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Siegfried Mühlnikel (Traum_Tahiti)


Album image #1
This is the top of the kit. Das Deckelbild des Bausatzes. 

Album image #2
This is the upper part of the hull. As you can see it is very huge for a 1/72nd scale model. 

Album image #3
The three upper parts belong to the stand. 

Album image #4
These parts are all the details which come with the kit.  

Album image #5
So, here I go with the internal details. This is the floor of the salon. 

Album image #6
The floor fitted into the hull.  

Album image #7
This will be the "Great Salon". As you can see, all is done from sheet plastic and tubes. Now I'm going to call it a day. 

Album image #8
This picture shows the organ's pipes. Hier kann man die Orgelpfeifen sehen.,  

Album image #9
These are the parts which belong to the salon. Diese Teile gehören zum Salon. 

Album image #10
This is the organ made of resin. Das ist die Orgel, der ich mich zuerst widme. 

Album image #11
This is the keyboard for the organ - nothing but black resin. Das ist die Klaviatur für die Orgel - nichts als schwarzes Kunstharz.  

Album image #12
These are the pipes of the organ. As you can see the large letter "N" is dominant everywhere. Das sind die Orgelpfeifen. Wie man sehen kann, ist der Buchstabe "N" überall dominant.  

Album image #13
This is the complete organ. Even the seat is not missing. Das hier ist die komplette Orgel. Sogar der Sessel fehlt nicht.  

Album image #14
Here one can compare with a Two Euro Coin. Hier zum Vergleich ein Zwei-Eurostück.  

Album image #15
This picture shows the rear wall of the salon. Diese Bild zeigt die Rückwand des Salons. 

Album image #16
These parts belong to the salon. Diese Teile gehören zum Salon. 

Album image #17
This is the orgen at the place where it belongs to. So, hier ist die Orgel an dem Platz, wo sie hin gehört. 

Album image #18
The next details are the teardrop cushions which were placed at the roots of the ballast tubes. Die nächsten Details sind die tränenförmigen Sitzkissen, die an den unteren Enden der Ballastrohre platziert waren. 

Album image #19
A view to the organ - just like a member of the crew might have been able to see it. Ein Blick auf die Orgel wie sie ein Besatzungsmitglied gesehen haben könnte. 

Album image #20
Slowly the view turns to the other side of the hull. So langsam geht der Blick auch in die andere Richtung im Rumpf. 

Album image #21
Here one can see the first of the rear walls of the salon. Hier kann man den ersten Teil der Rückwand des Salons sehen.  

Album image #22
This is the complete rear wall of the salon. Even the desk is there. Now I'm going to get some carpets for the salon. 

Album image #23
These are the parts for the small exhibition table which was placed in the middle of the salon. Das sind die Teile des Ausstellungstisches, der in der Mitte des Salons platziert war. 

Album image #24
That's how the table looks like when it is finished. So sieht der fertige Tisch aus. 

Album image #25
The same table from a different angle. Derselbe Tisch aus einem anderen Winkel.  

Album image #26
These are the parts for the small fountain which was at the forward side of the salon. Das sind die Einzelteile für den kleinen Springbrunnen am vorderen Ende des Salons.  

Album image #27
That's how the small fountain looks like in my model. So sieht der kleine Springbrunnen in meiner Nautilus aus.  

Album image #28
This picture shows a complete overview of the salon. Dieses Bild zeigt einen Gesamtüberblick über den Salon.  

Album image #29
That's how the salon looks like after all the sidewalls were mounted round it. So sieht der Salon aus, nachdem die Seitenwände angebracht wurden.  

Album image #30
That's the wiring for the lighting. Das sind die Kabel für die Beleuchtung.  

Album image #31
That are the very small LEDs or the lighting. Das sind die sehr kleinen LEDs für die Beleuchtung.  

Album image #32
Now the salon is being mounted into the hull. Nun wird der Salon in den Rumpf eingebaut. 

Album image #33
Unfortunately that's all left to be seen from the outside. Leider ist das alles, was man von außen sehen kann.  

Album image #34
These are the sidewalls of the steering house. Or as we would call it today: The Bridge. Das sind die Seitenwände des Steuerhauses oder wie wir es heute nennen würden: Die Brücke. 

Album image #35
Here they built into the steering house. Hier sind sie in das Steuerhaus eingebaut. 

Album image #36
Here you can see it from a different angle. The hole behind the steering house is the stair which leads down to the map room. Hier kann man es aus einem anderen Blickwinkel betrachten. Die Öffnung hinter dem Steuernhaus ist die Treppe zum Kartenraum. 

Album image #37
That's how it looks like if you have a view from the outside into the steering house when it is illuminated. So sieht ein Blick von außen in das Steuerhaus aus, wenn es beleuchtet ist.  

Album image #38
This is how the steering house looks from the inside. Two yellow, two red, and one white LED are now mounted on the walls and the ceiling. So sieht das Steuerhaus von innen aus. Zwei rote, zwei gelbe und eine weiße LED sind an den Wänden und der Decke.  

Album image #39
That's how it looks with the lighting from the outside. So sieht es mit Beleuchtung von außen aus.  

Album image #40
A view into the steering house without lighting. Ein Blick in's Steuerhaus ohne Beleuchtung.  

Album image #41
Another view into the steering house. Ein anderer Blickwinkel in's Steuerhaus.  

Album image #42
A view from the outer platform into the steering house. Ein Blick von der äußeren Plattform in's Steuerhaus.  

Album image #43
This is a view into the hull of the Nautilus. As you can see you don't see very much. Ein Blick in den Rumpf der Nautilus. Wie man sehen kann sieht man nicht viel. 

Album image #44
Now the large panorama window is attached to the hull. For that the upper halve of the hull had to be removed. 

Album image #45
That's how the electric power comes into the model. 

Album image #46
That is something I didn't expect with a kit like this: Such large gaps! I don't know if there is a part missing or if there are supposed to be sealings. I just don't know. 

Album image #47
Here one can see it even better.  

Album image #48
This is my solution: White glue! But one can also see that the glue has to be added in several layers.  

Album image #49
After the white glue has dried I cut off the exceeding glue with a scalpell. Nachdem der Weißleim getrocknet ist, habe ich das überschüssige Material mit einem Skalpell entfernt. 

Album image #50
Now I added some paint but the result is far from satisfying. I think this needs to be redone. Anschließend habe ich ein bisschen Farbe hinzugefügt. Aber das Ergebnis ist nicht sehr zufriedenstellend. Ich denke, dass ich nochmal dran gehen muss. 

Album image #51
Now the propeller and the rest of the stearing mechanism is added as well. Die Schiffschraube und der Rest der Steuerung wurden nun auch hinzugefügt.  


29 March 2018, 09:43
Siegfried Mühlnikel
This will be my new project: The famous submarine Nautilus.
29 March 2018, 10:01
😎 I'll take a seat 🙂
30 March 2018, 11:13
Björn Svedberg
Count me in, I want to see this! 🙂
31 March 2018, 18:34
Felix Kronlage
Yeah! Am definitely going to follow this.
31 March 2018, 21:42
Siegfried Mühlnikel
Thank you very much, mates. The next thing I'm going to do is the organ. Maybe I can complete it today. But I'm not sure.
1 April 2018, 08:21
Siegfried Mühlnikel
i just added the picture of the organ's pipes.
1 April 2018, 16:20
Are they plastic or metal?
1 April 2018, 16:55
Siegfried Mühlnikel
They are plastic tubes.
2 April 2018, 06:51
Thank you, they are look nice 👍
2 April 2018, 07:29
Siegfried Mühlnikel
Now, if you want to hear/read something funny: I just saw an interior set for this kit of the Nautilus. I think I'm going to order it. It'll take one or maybe two weeks longer now but I think it's worth it.
Wenn jemand einen Witz hören möchte: Soeben habe ich im Internet einen Bausatz für die Inneneinrichtung dieser Nautilus gesehen. Ich werde ihn mir bestellen. Das dauert jetzt zwar eine Woche oder zwei länger, aber ich denke, dass es das Wert ist.
2 April 2018, 09:11
Siegfried Mühlnikel
Today I was informed that the interior set for the Nautilus is now in the German customs office and I hope that I will be able to pick it up very soon.
10 April 2018, 09:26
Bart Goesaert
interesting, is this interior kit 3D-printed?
10 April 2018, 10:30
Siegfried Mühlnikel
No, I don't think so. But I can tell you when I have it in my hands.
10 April 2018, 11:00
Siegfried Mühlnikel
Today I received the interior parts for my Nautilus. They are not 3D-printed. They are moulded in resin.
12 April 2018, 14:52
Siegfried Mühlnikel
The first thing that I'm going to put my hands on is the organ.
12 April 2018, 14:53
I'm looking forwar to see pics 🙂
12 April 2018, 15:11
Siegfried Mühlnikel
Now, I'm happy to continue with the Nautilus.
14 April 2018, 14:55
Siegfried Mühlnikel
The next picture shows the beginning of the works for the salon. Das nächste Bild zeigt den Beginn der Arbeiten am Salon.
15 April 2018, 07:40
The Add-Parts looking very nice 😎
15 April 2018, 07:43
Schönes Modell. Die Orgel sieht schon mal super aus.
15 April 2018, 08:43
Siegfried Mühlnikel
Danke schön, Leute.
15 April 2018, 11:38
Siegfried Mühlnikel
So, this is the last picture for this weekend.
15 April 2018, 16:20
Hi Siegfried, maybe you can give me a link where I can get the detail set for this Nautilus?
Thank You! 🙂
21 April 2018, 10:05
Siegfried Mühlnikel
Even when it is a superb weekend - a little bit of modelling is always possible.
Auch wenn es ein Superwochenende ist - ein bisschen Modellbau geht immer.
21 April 2018, 10:06
Thomas Mayer
An organ in the salon! That´s what the boys on a Type VII may have dreamed off... 😉
21 April 2018, 17:20
Siegfried Mühlnikel
@Thorsten Wendt: Here is the link for the detail set.
22 April 2018, 08:05
Siegfried Mühlnikel
I think in a type VII submarine there wasn't enough physical and even less mental space for such an instrument.
22 April 2018, 08:07
Thomas Mayer
I know. This is why I made this 😉 behind my post!
22 April 2018, 16:17
Danke Siegfried 🙂
22 April 2018, 18:11
Wim van der Luijt
very nice project! I remember the movie too, must be great to be able to build a memory like that
22 April 2018, 18:25
Siegfried Mühlnikel
Thank you very much, mates.
23 April 2018, 06:01
Siegfried Mühlnikel
Today I continued with my project of the Nautilus. Heute hab ich an meinem Projekt Nautilus weiter gemacht.
29 April 2018, 08:34
Beautiful 😎
29 April 2018, 11:21
Siegfried Mühlnikel
Thank you!
29 April 2018, 13:07
Jozef Goos
looking verry good nice model
29 April 2018, 13:34
Siegfried Mühlnikel
Thank you very much.
29 April 2018, 14:17
Siegfried Mühlnikel
A small update for the salon and the hull.
1 May 2018, 12:06
I really like it 👍
1 May 2018, 12:37
Siegfried Mühlnikel
Thank you.
2 May 2018, 07:33
Bart Goesaert
looks good so far...
2 May 2018, 10:47
Siegfried Mühlnikel
Thank you.
2 May 2018, 13:11
Siegfried Mühlnikel
Inspite of the beautiful weather a small update. Trotz des schönen Wetters eine kleine Aktualisierung.
6 May 2018, 11:11
Siegfried Mühlnikel
This weekend I couldn't do as much as I wanted to, because I had so much to at the house. But I hope that you will like it anyway. Dieses Wochenende konnte ich leider nicht so viel machen, wie ich gerne hätte, da ich so viel am Hause erledigen musste. Ich hoffe dennoch, dass es euch trotzdem gefällt.
13 May 2018, 13:10
Siegfried Mühlnikel
So, that's been it for this weekend. So, das war's für dieses Wochenende.
13 May 2018, 16:46
Siegfried Mühlnikel
A small update for the Nautilus. Not much but better than nothing.
3 July 2018, 09:13
niels wilhelm
Beautiful-could never afford that kit--so I scratch built one from balsa wood sticks and stretched paper.
3 July 2018, 17:30
Siegfried Mühlnikel
Thanks, Niels. Yours doesn't look bad either. My Nautilus is a once in a life-time model. It's not very accurate but I like it anyway. There are a few large gaps which I filled with white glue and painted them over afterwards. But in the end it is something beside the main stream and an eye-catcher during model exhibitions.
4 July 2018, 06:15
Siegfried Mühlnikel
That is something I didn't expect with a kit like this: Such large gaps. But I found a solution: white glue. This has to be added in several layers so it takes another few days just to get this window ready.
Das habe ich bei einem solchen Bausatz allerdings nicht erwartet: Solche große Lücken. Aber man wäre ja kein Modellbauer, fände man dafür keine Lösung: Weißleim. Dieser muss allerdings in mehreren Schichten aufgebracht werden, da er ja ziemlich schnell verläuft und sonst dort hinlaufen würde, wo man ihn nicht gebrauchen kann.
13 July 2018, 07:24
Wim van der Luijt
good progress, I've used white glue as a filler too, but it shrinks quite badly so several layers are indeed neccesary. Switched to perfect plastic putty since, excess can be wiped away with wet fingertips....very nice product
26 July 2018, 09:18
Siegfried Mühlnikel
That sounds very good indeed. Where can I get it from? I think the shrinking of the white glue comes from the water in it. Because it is water soluble and the water will evaporate with the time.
26 July 2018, 09:21
Wim van der Luijt
I got it as a gift, not sure where it came from....sorry
26 July 2018, 09:44

Album info

Who does not remember the famous submarine from the Walt Disney Film "20.000 leagues under the sea"? I was always looking for a model of this submarine since I saw this movie for the first time. I had no luck until recently. I bought this model right away because I had to have it. Now as I got it I must say that I didn't believe that it was so huge. It measures from nose to tail more than 70 cm(!).
And here I'm going to build it.

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