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Palo M (Muro)


Album image #1
A big waste of time. None of this is visible in the end. I'm glad I stopped before painting. In the end, I just painted all lower interior in black. 

Album image #2
The engine came in some 30 pieces and I added wires. Unsure if it will be visible, but was a delight to put together and paint. 

Album image #3
Engine painted before adding a wash. Maybe a bit too saturated, but the wash toned it later down. Finding the right colors from online photos was a challenge, historical are all B&W, new ones often don't have the engine open. I think this should be generally correct, but would appreciate if someone can correct me. 

Album image #4
The engine got the wash and is fully installed. Don't know how I'll make it visible in the end. 

Album image #5
Wheels have an interesting construction - a rod fits between the two wheels and turns freely, its end will later be glued to the tank. A bit hard to hold, but seems to work. All are spotting a brand new shade of MRP 4BO now. 

Album image #6
This was a ton of work. About 80 links per track, 3 pieces per link. 

Album image #7
Some hook to hold the steel rope in place. One broke, so I built a replacement from wire and Tamiya masking tape. 

Album image #8
Trying the fit, comes together nicely. It is more difficult to separate it again. 

Album image #9
Primed and applied pre-shading. Still getting used to MRP paints, I kept the paint running and ended up with a few unwanted lines. This is not vallejo, I can stop painting for a while and it won't clog. 

Album image #10
First layer of green is on. 

Album image #11
Experimenting with distressing. 

Album image #12
Engine fits well, creates a bit of color. 

Album image #13
Album image #14
And some vertical streaks with oil paints. 

Album image #15
A comparison for a future project - Tamiya IS-2. Surface details look very sad compared to this Bronco KV. Periscopes are moulded as part of one kit, the texture is so slight, it could be considered missing. It will be a lot of work to bring the Tamiya kit to the same standard.

Well done, Bronco! 

Album image #16
This model took forever, but I'm now calling it done. Final touches came courtesy of vodka bottles from miniart, leaves cut with RP tools and some pigments. 

Album image #17
View from the back, two specialists discussing next steps. 

Album image #18
A better look at what the two experts are discussing. 


4 30 May 2020, 06:55
Slavo Hazucha
I guess the Soviets just put everything they could think of on the KV chassis... 😄 Is that basically an IS-2 turret there?

Great looking engine - you are not seriously keeping it under the cover? 😮
1 June 2020, 10:13
Palo M
The cover is there to prevent the engine from turning green 🙂 I'm now experimenting with Vallejo chipping medium and MRPaint. Vallejo says to only combine with acrylics, we shall see. As MRP doesn't provide a good "booklet" of what their colors look like, I tried all shades of green I have to find on that works best. I think I'll go with MRP-102, SEA green.

I did find an online reference to their colors, however the shade they show for MRP-26, 4BO, is nothing like what it looks like on the tank. Thus, I'm spraying it on some spare parts to see what it actually looks like.
1 June 2020, 13:49
Palo M
Turns out, MRP over Vallejo chipping medium is fine.
29 June 2020, 20:46
Slavo Hazucha
Very nice vivid green! 👍

brings back memories on exactly how my 30l Aquarium looked like a couple of years ago, shortly before some final decisions had to be made...😉
30 June 2020, 13:20
Palo M
Did you put a glossy varnish on it and applied washes and oil paints? How did that turn out?
30 June 2020, 15:30

Album info

Got a Bronco KV-122 on the cheap. Never heard of either Bronco or KV-122 before. Bronco was a nice surprise, parts are nicely moulded, fit very well together. There was no flash and the model needed only a small bit of putty.
KV-122 turns out was a prototype to test a larger caliber gun, I think it ended up in some IS tank afterwards. I'm not too excited about it, but like the overall menacing shape.

18 imagini
1:35 KV-122 (Bronco CB35122)

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