The North American P-51 Mustangs of George Preddy
Eagle Editions | No. EagleCals EC32-100 | 1:32
- Marca:
- Eagle Editions
- Titlu:
- The North American P-51 Mustangs of George Preddy
- Număr:
- EagleCals EC32-100 (Sunt de asemenea listate ca EC#100)
- Scară:
- 1:32
- Tip:
- Decalset
- Subiect:
- North American P-51 Mustang » Elice (avioane)
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Nu știm despre niciun comentariu în cutie pentru acest lucru The North American P-51 Mustangs of George Preddy (#EagleCals EC32-100) din Eagle Editions.
9 imagini
"Cripes a' Mighty 3rd" 1:32
This was fun to see. May, 2019 issue of Finescale Modeler. They printed pics of all the winners of a D-Day themed online...
Proiect: "Cripes a' Mighty 3rd" with base
Material de referinta
Mustang Aces of the Ninth & Fifteenth Air Forces & the RAF [reprint]
Aircraft of the Aces No. 7
Jerry Scutts
20xx The North American P-51 Early Mustang (Second Edition) (including the A-36A, P-51, & P-51A to C)
Airframe & Miniature No. 6
Richard A. Franks
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