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stevejack » 功能建议
Is it possible to filter search results by a kit's tooling date? Sometimes I just want to show kits which have been tooled in the last 5 years for example. It would save having to click on each kit to work out whether it is a recent tool, or just new parts / decals etc. If there's already a way to do this please let me know, thanks everyone.
18 October, 03:45
Eddie Mann
You can filter by "Origin" for new tool, rebox etc, and "Released (Decennium)" which gives you 10 years.
18 October, 15:45
Starlag » 功能建议
Is there a way to search (or one that can be implemented) for a part from a kit that is not sold separately? i.e. if you are missing or have a damaged part from a kit
17 October, 18:50
Trev » 功能建议
To send a message to all members with a particular kit in their stash to see if they want to sell.
16 October, 19:04
Rodion Akhmetov » 功能建议
It is necessary to be able to change the structure (add) topics, for example, you need to add the Infinity category with subcategories (Nomads, O12, etc.). But this requires special rights, I have level 0, and it does not rise in any way, I added one instruction, made edits, but the level is still 0. Help who in to the topic, add categories for the Infinity game universe!
p.s. now all Infinity figures are in "Science Fiction - Other" category
All comments (5) » 7 October, 11:08
anyway, if you want the categories added, you can provide a list and one of the members with the right to do it, can get that added
15 October, 11:38
Eddie Mann
The contributor page was suspended as the processing load was too heavy.
15 October, 14:08
Spanjaard » 功能建议
When i go to contribute page, I see the kits that i have that are missing instructions in the database. but for the looks of it, the page only shows first 15. every time I scan a new one and add it to the database, I see a new kit appearing in the page. It will help a lot if we can see the complete list and be able to pick several ones in one go (for example if you do not have them all in the same room)..... please correct the page to show them all. maybe a limit of 3000 or something, like when you see your stash, etc. that will not be a problem for most of us 😉 . if the query in the database makes that page slow, and you want to keep it fast for those that only want to add new kits, materials, tools etc, then show the 15 it does now, and add a button to show the rest for those who need it.
All comments (6) » 1 13 October, 22:38
but i like the idea of being able to exclude some if you do not have the instructions for them.
14 October, 20:54
i see that we have a line saying "Full Health checks" which leads to another page with lots of information, but still shows the same 15 kits missing instructions
15 October, 11:10
Spanjaard » 功能建议
it will be great to have a filter for location/status etc when we are in stash page. it was suggesting that on SCM Newsfeed but since the original post was about stash location it may have gone unnoticed
2 26 September, 15:03
location is a filter that we could make use in multiple places in the site, for example in the contribute-missing instructions
14 October, 20:53
HawkEXO » 功能建议
Newcomer here. This community is amazing and this site could easily become the centerpoint of the modelling community and I would love to see that happen. I strongly recommend making a mobile app that works like Facebook so users could scroll and scroll and like and comment, get push notifications, etc. Would greatly grow user engagement. Not a small ask I know, but it's just a recommendation because I want to see this community and system keep growing. Scalemates is something the modelling community has needed for decades. Thanks for the wonderful online tools you have provided. It's really something great.
12 October, 21:28
Martin Oostrom
The last thing this site needs is turning it into farcebook.
The website is working fine as it is and an app is nothing more than a shell around a website. And it is a lot of work to keep an app working on all platforms like iOS or the gazillions of Android versions
13 October, 06:58
fully agree with Martin. besides, you can keep scrolling, liking and commenting, in its current form 😉
13 October, 22:46
scalemates » 功能建议
On the sidebar, the list with "New releases" and "Hot kits" should not contain the product you are currently looking at.

2 13 October, 10:01
13 October, 10:02
Prairie Models » 功能建议
It would be very nice if when a kit has no reviews, a review from a kit of the same family/mold could be shown, similar to what is already done with instruction manuals. It would be great for something like the Hasegawa F-4s, where there may be 50 boxings and only one has a review, so you could just have that one review on all of the other boxings' pages to see a review of something that is essentially the same thing with different decals.
1 13 October, 03:01
Starbase101 » 功能建议
I always view the News Feed filtered to My Topics. Starting yesterday, I'm seeing photo album posts in my News Feed for topics that are not in my favorites list. Why am I now seeing posts for topics that I'm not interested in? That is the point of filtering.
All comments (21) » 2 17 September, 02:04
Cool, thanks.
13 October, 00:45
(Shouldn't empty topic names get automatically reported to you so they can be deleted?)
13 October, 00:46
scalemates » 功能建议
Implement new view transitions API for smoother navigations in Chrome/Edge/Chromium.
1 12 October, 19:53
12 October, 19:53
Spanjaard » 功能建议
if I click to edit a comment on mobile version, if i have more tha a couple of words, I can only edit part of the comment. the box continues to the right and it is ot possible to reach the part that falls out of the screen..... only option is to turn the screen, so I can see it all
when you enter a comment, it is ok, you see several lines. but if you try to edit, then you can not.
11 October, 20:44
this seems to happen when editing comments rs I the newsfeed. and not with all postings. for example I can edit my previous post in thus thread, but not post at 22:29 in Finished - With a little help from a friend | Album by Christian Bruer (1:72) (when in the newsfeed)
11 October, 20:47
when editing second post of this thread, ihave the problem as well, or this one too, but first is ok
11 October, 20:48
Robert Stappers@Feature Requests
It would be very welcome to know who is looking after the kit, I am offering. Is there a clever/fast method for this? Maybe via automatic messaging in Scalemates?
All comments (5) » 1 13 July, 12:55
Martin Oostrom
It works the other way around. If you offer a kit for sale, those with the kit on the wishlist get a notification
10 October, 05:43
Robert Stappers
Ok, thanks
11 October, 06:08
D. Ninetalis » 功能建议
Is there actually a dark mode for the website? If so I can’t see where to select it, and if not, we really should have had that by now.
1 3 September, 18:19
Eddie Mann
It is WIP.
4 September, 10:18
D. Ninetalis
I see, I hope we can have that soon then! 🙂
4 September, 11:56
Martin Oostrom
The days are getting darker here in the North. So a dark mode becomes more desirable by the day 😁
10 October, 05:40
D. Ninetalis
Yeah, I really hate that when I open up this website at night it just hurts.
10 October, 06:28
HyunMo Koo » 功能建议
When uploading multiple photos to album, photos will get rearranged depending on what gets "processed" first. (I mean period during uploading and then progress circle displaying.) I'm guessing files with lower size and/or detail gets processed first and then get in front of the album. If I select multiple files to upload, I can see it is in correct order in the upload queue displayed below "Select Images" button but when I get into "manage" screen or look at the actual album it is rearranged.

(FIY if you're testing this feature with Windows machine, if you click the last file first and then shift click the first file in the "select images" dialog you can get the files into upload queue in the order you see in the explorer popup. I found that if you do ctrl+a or select first image first then order is somewhat random. It happens on all places so it is a bug or quirk of windows explorer.)

If you're uploading series of photos about some build process it is a hassle, especially because of small preview and amount of time takes to rearrange pictures on the "manage" screen.

I wish that there was a way to sort the files uploaded by filename or at least retain the order the upload queue has in the manage screen.
6 28 January, 09:30
Alexander Grivonev
Bumping this request. It has bugged me for a long time too. Any chance for looking into it?
8 October, 18:31
nice to have, indeed
8 October, 22:00
Eric V » 功能建议
Will there be an app for iPhone and Android in the future?
2 23 September, 18:31
Why? Which feature do you miss in a (mobile) web page?
There are app requests marked as "Unlikely" already, e.g. this one:
SCM Newsfeed
FYI there is a prototype of the mentioned bar code scanner, in the web page.
Personally I prefer mobile web pages over installing apps.
8 October, 17:23
Eric V
Thanks for the reply. I like apps over browsers on a phone. I think it is easier to switch between an app and an open webpage of a webstore to compare items.

Also in an app it is easier for example to take pictures and directly upload them in the app.
8 October, 19:18
Robert B » 功能建议
A way to ask a general questions to members about modeling topics. For instance I have in my stash the GWH L4822 dual role F-15E, but the older box art version. Now there is a newer box art (white background)version with the same SKU and UPC codes. They appear to have the identical wording on the boxes.
It would be great to have a way to reach out to other Scalemate members and ask question like the one above. Like a forum…..
5 October, 22:44
scalemates » 功能建议
The first minutes after adding a new Review some technical information is visible in the newsfeed.
1 3 October, 16:11
fixed 👍
3 October, 16:11
Kesa Tiho » 功能建议
It would be nice if we could rate the instructions in the quick look rating feature. Like paper damage, instruction understandability, etc
2 October, 17:46
komoras » 功能建议
Hi Tim,

Can we get an option to turn off the "sells an item on your wishlist" notifications?
I have 1000+ items on my wishlist and get bombarded with multiple of those notifications every day.

Thank you in advance.
4 10 September, 15:55
it was requested in SCM Newsfeed but i have not seen updates about it being implemented. maybe it is good to have it here as a new request (the other has status "implemented")
26 September, 21:36
in the above mentioned request, Tim asked if the request was
A) globally enable/disable these notifications.
B) enable/disable them for specific kits only

both would be great, so for those who do not want the notification at all, they can cancel them with just one click (option A). but having the B also available, would mean that if you turn the notification for a few kits, you will get notified only for those, and not for the other. if too much work, then global only will be the best.
27 September, 10:32
Jasper Breur » 功能建议
A notification system for the marketplace section seems like a useful addition, especially for kits offered for sale by other mates. It could be useful to receive a notification when a rare or hard to find kit you're after comes up for sale.
All comments (20) » 2 2 June, 12:24
Personally I use the wishlist to help my wife, relatives and friends to buy model kits as presents for me, and occasionally when I'm out shopping to see if they have something that's on there or when I find an interesting looking kit in a shop with plans to buy it at a later point, so more of a "kits I may be interested in getting at some point in time" list.

If disabling notifications is implemented I would suggest including a way to do a bulk action for enabling/disabling them especially for the people with huge wishlists.
4 September, 11:27
I just want to add to this topic (I also made a similar request - SCM Newsfeed )
Having an item on the Wishlist, doesn't mean I want to buy it through scalemates, so having that notification is of no value to me, just pure spam.
And of course over the decade I gathered hundreds of kits on my Wishlist and also few hundreds less in my stash, do not see the reason I should feel guilty with that 🙂

It would be best to have the option to disable/enable such notifications.
27 September, 10:19
yngvenett » 功能建议
Paint purchase and storage. I can't find a way to specify purchase and/or storage of paint, the way I do for kits and other tools. It would be helpful, so I hope it is possible to include it.
27 September, 10:04
René "Lord Bilbo" Bartholemy » 功能建议
So, I moved recently and am in the process of reinstalling my man cave/modelling desk. Apparently, some tools, paints and figures have been lost during the move (yeah, it really sucks), but I can't say what exactly is missing.
Could there be a function where one would simply fill a checkbox for every item in the inventory that has been verified as still existing and, at the end, just show the things that haven't got checked? (some function simulating an inventory)
Or would you have any other idea to get the same result?
1 26 September, 14:17
not sure if you are using the option adding the location to all your stash items (room, shelf etc). if you do not use that, you can start moving them to a location "checked"/"missing", or maybe use the stash comments to mark what is checked or missing. i suggested to have a filter for location when we are checking our stash, but there was no reaction about it (SCM Newsfeed) i just requested as a separate request. SCM Newsfeed
26 September, 15:03
i hope eventually the missing objects appear. good luck with the move, that is always quite a mess
26 September, 15:04
René "Lord Bilbo" Bartholemy
I like your idea !

Actually, the move was just from one room of our apartment to a smaller one. My daughter just became 18 and we wanted to give her a bigger room for her birthday...
Everything on my desk had been put in a grey plastic bag and, apparently, "somebody" mistook that bag for a bin liner and trashed it.
26 September, 20:09
that is painful .... 🙁
26 September, 21:41
Eddie Mann » 功能建议
Until recently the "New topics" section would only hold a few entries, it is now going back to 21st February.
25 September, 17:38
Eddie Mann » 功能建议
Twitter (X) URL's are loading with two "x.com/";
Example: SCM Brand: Tomoprepa JP
On SCM: twitter.com/x.com/tomoprepa
On X: x.com/x.com/tomoprepa
25 September, 17:30
René "Lord Bilbo" Bartholemy » 功能建议
Is there a possibility to add einther a "Note" or a weblink to a book?
Some of the very old books can only be gotten in PDF format.
For one of my projects, I found this: westernfrontassociat..8-pounder-field-gun/
I just added this book to the DB, but have no way to share the link.
1 25 September, 10:53
Schwarzadler » 功能建议
I never disabled to comment on any of my albums but I noticed suddenly it was disabled on some of them without me disabling it. What's wrong?
23 September, 19:35
AndreasK » 功能建议
On the club pages, link to upcoming events are missing, even though an event links to the organising club:

33. Modellbau-Ausstellung PMC Main-Kinzig (28. и 29. Сентябрь, Gelnhausen DE)
23 September, 10:18
Francky » 功能建议
could this kind of page ALCE617 Mil-Spec Olive Drab (BS381C-298), Alclad II Matt, Enamel, 30ml

be improved with a filter to select particular brands of paint?

Or am I missing the obvious again 🙂
10 September, 13:57
You can filter to your preferred paint ranges clicking "my"?
21 September, 14:54
I have updated my preferred paint ranges in my profile, and now it indeed works. Clicking "my" gives me the options for the above ALCE 617 paint where I previously got nothing suggested.

Problem solved, but perhaps a bit disturbing from a a technical point of view. 🙂
23 September, 09:54
Ben M » 功能建议
The topics page has layout issues on iPhone:
Topics page layout bug | Album by Bourgeois Detailism
22 September, 23:17
Ben M » 功能建议
The "like" button is getting slower and slower. This has been noticeable for some weeks on both iOS and desktop browsers. Sometimes the "like" doesn't take effect. I just noted it took 4 seconds on desktop. Because it takes so long sometimes I click a second time and then unlike, and then a third time to like again.

Not sure anyone else is experiencing this?
All comments (6) » 6 10 September, 21:56
Eddie Mann
OK here, thanks.
21 September, 19:30
Ben M
Seems much more consistent and <= 1s.

Thank you!
21 September, 23:47
theta » 功能建议
Hello there. Ever since joining a year ago, I've been getting "Bad Gateway 502" errors occasionally, maybe once every 3-4 weeks. It happens on my phone as well as my computer. It goes away after a few hours. Do you know why this is happening? Thanks for looking into this, and keep up the great work. Love the site.
All comments (5) » 20 September, 03:36
Ben M
It occurs while the author of the site is making changes / doing maintenance.
20 September, 11:50
Mr James
Ah, I didnt think of that.
20 September, 12:09
Chester S. A. Reginald Berwick, Duke of ... » 功能建议
It appears that filling in multiple topics for books is not possible. This feature could be quite useful, for example, in the following situation:
Book: Aichi D3A ('Val') & Yokosuka D4Y ('Judy') (by M. C. Richards, Donald S. Smith)

Aichi D3A ('Val') & Yokosuka D4Y ('Judy') (Profile Publications 241)
15 September, 22:07
I got a book about the Mistel. Here the Ju- 88, Bf-109 and FW-190 would be useful.
16 September, 17:29
Llyr » 功能建议
A random selector button for my stash so when you don’t know which kit to build then you can press this button and it selects a kit for you.
15 September, 21:00
Alexander Grivonev
you can download your stash as a PDF at the end of your stash page. It will be listed with numbers, then you can use a random number generator online.

This one is good: random.org/integers/
15 September, 21:10
Paul Walsham » 功能建议
Is there a good way to link to printable stl files on sites like cults and thingyverse? Or have a way to sell your own stl files directly from scalemates.com?
14 September, 13:01





