Russian 9A52-2 Smerch-M Multiple Rocket Launcher
of RSZO 9k58 MRLS
Trumpeter | No. 01020 | 1:35
- Бренд:
- Trumpeter
- Наслов:
- Russian 9A52-2 Smerch-M Multiple Rocket Launcher of RSZO 9k58 MRLS
- Број:
- 01020
- Размера:
- 1:35
- Тип:
- Целовита макета
- Издато:
- 2015 Нови алат
- Бар код:
- 9580208010205 (EAN)
- Паковање:
- Чврста кутија (са поклопцем)
- Тематика:
- BM-30 Smerch » Самоходна артиљерија (Возила)
Садржај кутије
Пластична смрека, Пхотоетцхед фрет, Гума
580x360x110 mm
(22.8x14.2x4.3 inch)
2143 g (4.72 lbs)
Бокарт дизајнирао Vincent Wai
Временски оквир производа
Немамо тачна упутства, али их имамо за:
(9P117M1) Launcher with R17 Rocket of 9K72 Missile Complex "Elbrus" (Scud B)Trumpeter 1:35
01019 2014 Нови алат Мултитема (2)Преузимање 21573Kb (.pdf)
Интернет продавнице
USD 91.24
На лагеру »USD 92.24
На лагеру »USD 108.29
На лагеру »USD 134.49
На лагеру »USD 73.74
Расположиво »USD 134.30
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TR01020 | TRU01020 | TRUM01020 | TRU1020 | TRM01020 | TRP1020
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Lee Gower
Not for the faint hearted, a big kit with masses of detail. Missile tubes are difficult check out YouTube on how to assemble them apparently the instructions in the kit are wrong (Meng version)Otherwise it's fantastic
Not for the faint hearted, a big kit with masses of detail. Missile tubes are difficult check out YouTube on how to assemble them apparently the instructions in the kit are wrong (Meng version)Otherwise it's fantastic
30 April 2020, 11:27
A lot of interesting stuff on sale these days. I wish they weren't that expensive, but I can understand that some stuff is better than others. Ship kits imo are the worst, at least with new molds and seemingly ok molds can warrant a higher price. Having said that I try to always read reviews, never ever thinking a kit is good because it is new mold, or because of the brand name. :|
A lot of interesting stuff on sale these days. I wish they weren't that expensive, but I can understand that some stuff is better than others. Ship kits imo are the worst, at least with new molds and seemingly ok molds can warrant a higher price. Having said that I try to always read reviews, never ever thinking a kit is good because it is new mold, or because of the brand name. :|
30 April 2020, 11:45
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