Storm troopers and Speeder Bikes etc.
Really that AT-ST should have come with a couple of 1/48 Speeder Bikes and troopers 🙂
10 January 2016, 16:14
There's more Star Wars stuff coming out now every day and with at least another 5 movies to follow till 2019 i think there will be loads more too! And much better than the early inaccurate toys and models from 1977. I test fitted the engine LED's today WOW very bright! (More photos on my album page!)
11 January 2016, 02:24
Calvin Gifford
Where is the link for this GB? :-D I have not done one in some time!
4 February 2016, 19:03
Choppa Nutta
Hey Calvin, would be cool to have you join in 🙂

There are some great projects on the go and more variety than I first imagined too with only 3 other people doing Star Wars stuff, the rest is stuff from Machinen Krieger, Babylon 5, Manga Mecha, Comedy YooFoh's and some lovely scratch building too, I just love the variety of this GB 🙂

It's being held by Genessis Models, there is a subscription you pay for but if you go to the forum you can sign up to the forum for free and then go to the SyFy GB build threads section, create new topic and away you go, Look forward to seeing you there 😄

4 February 2016, 19:10
Clifford Keesler
My wife won't let me build any of mine! LOL.
4 February 2016, 19:46
Calvin Gifford
I looked around a bit but didn't see a Start/End date.
4 February 2016, 19:47
Choppa Nutta
it's in the rules section, sorry bud I forgot about that detail doh ! 🙂
Anyhow it's only been running a couple of weeks with 5 months to go -

- Start Date 9th January 2016 : End Date 30th June 2016 -

Anyhow, hope you join in as you got loads of time left 😄
4 February 2016, 20:25
Calvin Gifford
Sounds cool! I will have to sign up later.
4 February 2016, 22:57
Choppa Nutta
Sweet !!
will you be doing Star Wars by any chance ? 😄
4 February 2016, 22:58
Calvin Gifford
I had an AT-ST in mind 🙂
5 February 2016, 05:30
Choppa Nutta
A big thank you to Markus Antonius for providing me with the chunky magnet left over from his old Revell 1/72 "Magic Flight Fokker Dr.I" kit which I intend to use on my Revell 1:50 Snow Speeder to get a "floating" diorama which, if I can get it to work will look cool especially with some snow covered slate bits etc.
The idea is to hide the magnet in a scratch built blown up AT-AT foot made from a cheese spread tub 🙂
No doubt AT-ST will end up being a part of this diorama too, we shall see 🙂

Also another big thank you to Ken Kolenovsky for providing me with the molds he used for the tiles on his epic Death Star chase diorama one of which he scratch built referenced from the movie of course, the scale aint quite right for my AMT X Wing & Tie Fighters but will still look very cool though.

The link to his awesome project --> Bandai Star Wars Trench Run | Album by Collecting Many, Building Few! (1:72)

and cheers to my bro for getting the chunky lumps of slate for some mountainous outcrops which I have yet to decide how to use or "edit"
anyhow, whilst my Star Wars has taken a bit of a back foot for the moment I'm sure I will get back to it at some point in the near future 🙂
6 March 2016, 20:49
Calvin Gifford
7 March 2016, 03:09
Ken Kolenovsky
Hey Choppa! You may want to check this out:

About 2/3 the way down are "Death Star" plinth bases. Albeit they are flat, but it is another option!

1 April 2016, 16:40
Choppa Nutta
yeah they look pretty cool, it wouldn't take much effort in photoshop to knock a few of those up 🙂

and don't worry I haven't forgotten you 😉
might need another week or so if that's ok with you bud 🙂
1 April 2016, 17:09
Ken Kolenovsky
Not a problem Choppa! However...I do have another counter-proposal for you, if you are interested. Your Illustration/Photoshop skills far out-pace mine. How much work would it be for you to cobble together a backdrop of a "Star-Wars"-like forested landscape picture that I could print on some foam core. I am thinking that I could use it to place one of my 1/72 Bandai AT-ST's in front with some of my own "alien"-like vegetation (trees, bushes) on the sides. You wouldn't even have any shipping costs as a high-res pdf can be sent via Dropbox or some such service. Only requirements would be that it was roughly 12" high and 8"-9" wide so the trees can dwarf the smaller AT-ST.

Just a thought,

1 April 2016, 17:36
Choppa Nutta
yes I am up for that dude, and would be happy to do a few variations for you too and a floor if you want 🙂
Btw I think you mean the 1/48th Bandai AT-ST 😉
the size you want is about an A4 sheet of paper size, this would be just as easy to email you 🙂
1 April 2016, 18:08
Holger Kranich
Whats your plan with the rocks, Choppy???
1 April 2016, 18:19
Holger Kranich
And what is the stuff on pic 6?
1 April 2016, 18:20
Choppa Nutta
Had a quick search and this image struck me immediately ! 🙂
I'm thinking edit out the ferns in the foreground to avoid a conflict in scale and then add to the hieght of the trees and make the picture 2.5 times taller using bits from other pictures etc. to try and get it looking natural etc.

sound like a plan ? 🙂

1 April 2016, 18:24
Ken Kolenovsky
Sounds perfect to me Choppa! That way no pesky Paypal and I get a useful addition to my diorama range! are right sir....1/48 AT-ST!
1 April 2016, 20:42
Choppa Nutta
I have the same kit 😉 😄

and sweet as, I'll have it ready for you in the next 2 or 3 days 👍 🙂
1 April 2016, 21:22
Clifford Keesler
You really got bit by the Star Wars bug didn't you. LOL. My wife won't let me build any of my Star Wars or Star Trek stuff. I don't know what good they will do anyone sitting collecting dust. Other than my grandkids will fight over them when I kick off. LOL.
2 April 2016, 23:40
Choppa Nutta
haha Cliff, I got swept up in the hype preceding the new movie ... 🙂
you need to tell the missus "it's my hobby and I'll build what I want" 😉

Anyhow, you had better nominate who gets what in your will !! 😄
3 April 2016, 00:39
Clifford Keesler
4 April 2016, 14:00
M.Julian Marles
Awesome! Even more awesome parts of the next movie are going to happen in my hometown so I may get to work on it!
9 April 2016, 03:15
Choppa Nutta
That would be awesome for you Julian if you can work on Star Wars !!
I think Disney are gonna milk Star Wars for everything they can get out of it, prequels, side stories, alternate characters etc. etc. I reckon we'll be getting a Star Wars movie every year from now on...
which could be cool, just as long as JJ Abrams isn't allowed anywhere near it 😄

Anyhow the latest pic is a photoshop job for Ken to use as a backdrop on his Bandai At-St 🙂
I have just noticed a couple of errors annoyingly, will fix them though 🙂
9 April 2016, 10:39
Choppa Nutta
Christian Lehmann awesome AT ST with hand carved Ewoks !
With added backdrop just coz, nice inspirational piece though, love everything about it 🙂
16 June 2016, 12:45

Album info

My intended collection for the Genessis Models Sci Fi Group Build 🙂

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